Weight Loss Exercises at Home: Strength and Cardio

Modern life, as a rule, is designed so that there is very little time left to take care of yourself, and not everyone can afford to go to the gym. Therefore, for many, homework is the only right decision. However, while studying at home, a person should rely only on himself and his knowledge in this area: before you start, you need to master the necessary information. Exercises for weight loss at home have their own special properties, which everyone should know about.

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Special sets of exercises designed to get rid of excess weight are divided into two types: aerobic and anaerobic. Each of them is worth talking separately.

Exercises for losing weight at home in the first type allow you to burn fat directly during training. The longer the time under load, the more fat will be burned. Aerobic workouts at home can be performed using various cardio machines, as well as using aerobic devices. Treadmills, exercise bikes, elliptical trainers and steppers are very popular among cardio equipment for the home. For aerobics you will need a special kit, which includes such devices for classes as bodybars, light barbells and dumbbells, step platforms, etc.

exercises for weight loss at home

Anaerobic exercises for weight loss at home are performed only with the help of power equipment. Elemental equipment of this type includes rods, dumbbells, benches, power frame, racks, horizontal bar. More sophisticated equipment can hardly be used in residential premises, although in the presence of large areas this can also be the case. For many self-employed people, a natural question may arise is, is it possible to quickly lose weight at home? Of course, perhaps the main thing is to train correctly. First you need to make a training schedule.

In the absence of experience, it is necessary to use a minimum load, and the training itself should take place no more than 3 times a week with a mandatory rest day in between. In these three days in the weekly schedule, you need to do a basic set of strength exercises, at the end of which to perform a short cardio workout. Exercises for weight loss at home, having a basic nature, as efficiently and quickly as possible will get rid of excess body fat.

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Such exercises include deadlift with a barbell, squats with a barbell on the shoulders, bench press lying, pull-ups, horizontal traction, lunges with dumbbells, bench presses standing or sitting, etc. Cardio workouts performed immediately after power trainings are more productive and relieve the body a person from more fat than the same complexes performed separately. When training at home, you need to carefully monitor that all exercises are performed in compliance with the correct technique and in strict accordance with safety standards.

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