Lemongrass essential oil: properties and applications

Lemon grass is a perennial cereal plant native to the subtropics and tropics of Cambodia, India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Guatemala and Sri Lanka. Lemongrass is an incredibly popular ingredient in cooking. It is used to prepare many exotic dishes. In addition, valuable essential oil is extracted from the plant. Lemongrass is actively used in folk medicine.

History reference

Since ancient times, people have used in folk medicine the healing properties of lemongrass and the essential oil obtained from it. The beneficial substances in its composition made it possible to cope with digestive problems, headaches, and infections. The healers used the plant as a sedative, as well as to enhance immunity and normalize the menstrual cycle.

Lemongrass essential oil properties

In some countries, the culture has been successfully used to treat fever. Due to the healing properties of lemongrass essential oil, its use together with black pepper gave an amazing result in the fight against this serious disease, from which many people had previously died.

Magical plant

Lemongrass is also called "voodoo grass." The plant is still credited with magical properties. Probably, this opinion was formed in ancient times, when the use of herbs in the treatment of ailments yielded excellent results. Many healers still believe that lemongrass works wonders. It is believed that if you plant lemon grass around the garden, then all the snakes will leave it. A similar reaction of reptiles is due to the fact that they do not tolerate the pronounced smell of lemongrass.

The plant is recommended for cultivation in tropical areas of Africa, because its aroma helps get rid of the tsetse fly, which causes a lot of trouble to local residents.

Oil making

Lemongrass essential oil is made by steam distillation. The raw material is the dried foliage of lemon sorghum. Not all varieties of culture are suitable for processing. The unique lemongrass essential oil can be obtained only from two varieties of the plant:

  1. West Indian.
  2. East Indian.

These two types of grass differ only in shades of aroma. East Indian lemongrass has an incredibly fresh, lemon-grassy odor. The West Indian plant is characterized by a more delicate aroma, which has notes of lemon peel and violet.

Lemongrass essential oil properties and applications

Outwardly, two oils are very easy to distinguish. West Indian has a characteristic amber color. But East Indian oil has a rich yellow color.

Distinctive properties and characteristics

The healing properties of lemongrass essential oils have been used by people since ancient times. Lemon sorghum from Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India is called Malabar grass. It has a pronounced citrus aroma with notes of ginger. The oil obtained from such a plant is more healing. It is used for medicinal purposes. In addition, it is used in the preparation of sauces and famous Thai soups, which have a unique aroma and taste.

West Indian lemongrass has a more sophisticated and delicate smell, which in an amazing way combines citrus notes with violet notes. This lemon grass is used for desserts, because it harmonizes well with nuts, cinnamon, ginger and coconut milk. Add it in the process of making beer.

Lemongrass essential oil useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of lemongrass essential oil are due to its complex and rich composition. It contains numerous trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, potassium, manganese. The oily liquid has bactericidal properties. The use of lemongrass essential oil is quite widespread. It is used not only as incense. But at home, use ether with caution, because its aroma is strong and stable. For aromatic lamps, mixtures of oils are often used that combine well with each other.

The effect of oil on the emotional sphere

The sphere of influence of the beneficial properties of lemongrass essential oil is quite wide. The fervent, tonic and refreshing aroma of the herb is excellent for maintaining the tone of a person’s emotional state. An amazing smell eliminates the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion, increases mental activity and activity, concentration, improves performance and memory. Fresh and bright lemongrass oil helps to adapt to all conditions. With its help, you can fill in the deficit of positive emotions, overcoming passivity and apathy. Very often, lemon sorghum is called "optimistic oil." After all, it lifts the mood, encourages activity, stimulates the concentration and ability to make decisions.

Lemongrass oil is an ideal choice for insecure people who need to overcome fears and act decisively. It is believed that lemon sorghum diverts failure from a person. It is indispensable in the erotic sphere, as it increases stamina and stimulates activity. The use of lemongrass essential oil is incredibly relevant in many sectors of human life.

Use in cosmetology

The high content of useful trace elements in lemon grass has led to its widespread therapeutic use. Lemongrass essential oil is ideal for daily care of oily and porous skin, which is why it is found in many cosmetics. Lemon sorghum has a cleansing and tonic effect, giving the skin a refreshing look. Oil brightens problem pores, contributing to their reduction. It affects the skin texture, contributing to its smoothing.

Lemongrass essential oil properties with which is better to mix

Spot application of an oily substance allows you to get rid of acne. Oil is effective for skin inflammatory processes, it can be safely called the best tool in the fight against comedones. Microelements in its composition contribute to the elimination of toxins, deep hydration, restoration of elasticity, the establishment of the lymphatic system and tissue regeneration.

Lemongrass oil actively affects problem areas with cellulite, it reduces oily skin and greasy hair. It should be said about the antifungal effect of lemon sorghum. I use it as an element of complex therapy for dermatitis and infectious skin lesions.

