Face pore narrowing at home: effective cosmetics and home beauty treatments

When the face has enlarged pores, this makes the skin loose and heterogeneous. Any tonal foundation for a while masks flaws, but after 1-1.5 hours the cosmetic product falls into the hollows, and the color becomes heterogeneous, and any unevenness is clearly outlined. Typically, this phenomenon can be observed on oily or combination skin.

Cleansing and narrowing of pores on the face will help to cope with this problem. You just need to find the right approach.

facial pore contraction

Reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores

Children's skin is perfect from all points of view. It is tender, very smooth and velvety, with a uniform color. Of course, there are no expanded pores on it. This flaw appears over time, under the influence of external and internal factors, namely:

  1. Poor-quality cosmetics. We are talking about those funds that strongly “clog” the pores on the skin, preventing them from functioning normally. Through thin channels in the skin, a secret is secreted. When the hole is covered with powder or foundation, like a cork, the secretions expand the pores from the inside. As a result, wanting to mask an uneven complexion with inexpensive cosmetics, the girls create a much bigger problem for themselves. Toning agents, creams, proofreaders, etc. can clog pores . To avoid this, you should buy cosmetics marked “non-comedogenic” (such remedies do not clog pores).
  2. Heredity. Some women constantly use masks to narrow pores on their faces, go to various salon procedures, and still can not cope with the problem. Others never come across it, or it appears in small areas of the skin, such as on the wings of the nose. Beauticians have not come to a consensus, is it possible to eliminate enlarged pores, if this sign is inherited. Some experts believe that when choosing the right tools, this is possible. Others think that even the most effective procedures will bring only temporary results. Although both are inclined to believe that trying is still worth it.
  3. Hormonal background. The whole life of a woman consists of fluctuations in the hormonal background. A surge of hormones occurs during puberty, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and during menopause. Significantly affect the condition of the skin and monthly cycles in the body of a woman. All this can lead to the appearance of enlarged pores. Therefore, with hormonal imbalance, it is important to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin and not abuse the dense tonal foundations.
  4. Wrong diet. From "bad" food, people not only get fat. The use of fatty and smoked products, sweets and pickles leads to deterioration of the skin, as they are catalysts for enhanced secretion of skin secretion. Therefore, in overweight people, the skin is often oily, with enlarged pores. And thin people who abuse junk food and other junk food have similar problems. Therefore, first of all, to narrow the pores on the face at home, you need to observe a diet, namely:
  • eat mainly boiled, raw, stewed dishes;
  • introduce as many fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits as possible into the diet;
  • fill the lack of animal fats with the use of linseed and olive oil;
  • eat lean fish instead of meat;
  • not eat a lot of sweets.
the best way to narrow pores on the face

Already 3-4 weeks after switching to a healthier diet, you will notice a noticeable improvement in skin condition.

  1. Alcohol and nicotine. These addictions do not add to the girls neither beauty nor health. And if some people still argue about alcohol, since there is an opinion that a small amount of wine will benefit, then it is definitely worth giving up cigarettes.
  2. Sun rays. Too much sun causes the skin to become dry in places and oily in places. Because of this, enlarged pores appear. So you need to dose the amount of sunlight that gets on the skin, namely:
  • Do not go to the solarium often;
  • limit the time spent in direct sunlight;
  • Do not neglect protective creams.

Salon treatments

Effective narrowing of pores on the face is possible with the help of various cosmetic procedures. There are quite a lot of them, and they are designed to solve the widest range of problems. Initially, a cosmetologist examines the skin, then makes a conclusion about the appropriateness of using one or another method. He offers his options to the visitor, and already she chooses the necessary procedure, based on her preferences and financial capabilities. You can usually select something from this list:

  • Cryotherapy. Shock cooling of the skin. Pores instantly decrease, and the production of skin secretion decreases several times.
  • Chemical gentle peeling. It is carried out using various fruit acids. This method is suitable not only for dealing with enlarged pores, but also for general skin rejuvenation.
  • Mechanical peeling. An effective procedure, however, most cosmetologists do not recommend its use. This is a rather traumatic way to clean your face.
  • Photorejuvenation. Imperfections are affected by a dense stream of radiation (laser), due to which the skin becomes smoother and younger.
  • Microdermabrasion. Deep "grinding" of the skin with a special nozzle with diamond coating. The procedure will help get rid of small wrinkles and enlarged pores.
  • Darsonvalization. Or ultrasonic facial cleansing. Helps to cope with acne, inflammation of the skin and wide pores.

Not all women can afford to pay for salon treatments. In addition, to achieve the effect, cosmetologists recommend taking a full course, consisting of 5-10 sessions. Therefore, many girls solve the problem of enlarged pores on their own, using affordable cosmetics and folk methods.

narrowing of pores on the face at home

How to narrow pores: recommendations and preventive procedures

The narrowing of the pores on the face at home is not a one-time operation. The problem must be fought constantly, using all possible methods. To achieve the most pronounced result, you need to use a few simple rules:

  • To clean the skin every day. Twice a week you can use scrubs, the rest of the days - lotions.
  • Wash only with cool water, as hot water expands the pores.
  • Means for washing should be selected on a glycerin basis or with the addition of a softening or moisturizer.
  • Wash your face daily with special decoctions of herbs, with a drying effect. For example, from calendula, chamomile, lavender, coltsfoot, nettle, linden flowers or oak bark.
  • Wipe your face with ice cubes every day.
  • Drink plenty of fresh, clean water. A lack of fluid in the body leads to withering of the skin, loss of elasticity and the appearance of various flaws on it.

