Sokolov-Mikitov, Listopadnichek: retelling plan

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov is one of the most talented naturalist writers. The fairy tale "Listopadnichek" is part of a summer reading program for first graders - future second graders. It talks about a little hare who decided to escape to warm countries. This story will be liked by young children and will be useful for home reading in the first grade.

deciduous retelling plan

Troubled bunny

The retelling plan for Listopadnichka can be started from the paragraph “Acquaintance with the main character”. In late autumn, three old rabbits were born at the old hare. Hunters usually call them deciduous, as they are born in the fall. Every morning, the kids watched the cranes gather on a distant flight. Usually, the time when children are asked to prepare a retelling plan for Listopadnichka as homework is grade 3. This is not surprising, because the protagonist of the tale is the baby hare. He expresses a desire to learn how to fly like birds. But his mother told him not to say anything stupid.

It was late autumn, the forest became cold, dull. “Winter is coming in the forest” - this may sound the second paragraph of the plan of retelling “Listopadnichka”. The cranes began to pack their way. Their cries were heard over the swamp, as if they were saying goodbye to hares. Forest animals hibernated, the forest became even more despondent. And the rabbits began to complain to their mother that they would freeze. But the hare replied that it was nonsense - soon they would have a warm winter coat. Only one younger bunny haunted anyone. Once he told his brothers that he would run after cranes to distant warm lands. And hit the road.

make a plan for retelling the leaf fall

Meeting with beavers

The bunny ran for a long time through the forest. And then he came across the beavers who built the dam. Here you can identify the next paragraph of the plan of retelling "Listopadnichka". When asked why they cut down trees, builders answered: this is necessary in order to prepare as much feed as possible and build a hut for little beavers. The little hare asked if it was warm in their hut in the cold season. Those answered that very much. The little hare asked for beavers for the winter, and they accepted him.

Inability to escape

The hut had two floors. Below was the food for the little beavers - soft willow branches. Hay was laid on top for the little ones. When the beavers had already put up a roof, the little hare decided to run away from here - because the hut is dark and damp, you can freeze. When the beavers returned, the baby said that he could not stay with them for a long time, and that he needed to step further into the forest. But it turned out that the exit from the beaver’s hut was only under water. And if the bunny can swim well, then he can go out. He put the foot in the water and felt that it was very cold. Then he told the beavers that he would have to winter with them. The beavers replied that he could stay and feed the little beavers while they themselves sawed the forest.

The poor Bunny was tormented with them. When, finally, the beavers returned in the evening, they invited the guest to dinner. The little hare asked the hardworking animals if they had a turnip. But beavers fed only on aspen and willow bark. She seemed to little Bunny bitter and tasteless.

bunny retelling plan

Dangerous guest

The next paragraph of the “Listopadnichka” retelling plan can be continued with an incident connected with a dangerous guest of a beaver's hut. The next day, the little hare began to feed the beavers again. He ran to the pantry and noticed that some terrible beast was standing near the door. The Hare was very frightened and began to pound on the door with all his might, so that the beavers heard his call and returned. Beavers heard and drove a terrible beast. It turned out to be the evil robber of the Otter.

Again the beavers went to work. And the little hare was left to feed the beavers. Many times during the winter he heard how a terrible robber approached the hut. And the kid constantly recalled his home, the old hare, the brothers.

retelling plan for foliage class 3

Dam Incident

Schoolchildren who need to draw up a plan for retelling the “Leaf Fall” can continue with the paragraph describing the destruction of the beaver's hut. Once, in the early spring, a disaster happened on the dam. Water broke through a dam built by beavers in winter. The old beaver cried out for everyone to get up - the robber gnawed the hut. This incident is one of the penultimate moments in the tale of the Little Bunny.

We continue the retelling according to the plan with a description of the actions of animals in a catastrophic environment for them. And he told Zaychonk to swim, otherwise he would drown. His tail began to tremble with fear. The beaver told him to sit on his tail, and the Bunny obeyed. But then the animal dived under the water, and the Bunny pulled away from its tail. I had to get to the shore on his own. He went ashore, shook himself off and with all his legs rushed to his native nest. There, an old hare slept with his brothers in a warm, cozy nest.

deciduous falcon of mikites retelling plan

A happy ending

The baby was happy, snuggled up to his mother. That awake did not recognize him. When she realized that it was Listopadnichek, she licked it and put it to sleep. The baby fell asleep soundly. And in the morning, all the inhabitants of the swamp gathered to listen to the story of the brave Listopadnichka. He told the audience how he met with beavers and how the old man taught him how to swim and dive. Since that time, Listopadnichek was known as the boldest hare throughout the whole district.

Sokolov-Mikitov, Listopadnichek: retelling plan

Consider another version of the plan that can be drawn up for this work.

  1. Birth of a rabbit.
  2. Wish Listopadichka go to distant lands.
  3. The forest is falling asleep.
  4. Beginning of the trip Listopadichka: acquaintance with the beaver family.
  5. The life of the main character in a beaver hut.
  6. Collision with danger.
  7. The dam broke.
  8. Homecoming.
  9. Than I liked the work.

Characteristics of the protagonist

It will be interesting for both an adult and a child to read the summary of the fairy tale described in the article. After that, it will not be difficult to draw up a plan of retelling of the Little Bunny. You can supplement your answer in the lesson with a brief description of the main character - this will help to get a higher grade in the lesson. If you wish, you can add such an item to your speech plan. The main feature inherent in Listopadnichka is curiosity. He is not afraid of the outside world, boldly embarking on a journey. Despite the fact that the abode of hardworking animals does not fit the baby, the Hare does not feel fear even when meeting with beavers, settling in their hut.

But it should be noted that after all Listopadnichek is fearful. At the very beginning of the work, he is afraid that he will freeze in winter. He is reassured only by the old hare, who says that all representatives of their breed grow a warm coat that protects them from the cold. At the end of the tale, Listopadnichek receives the glory of the most daring hare, because with the help of the old beaver he learned to swim and dive. Also, the main character of the tale is independent. He feeds the little beavers while their parents do the work. But this is not easy for him. The tale describes that the main character suffered, dragging branches.

make a plan for retelling a bunny

Questions to the student for thought

Reading a fairy tale will be useful for both the youngest students and those children who are already attending school. The tale teaches children to cherish their "small homeland." To reflect on the work, little students can ask a few questions. For example, to what genre does Listopadicek belong - a story or a fairy tale? Did the little bunny regret what happened to him? Did Listopadicek learn something new and interesting during his travels? You can ask the student the following question: is it worth giving up your dream in favor of comfort, certainty and safety?

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