Folk cosmetics for face and body have always been relevant due to their accessibility and naturalness. Many women and girls choose them, because the procedures in the salons are quite expensive and not everyone can afford. One of the common skin care products is cucumber lotion. At home, it is quite simple to do.
Such cosmetics has many purposes, is suitable for different types of skin and helps it acquire a healthy glow. Applying cucumber lotion at home, you can gently and carefully cleanse the skin. To do this, mix a teaspoon of milk and half a teaspoon of green vegetable juice and lemon. The mixture is applied to the face and washed off with warm water after a quarter of an hour.
For those who want to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, such a recipe for cucumber lotion is suitable: you need to peel one average vegetable from the peel, get rid of the seeds and squeeze the juice out of its pulp. Then you need to add 50 grams of
rose water, strain and wipe the face with the resulting liquid. Pour into a glass bottle, store in a cool place, if not to say that in the cold, but not more than a week. Great place - fridge.
Surely few people know that by making
cucumber lotion at home, they can replace
a tanning agent. To do this, you need one medium vegetable, 50 grams of glycerin and the same amount of pink water. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of the cucumber and mix with the rest of the ingredients; the lotion is stored for about seven days in the refrigerator.
For lovers of aristocratic pallor there is also a suitable recipe. To prepare a special cucumber lotion at home, you need to make a cocktail from one tablespoon of milk, vegetable juice, adding a little lemon juice and pink water. This mixture should be applied to the decollete, face and neck, wait a quarter of an hour, and then wipe the areas with warm water.
If you wish, you can find many recipes on how to make cucumber lotion, choose the most suitable option for you and use it at your discretion. This kind of cosmetics is very beneficial for the skin, besides it does not contain preservatives and is an absolutely natural product. Its plus is that you can not be afraid of unpredictable reactions, unless, of course, you are allergic to the components of the lotion. In addition, the
expiration date of cosmetics is excluded
, since exactly in a week you can easily prepare a new portion.
An increasing number of women are becoming lovers of home beauty recipes; they are conquered by the reliability and naturalness of products. You can safely use their example, having received an affordable and effective tool that will help you maintain youthfulness, freshness and healthy radiance of the skin. Having prepared the lotion with your own hands, you can not worry about harmful chemical additives. In their practice, modern cosmetologists also increasingly use natural components, as they are more reliable, and most consumers trust them.