Face brushes

One of the best means for narrowing pores on the face is a special brush with soft nozzles to gently cleanse the skin of dead skin. With this device, you can conduct gentle peeling, which deeply cleans the microchannels on the face. And soft massage movements will help to create a more even relief.

facial pore narrowing reviews

Ice cubes

What can be done to narrow the pores on the face? According to many women, ice cubes can help in solving this problem. They wipe the face, as a result, the microchannels are narrowing greatly. According to cosmetologists, the effect of the procedure will be noticeable. But we must not forget that cryotherapy will be effective only if a preliminary cleaning of the face from skin secretions, sebaceous plugs and dirt is carried out.

Ice cubes can be made from ordinary clear water. But it is best to freeze decoctions of herbs from chamomile or coltsfoot, or green tea.

cosmetics for narrowing pores on the face


Creams for pore narrowing can be divided into two types: cosmetics and pharmacy products. Cosmetics with an appropriate mark usually have a mild effect. But they well moisturize the skin and deeply nourish it. Pharmacy preparations contain acetylsalicylic acid, zinc, bodyagi, that is, those substances that dry the skin, eliminate inflammation and greatly narrow the pores. They are more effective in solving the indicated problem, but have pronounced side effects in the form of dryness and peeling.

It is best to use both of these creams alternately to maintain balance.

homemade mask for narrowing pores on the face


Cosmetics for narrowing pores on the face on store shelves are represented by the widest assortment. Among these products there are a lot of different ready-made masks. But the most popular products based on white or blue clay. They help get rid of black spots and enlarged pores.


Sometimes women choose other methods to combat enlarged pores. They do not reduce them, but disguise them. With the help of specialized cosmetics based on silicone, which like plaster fills all the bumps and makes the face perfectly smooth. However, cosmetologists do not recommend the use of grouts on an ongoing basis. They are good as a temporary tool, for example, if you need the perfect make-up on some special day. But their frequent use will only exacerbate the problem.


The narrowing of pores on the face at home can be done with skin serums. They smooth out the smallest irregularities and make the complexion more even. According to many women, this is one of the best tools in the fight against wide pores. Serums will save the skin from greasy shine, and the face will become smooth and matte.


Tonic is a universal remedy. With it, you can get rid of dead scales, cleanse and moisturize the skin. Daily use of it will reduce the dilated sebaceous ducts and prevent the appearance of new wide pores.

Homemade lotion

Lotions are needed to rid the skin of greasy shine. To narrow the pores on the face at home, you can use any finished product, except for alcohol-based lotion, since they dry the skin very much. And you can make it yourself. To do this, finely chop the mint leaves and cucumber and boil the mixture for a couple of minutes. Then you need to separate the liquid and add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil or grapefruit to it. The resulting lotion can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 7 days.

facial pore narrower reviews

Home masks

To narrow the pores on the face, other folk remedies are also used. Their plus is that they are made based on natural and affordable ingredients. Cooking does not require much time, but the result will be, as they say, obvious. Or, more precisely, "on the face."

Masks for narrowing pores according to folk recipes:

  • With starch. Combine two tablespoons of starch with a spoon of liquid honey and a small amount of milk. Stir and apply on skin for 20 minutes.
  • Black bread. Slices of black bread must be soaked in warm water, and put the resulting slurry on your face. The duration of the procedure is 3 minutes.
  • Clay masks are well suited for dealing with wide pores. You can cook them yourself. To do this, you need to dilute white or blue clay with water to a state of sour cream and spread on the skin. After the mixture dries well - rinse.
  • Based on egg white. Mix one protein, some fresh strawberries, and a teaspoon of olive oil and starch. Keep on face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.
  • Of fruits. All fruit acids tighten pores well. Therefore, you can make any mask from seasonal berries and fruits.

Steam baths

The narrowing of the pores on the face at home necessarily means regular cleaning of the face with steam baths. Hot water vapor itself extends the skin ducts. However, using this simple procedure, you can cleanse your pores well and rid them of sebaceous plugs. And then, after the steam bath, cool the skin so that all the channels narrow.

Do not immediately wipe steamed skin with ice cubes. Sudden changes in temperature can cause injuries and tearing of capillaries, resulting in bruising. After steaming, the face must be cooled gradually: first, wash with water at room temperature, then cooler, and at the end rub the skin with ice cubes.


What is the best way to narrow your pores on your face? According to women, a good result will only be with an integrated approach to solving the problem. To get rid of enlarged pores, you need to carefully monitor your face cleanliness, regularly use cosmetics with the effect of narrowing the pores and do not neglect the special means of traditional cosmetology. All this will help, if not fix the problem, then at least make the bumps on the face less noticeable.

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