Contracted military selection point. Contract Service: Basic Requirements

Anyone who wants to serve in the army can come to the military selection site under the contract and, having passed all the selected events, sign an agreement. However, before recovering to serve, candidates are selected. All requirements for citizens wishing to become military are established by Article 33 of the Federal Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

Candidate Requirements

Each selection point for military service under the contract carries out selection in accordance with the requirements for candidates specified in the legislation. Under the law, military service is possible for all citizens under a contract. Requirements:

  • age from 18 to 40 years;
  • there is education not lower than secondary general;
  • a citizen meets the requirements for physical training;
  • meets the requirements of psychological and professional.

There shall not be any open investigative, judicial cases, penalties received as a result of the conviction against the candidate. A citizen must have a clean reputation at the time of signing the contract. He should not have an outstanding conviction.

Contracted Military Selection Office

The selection of candidates is carried out on a competitive basis for the selected position. If a citizen meets all the standards and also has excellent physical training, then the state can sign a contract for military service with him. The first contract is concluded for a period of three years and a trial period of three months. If during this time a military citizen does not confirm his suitability or changes his mind to serve in the army, then he has the right to break the contract and return home. After the trial period, the contract is more difficult to terminate.

On specific vacant places directs the selection point for military service under the contract. They can send:

  • A soldier who has expressed a desire to serve under a contract after conscription. In this case, the contract begins on the day following the day the appeal is completed. However, not every conscript can remain in the army, but only those who have successfully completed military-special registration training.
  • Reserves. All citizens staying in reserve can sign a contract.
  • Women not arriving in stock.
  • Men with higher education who are valuable for military service.

Contractor salary

Going into the army is always interested in the salary of a contractor. In 2017, it will be established by two documents: Federal Law of November 7, 2011 No. 306- "On the monetary allowances of military personnel" and Government Decree of December 5, 2011 No. 992 "On the establishment of salaries for the monetary maintenance of military personnel under the contract." According to these documents, the salary of the defender of the homeland is calculated as shown in the table below.

Contractor salary

The basic part of the salary consists of the position and rank. Various allowances are constantly being added to established salaries. It can be:

  • Lifetime allowance.
  • Qualification.
  • Terms of Service.
  • Achievements during service, etc.

Every year, the military receives financial assistance in the form of a one-time payment, bonuses for excellent service.

Average earnings

The average salary of a contractor in the country is as follows:

  • Private - 32,000 rubles;
  • sergeant - 44,000;
  • lieutenant - 56,000.

Military Service Contract Requirements

In addition to salaries, contractors receive benefits, compensation for the material plan. These include:

  • Compensation for rental accommodation. When living in a rented apartment, the military is partially compensated for the costs. For each region, the rate is set separately. So, in Moscow the compensation is 15,000 rubles, in other cities the amount is different.
  • When moving to a new duty station, the military receives a lift. This amount is paid not only to the contractor, but also to all members of his family.
  • Upon dismissal from service (with experience of 20 years), the military receives a lump sum in the amount of seven salaries. If the experience is less than 20 years, the contractor will receive two salaries in the form of a lump sum.

Social package

Going to the contractual military service selection point, each candidate should know that, in addition to salaries and various surcharges, the military is provided with a social package of benefits.

Sign a military service contract

It includes:

  • Medical service.
  • Service housing for the period of service.
  • Certificates for the purchase of housing.
  • Early retirement (with a length of service of 20 years, even if the contractor is 45 years old).
  • Providing form, food.
  • Life insurance, health. If a soldier gets injured while serving, he will be paid 2 million rubles. In the event of death in the service, the family will receive compensation in the amount of 3 million rubles.

Recruitment of contractors is ongoing. At any time, a citizen can apply to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence and, after passing all the commissions, go to the armed forces for military service.

Receiving rejection

The Commission has the right to refuse a candidate for military service in accordance with Article 34 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service". The grounds for refusal may be:

  • Lack of vacancy claimed by a citizen.
  • Non-compliance of the candidate entering the service with the requirements established by law.
  • Based on the results of the competition, the commission selects other candidates.

Recruiting Contractors

An army service contract cannot be concluded with the following persons:

  • in respect of which a criminal case has been instituted or a conviction has been passed;
  • with prisoners;
  • in the presence of an unexpunged or outstanding criminal record.

Despite the possibility of receiving a refusal, rarely did anyone make a commission. Most often, all comers who fully comply with the requirements are hired for the contract.

Selection of candidates

When selecting candidates for military service under the contract, the commission takes into account a variety of qualities. During the selection, psychological preparation for the upcoming service, speed of thinking, sociability, and professionalism are evaluated. Health is necessarily evaluated. There are categories of suitability of citizens for service.

  • A - suitable;
  • B - suitable with minor restrictions;
  • B - limitedly suitable;
  • G - temporarily unsuitable;
  • D - unsuitable.

Citizens whose health corresponds to groups A and B are called up for service. The remaining groups are eliminated by the commission and cannot be called up.

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