For welding, electrodes are constantly needed, and in large quantities. That is why they are purchased in batches, depending on the required diameter. In large enterprises, consumables for welding are stored in specially designated premises, but few know how to store them. The question arises about the shelf life of the electrodes. This is important both for large enterprises and for small firms that are engaged in welding only occasionally. Consider the rules for storing the main consumables for welding. How to extend its term of use, because the quality of work will depend on this?
How to store?
The shelf life of the electrodes directly depends on how to store them. For this, not only a room without high humidity is used. Perhaps the use of special equipment that protects the surface of the electrodes from the negative effects of the external environment.
Most often, electrodes are stored in warehouses where it is dry and warm.
The storage rules for the electrodes are as follows:
- temperature conditions above +14 ° ;
- indoor air humidity up to 50%;
- the use of air conditioners for ventilation in enclosed spaces;
- waterproofing the warehouse to prevent moisture from entering.
It is important to adhere to the temperature regime and prevent its fluctuations, as this affects the surface of the consumable for welding and the quality of subsequent work.
To increase the shelf life, you can use special pencil cases, boxes or pallets. Do not store electrodes on the floor, as they may get wet when condensation forms. You can keep them in a box, but if you do not use all at once, you should tightly close the packaging.
Electrode Shelf Life
Storage features directly affect the shelf life of the consumable, which, subject to all standards, can be long.
All storage features must be strictly observed according to the regulations of GOST 9466-75 or GOST 9467-75. This applies to both manufacturers of consumables for welding, and consumers who purchase electrodes in large quantities. Even during transportation, the goods should not be at risk. Although moisture-spilled supplies can be dried or hardened.
The shelf life of a consumable can be unlimited if stored properly. If there are certain drawbacks during an external examination, you can get rid of them by drying, cleaning or other operations. Those electrodes that have completely deteriorated should not be used, although they can be used for educational purposes. Existing deficiencies are easy to identify visually.
Why do i need to bake electrodes?
To remove traces of high humidity and extend the shelf life of the electrodes, you can use an operation such as calcination. This is necessary so that during operation, slightly spoiled consumables do not stick to the weld.
In order to calcine the electrodes, construction companies use special equipment. Each open new pack must be used up completely. If unused electrodes remain in it, do not store them in an open space or basement.
How to choose the type of electrodes for welding?
Not sure how to choose electrodes for welding? Then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the criteria for their selection.
Here are some things to watch out for:
- The thickness of the metal product on which it will be necessary to impose a welding seam (the higher the diameter of the electrodes, the greater the thickness of the metal).
- Steel grade (stainless steel, ferrous metal, heat-resistant, etc.).
- Features of welding, that is, how the weld will be applied to the product (horizontally, vertically, top to bottom, etc.).
- We determine the current by the electrode.
Each type of electrode has its own current parameters, and the manufacturer indicates them on the product labeling. Experienced welders use a special formula for this.
Varieties of electrodes in diameter:
- Electrodes (2 mm) - current 40-80 A. They are considered the most finicky consumables, as they are designed for thin sheets of metal, require special skills to perform high-quality work.
- Electrodes (3-3.2 mm) - current 70-80 A (at constant current) and 120 A (at alternating current).
- Electrodes (4 mm) - current 110-160 A. Work with thick sheets of metal.
- Electrodes (diameter from 5 mm) - a professional consumable used for surfacing, not welding.
How to understand that electrodes are no longer suitable for welding?
Many are interested not only in the question of how to store electrodes according to GOST 9466-75, but also how to check their expiration date. It is not always possible to accurately determine the storage or transportation conditions, since the electrodes can be bought by companies. For this, a visual inspection of the welding material is performed.
If the consumables look externally without defects, the coating does not crumble, then such an electrode is still suitable for welding. If, however, there are small defects on the consumable, they can be cleaned or dried.
You should not use low-quality or used consumables when performing important tasks or those that require precision. Not only the appearance of the weld, but also its quality depends on this. It is definitely worth checking the electrodes before starting work.
How to extend the shelf life of consumables for welding?
Storage standards according to GOST apply to coated metal electrodes for manual arc welding. But what can extend the shelf life of such supplies? The use of pencil cases, thermoses, which maintain a certain temperature in the package. It is such devices that can significantly extend the life of the electrodes, especially when they are used infrequently.