Laser hair removal: reviews, description and features of the procedure

By modern standards of beauty in appearance, not only the correct proportionality of the body and the training of its muscles are appreciated. Beauty also requires that the skin is perfectly smooth. This is especially true for the lower extremities. Therefore, laser hair removal of the legs is becoming more and more popular. Reviews of this procedure will be considered later.

Laser Hair Removal Method

Various methods allow defeating unwanted vegetation on the legs. But it is laser hair removal of legs, reviews of which the article is devoted to, is considered the most effective procedure.

Laser hair removal is called the method when the hair on the body is removed using special equipment. The essence of the intervention is deep penetration under the skin, to the area of ​​fiber. So the laser acts on the areas of the capillaries that feed the hair roots. This ensures the destruction of melanin, after which the follicles are affected. And it leads to a weakening of the hair, its growth stops and its death occurs. The most effective procedure is considered if the patient has fair skin on which dark hairs grow.

Clinic laser hair removal

Features of the procedure

Reviews of laser hair removal of legs report that such services are carried out in most cosmetology clinics. First you need to make an appointment and discuss with the doctor the feasibility of hair removal. The method has some contraindications, not everyone can use it.

Also, reviews of laser hair removal of the legs report that a quality procedure will be offered only in a reliable cosmetology clinic. To find such an institution, it is rational to study reviews. You only need to choose a clinic with a good reputation.

Smooth legs

Cost of intervention

Patients who ordered full laser hair removal in their reviews report that for capital clinics the cost of such a procedure starts with almost 20 thousand rubles.

Krasnodar clinics undertake laser hair removal for more than 11 thousand rubles. Moreover, many clinics attract patients using a variety of discounts and bonuses. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of hair removal by up to 70%.

The result of laser hair removal

Varieties of lasers

Full laser hair removal , reviews of which are left by experienced patients, can be performed using several varieties of laser systems. For specialists, this is the so-called "gold standard of hair removal."

Varieties of lasers may be:

  • Rubinov - has great practical use and good reviews. Light skin type is optimal for its use. Its beam is characterized by a shallow penetration. 5 sessions are enough for unwanted vegetation to be completely removed from the human body.
  • Alexandritov - refers to the latest generation of lasers and is characterized by maximum safety. It is important to follow all the established rules, then the occurrence of complications is completely eliminated.
  • Diode - the main feature of this method is the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin and remove hair follicles that are located deeper. High efficiency is noted, regardless of what type of skin is and what color of hair. This procedure has a long duration.
  • Neodymium - there is a high duration and durability of this type of hair removal. The method works so that the laser cauterizes the blood vessels that provide hair nutrition.

One of the listed methods should be chosen by a specialist - a cosmetologist. It will take into account the type and condition of the skin, how densely vegetation is placed on it. In addition to the above, there are some other nuances.

Indications for hair removal

Laser hair removal of the legs is fully prescribed by a professional cosmetologist if the patient:

  • There is a desire to achieve a long-term effect of smoothness of the skin, and not spend money on procedures that give a short-term result.
  • When a person has pustular rashes, cutaneous injuries, other dubious results from the use of a mechanical method of eliminating excess vegetation.
  • If after epilation with a razor or shugaring, irritation constantly occurs on the skin.
  • When the hair begins to grow into the skin.

In the presence of the listed problems, laser hair removal of the legs will become an ideal option to defeat excess vegetation on the body. The method is effective for hypertrichosis and hirsutism.

laser hair removal reviews

How to prepare for the procedure

Laser hair removal on the legs requires careful preparation. Here are the key recommendations:

  • Before the first laser hair removal procedure, experts recommend that you do not remove vegetation from your legs two weeks before the planned visit to the clinic. Beauticians believe that under such conditions, the maximum efficiency of the method will be achieved.
  • It is also not recommended for three weeks to introduce the use of new cosmetics on the body, where it is planned to work with a laser. The reason for fulfilling this requirement is the possibility of an allergy to a new cosmetic product. In the presence of an allergic reaction, the laser hair removal procedure will need to be delayed.
  • 48 hours before such an intervention is carried out, do not use products that contain alcohol to wipe the skin. This requirement is associated with the need to maintain a normal water-fat balance. After all, the dermis after the intervention can get irritated when the legs itch after laser hair removal.
  • The day before the procedure, the hairs must be shortened if they are too long. Then it will be easier for the laser to work with follicles, and the effectiveness of the procedure will increase significantly.

These requirements are mandatory to ensure that laser hair removal is effective and harmless.

Laser Hair Removal Method

Sequence of intervention

How do laser hair removal legs? The procedure consists of the following mandatory actions performed by a specialist in a cosmetology clinic:

  • Assessment of the condition of the skin and vegetation on it in order to correctly calculate the strength of the intervention and the time of this procedure.
  • Cleaning the surface of the body, which may be sweat and other contaminants.
  • The procedure is considered painless, but you can experience severe discomfort. And for this reason, patients with particularly sensitive skin who do not want to endure discomfort can use special tools. It can be all kinds of lotions and creams.
  • The use of special glasses is practiced to protect the eyes from being blinded by flashes. It also helps to relax and calm.
  • After the specialist turns on the device, the hair follicles are affected in the form of the direction of the pulses to the specified areas on which hair removal occurs.
  • Laser flashes alternate with periods when the skin is cooled using a special gel. For this, the device is equipped with a special nozzle.
  • After the session is completed, the surface of the body is treated with a moisturizer.

