The effect of cold on the body, naturally, in reasonable doses, has a rather beneficial effect on humans. This fact was noticed by our distant ancestors. For the restoration of vitality, the treatment of various diseases and, in fact, hardening, the healers of ancient times used precisely the healing properties of the cold. Modern cosmetologists also adhere to this idea. Based on this, one of the most relevant and advanced technologies actively used in cosmetology today is cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen.
Cryotherapy is called treatment with artificial cold, which causes the stress state of the human body, actively affects the improvement of blood circulation, the formation of necessary hormones, the regulation of metabolism and many other processes that ultimately allow you to preserve beauty, youth and health for a long time.
Modern cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen involves exposure to ultra-low temperature air (up to - 150-160 degrees) or inert gas - nitrogen, using a variety of specialized procedures. The consequences of such "shock therapy" are striking in their results, because it is strengthening the nervous system, and restoring muscle tone, and accelerating blood circulation, as well as cleansing blood vessels and increased metabolism.
Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is divided into the following types:
- General - for its implementation, a special cryochamber is required, where the human skin is cooled to 0 degrees and experiences real temperature stress. You can stay in the cryochamber for no more than 3 minutes. This time is more than enough to stimulate the activation of metabolic processes and protective functions of the body;
- Local - implies the complete or partial immersion of the body in a gaseous medium with a temperature of 120-160 degrees. In order to avoid frostbite during cryotherapy, all limbs and respiratory organs must be protected with woolen socks and mittens, as well as with a cotton-gauze bandage. Such a procedure will have a rejuvenating effect on the whole body;
- Private - the use of any kind of cold at home. The most common βtoolsβ for cooling are cold water and ice. Basic treatments include body wraps, a cold bath or shower, and ice packs. All of them help get rid of muscle fatigue and swelling and increase skin tone.
An indispensable condition of the procedure - cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen has the right to be carried out only after a medical examination, which includes an electrocardiogram, consultation with a physiotherapist, as well as a general analysis of urine and blood.
The main purpose of this cosmetic procedure is to smooth out small wrinkles on the face and neck, that is, general rejuvenation of the skin. With the help of cryotherapy, you can properly take care of your entire body, face skin, hair and more.
Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen of the whole body requires complete immersion in a cryocamera. And facial cryotherapy involves the use of cryomassage and requires the use of a single applicator, previously immersed in liquid nitrogen. This method of rejuvenation activates the metabolism in a matter of seconds, and then the blood supply to the skin. After treating problem areas of the skin with quick movements of the applicator, the skin begins to burn strongly. As a result, the cheeks are covered with a healthy blush, and wrinkles are smoothed out.
So, the increased popularity of cryotherapy in recent years is easily explained. After all, this unique technique is not just a cosmetic procedure for the body, but also therapeutic and wellness for the soul. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen is attracting more and more attention from both women and men. But before deciding to carry out such a procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. And such, of course, are available.
So, cryotherapy contraindications:
- Absolute contraindications:
- chronic diseases of the nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular and urinary systems;
- thromboembolic pathology of the great vessels;
- expressed pathology of arterial vessels - Raynaud's disease, arteritis and vasculitis;
- Relative contraindications:
- acute infectious diseases - acute bronchitis, flu, acute respiratory viral infections and so on;
- psycho-emotional unpreparedness for the procedure;
- claustrophobia;
- chronic and acute blood diseases.
Take care of your beauty, but not to the detriment of your own health!