Reins: what are they, why are they needed, what is the meaning of the phrase “release the reins”?

With his own forces, a person will travel long distances extremely slowly. Therefore, one cannot do without a horse: he will lift a large load, and the journey will greatly accelerate. That's just trouble with understanding! Animals obey words and gestures with difficulty, plus - this requires an incredibly long and complex training. Another thing is direct contact with the horse's body. This is where the subject comes in handy. And what are the reins and how to use them - will tell any rider.

Field practice

The term refers to the simplest leather belt, although modern capabilities allow the use of alternative material. The classic occasion should be slightly tightened for more responsive control. If he sags or the rider pulls too much for him, living transport will come out of obedience. In the best case, it will turn off the road and go to the nearest juicy bush, at worst it will buck up, stand on its hind legs, throw an inexperienced rider or gallop. A very dangerous situation! That is why young and novice jockeys should deal exclusively with supervision.

The phrase “release the reins” has the most literal meaning: you give freedom to the horse. Hence the figurative meaning - voluntarily give up control of a situation or person.

The traditional design prescribes to attach the strap to the fishing rings, which practically cut into the lips. This does not cause injury, but it turns out to be very unpleasant. In addition, solid elements with improper fit and strong jerks can hit the animal in the teeth, causing pain.

Reins help control the horse

Path selection

A reason is needed to set the direction. Pull with the fingers of your right hand, and turn it in the same direction, with your left - and the desire will come true again. If you make a small synchronous effort and pull both straps - the horse in an attempt to avoid discomfort will gradually slow down. With more decisive, sharp actions, it will stop altogether. However, such behavior is considered bad form, a demonstration of unrestrained disposition and disrespect for a noble steed, which causes all sorts of disapproval.

At the very beginning of the training, the horse learns what reins are when the trainer sets the correct position of the head and neck. It is necessary that they do not get tired during a long ride, do not obstruct the view and are combined with the belt control system as much as possible.

Weakened reins make you feel free

Terms of use

Some enthusiasts manage to ride bareback, forgetting about comfort, and without stirrups, managing their own heels. But if you want at least minimal control, under no circumstances forget about the occasion and do not let it go of your hands. This applies to both access to the racetrack and any life situation!

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