Laser hair removal of the legs, the photo of which can be seen later, allows you to get rid of 90% of the vegetation. The procedure does not take much time.

photo laser hair removal

Duration of the procedure

How long does laser hair removal last? This process can be successfully completed in 1 hour. Everything will depend on the area of ​​the treated surface. For example, hair removal in a bikini zone lasts no more than 20 minutes.

It also matters the choice of hair removal method and the qualification level of the master of the cosmetology salon. In order not to risk the appearance of possible complications, it is better to contact a trusted specialist.

Laser Hair Removal Machine

What are the complications of hair removal?

Irritation after laser hair removal on the legs is one of the possible complications. Also, the appearance of age spots is sometimes observed, which occur when the client frivolously treats the elementary rules for body care after the session has passed.

If light burns have formed on sensitive skin after the procedure, the problem can be solved by using drugs that have a regenerating effect. For example, panthenol can be used. It is good for soothing and restoring the upper layers of the dermis.

In case of irritation, a soothing and healing cream is recommended.

Some patients note that after the procedure, the legs were scarred. The reason for this is the impatience of clients stripping crusts on epilated areas. This is strictly prohibited, since the surface of a thin layer of dead epidermis should dry and fall off by itself, without outside interference. But when a problem occurs, the skin needs time to recover.

Another complication is the menstrual cycle. In such a situation, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist.

Who should not do laser hair removal?

It is important to know the contraindications to laser hair removal of the legs. Not everyone can use the laser method to remove unwanted vegetation. Although this is a rather highly effective way to combat unwanted vegetation. The list of restrictions is related to the fact that the patient may have health problems.

Among the diseases and conditions in which laser hair removal is contraindicated, the presence of:

  • Diabetes mellitus when it is an active stage. When carbohydrate metabolism is impaired, wounds may appear on the skin, slow recovery of the upper layer of the skin.
  • The need to take antibacterial drugs. The session will be allowed after a two-week period after the drug is finished.
  • Hormone therapy. Then, hair removal can be ineffective, since the property of hormones is known to provide strengthening and growth of hair.
  • Pregnant women and nursing mothers who have hormonal changes. After she completely stops breastfeeding, a woman can sign up for an epilation procedure.
  • If there is an infectious and viral lesion of the skin on the legs, since serious complications may occur after laser exposure.
  • In the event of malignant neoplasms.
  • With epilepsy.
  • With any blood diseases.
  • With pulmonary tuberculosis, when its active phase proceeds.
  • With cardiovascular disease, when decompensation occurs.

It is also contraindicated to carry out hair removal if warts and papillomas appear. It is possible or impossible to conduct the procedure, the cosmetologist who deals with it will decide.

Deferring will also be necessary when the skin is covered with scratches, burns and abrasions. Then it will be necessary to wait until the wounds heal.

How does a laser affect gray hair?

It should be noted that the laser is not effective for removing gray hairs. The thing is that gray hair does not contain staining melanin, but voids, which leads to the impossibility of laser exposure to follicles. The use of a laser beam for light-colored hairs is not effective either.

Features of skin care after hair removal

Having studied the photo of the legs after laser hair removal and before the procedure, you can evaluate its effectiveness. After the procedure, it is important to adhere to the simple rules that experts give:

  • For two weeks, do not allow the influence of ultraviolet radiation, do not sunbathe, since excess sunlight is harmful to the skin and can lead to the appearance of irritation on its surface.
  • For three days you can’t wash your feet with hot water, as it affects the skin and prevents it from regenerating normally. The same reason prohibits the use of hard sponges and washcloths.
  • Do not peel areas that have been exposed to laser exposure. This is prohibited in order to avoid skin injuries, into which infections can enter.

How often do you need to repeat the procedure?

One of the questions that people are interested in when choosing laser leg hair removal is how many procedures are needed?

After the first intervention, the vegetation will not disappear 100%. Therefore, the master will recommend repeating the procedure in the amount of three to eight sessions. This will depend on what type of vegetation and hormonal background of the body.

The frequency of laser hair removal sessions varies at intervals of one to two months. It is important to remember the prohibition of shaving legs after applying laser hair removal. Indeed, at this time on the skin a lot of irritation. After the growth of the remaining hair, when the time has already passed, you can shave them with neat movements. As a rule, their number is not more than 10%.

Patient opinion

This method has many fans. But you can meet negative reviews:

  • the high cost of laser hair removal;
  • that the laser does not remove gray and light hairs;
  • skin burns can occur.

But with all these shortcomings, the method has high efficiency and is therefore widely popular among users.

To summarize

Laser hair removal is considered the most effective of the relatively affordable methods of removing excess vegetation on the body. The procedure is performed by masters of cosmetology clinics using special equipment. The cost of the service depends on the amount of work and the level of the beauty salon. The time is from 20 minutes for the bikini zone to 1 hour if all lower limbs are processed.

The procedure has a number of contraindications, which must be discussed with a cosmetologist. After the first intervention, the vegetation disappears from the body by 90%. To obtain a lasting result, you may need from three to eight sessions. Then the hair will not appear for about three years, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin.

Users generally respond positively to the procedure and note its high efficiency. Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative to using a razor and waxing and sugar depilation. It is not so painful and highly effective. And the result will delight others!

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