Lemongrass essential oil: beneficial healing properties

As we already mentioned, lemongrass oil has an antiseptic effect, therefore it is used in the fight against infectious ailments. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect is strongly pronounced in the treatment of tonsillitis, laryngitis and herpes. Essential oil has a general stimulating and invigorating effect, giving an energetic impulse to the nervous system, which leads to the effective functioning of muscles and digestive organs. All this leads to increased appetite and mood. A person quickly forgets about his problems associated with flatulence and colitis.

Judging by the reviews, lemongrass essential oil successfully relieves headache attacks, stimulating blood circulation. Many users note that with the use of this tool, accelerated elimination of lactic acid occurs. Lemon sorghum has an active effect on metabolic processes, allowing you to cope with the problem of darkening in the eyes, dizziness, weakness, hypotension. Oil promotes recovery after overcoming protracted ailments. It helps prevent the development of varicose veins.

Lemongrass Essential Oil for Hair

Domestic use

In everyday life, oil can be used to disinfect rooms, water and household items. It is used to treat insect bite sites on the body. The healing substances of a miracle cure remove all the unpleasant sensations that occur at the site of the lesion. Oil repels ticks, cockroaches, fleas and other animals, because it has a pronounced lemon aroma.


Mankind has long appreciated the miraculous plant. But are lemongrass essential oils contraindicated? Useful properties of a substance are not always an argument for use. Do not use oil with a tendency to excitability, with hypertension, glaucoma or problems with the prostate. It is not recommended to use it throughout pregnancy. Oil has an active effect on the body, so it must be kept away from young children. And adults are not allowed to use it continuously for two weeks.

The bright, fresh and impulsive aroma of lemongrass when inhaled can cause temporary hoarseness, hoarseness, voice disturbance or perspiration. After applying oil to the skin, not only redness can be observed, but also a burning sensation, which disappears after five minutes. The substance has a constricting effect on dry skin.

Using Hair Oil

Almost every one of us is faced with the problem of dry and dull curls. In this case, lemongrass essential oil will come to the rescue. For hair, this is an indispensable tool. Based on it, you can prepare a medical mask. To do this, take 3-5 tablespoons of cosmetic oil (avocado, almond or coconut), add 15 drops of lemongrass oil to it.

Lemongrass essential oil reviews

The resulting mixture is applied to dirty, unwashed hair. The head is wrapped in foil or bag and leave the mask for a couple of hours. Over time, the oily product is washed off with shampoo. Regular use of the mask will allow you to return the former beauty to your curls and improve them.

Simple recipes

To increase the effectiveness of your home creams for the body and face, masks and shampoos, you can add three drops of essential oil to them, which will enhance the effect of substances with their healing properties.

What is better to mix lemongrass essential oil if you want to cleanse your pores? To obtain a therapeutic solution, you can use any other oil in combination with an oily liquid of lemon grass. The substances are mixed in a ratio of 7:10 (7 drops of lemongrass oil). The resulting mass is applied to problem areas and washed off with water after five minutes.

To maintain your body in good shape and maintain its beauty, you can use baths in an oil solution. To do this, add five drops of oil to honey, salt or bath foam. Take the water treatment for no more than 20 minutes.

Oil is also used for massage treatments. But it is worth remembering that it must be used carefully. In massage cream, you can add no more than four drops of ether.

But to combat cellulite, a different composition is used. For anti-cellulite massage, a mass is used, which is prepared with the addition of 4 drops of lemongrass oil and 8 drops of another ether to the cream.

Where else use essential oil?

In everyday life, ether from lemon grass is widely used. Speaking of a wonderful substance, one can not help but recall the cooking. The aromatic component is indispensable in the preparation of soups, fish dishes and pastries. Thais are especially active in lemongrass. Their national dishes abound in the spicy aroma of lemon grass.

Lemongrass essential oil beneficial properties

It is impossible to imagine the odorless lemongrass and perfume. Ether is widely used for the production of air fresheners, soaps, household chemicals. Oils are part of some medications. The deterrent properties of lemongrass are used in the production of flea and lice products. At home, using oil, you can get rid of moths. To do this, put three drops of ether on a cotton swab, and then put it on a cabinet.

At home, lemongrass oil can be used for aromatherapy. To do this, it must be mixed with other ethers. As a basis, you can use jasmine oil, geranium, lavender, coriander, tea tree, basil and cedar tree. All of them are in perfect harmony with each other.

Oil Reviews

The lemongrass air is actively used by modern cosmetologists in beauty salons, talking about its high performance. No less successfully you can use the oil at home. Numerous positive reviews allow us to consider it from the best side. According to consumers, the use of oil gives excellent results. It has a strong effect on problem skin and hair, making them healthy without the use of expensive cosmetics. Equally effective in the fight against insects in the house.

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