Harmony: the meaning of the word in Russian

A lot can be said about the meaning of the word “harmony” in the Russian language. This is due to the fact that it has several interpretations and is used in many areas. For example, in music, philosophy, linguistics and others. If someone receives a sentence: “Explain the meaning of the word“ harmony ”, you can use the information contained in the article. It will also tell about the origin of the word, about its synonyms and antonyms.

In the explanatory dictionary

Harmony with nature

The meaning of the word “harmony” is given in several versions. Here are some of them.

  • Mutual coherence, matching in a combination of something. Example: “Looking at the beauty of the equestrian system, at graceful horses and graceful riders, one could feel a sense of complete harmony.”
  • Philosophical and aesthetic concept denoting coherence, lad. The ancients used the term concordia discors, which means "the consent of the disagreement." It may be, for example, harmony of the world, harmony of the spheres. Example: “In aesthetics, harmony means a form of beauty that expresses the orderliness and integrity of diversity. She possesses the coherence of the parts, as well as the balance of their tension. ”

Next, other meanings of the word “harmony” in Russian will be considered.

In music

There the meaning of the word "harmony" is expressed in the following.

  1. The harmony of sound, its consistency and euphony. Example: “A piano with a cello makes such a divine harmony that you want to listen to it forever, returning to it again and again.”
  2. In the theory of music, it is a term denoting its section, which studies the rules and methods of constructing chords and their relationship. Example: “Because of a new hobby for gymnastics, Yuri did not go to music school again, this time missing a lesson in harmony.”
  3. The name of the keyboard-pneumatic musical instrument that has: a keyboard for both hands, located on two slats and sliding fur. Example: “When the students emptied the bottles halfway, they began to sing and play in harmony. Their fun lasted until midnight. "

However, the meaning of the word “harmony” does not end there.

Other options

Abstract harmony

These include the following.

  • The name of the goddess of consent, the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite.
  • The daughter of the king of Syracuse, who was also the wife of Themist (3-2 centuries BC).
  • Filmed in the USSR in 1977, a feature film.
  • Asteroid belonging to the main asteroid belt.
  • Space Station International Module.
  • The name of the Masonic lodge.
  • A sculpture with fountains in Finland, in the city of Turku, on the Aurajoki River, by Akhim Kun.

There are a number of meanings of the word "harmony".

A few more interpretations

Body harmony

Among them are such as:

  • The name of the genus of winged insects of the family of ladybirds.
  • A genus of flowering plants belonging to the Astrov family.
  • German rock band.
  • Italian group performing chamber music.
  • Harmony of Sacra is a collection of texts for church music.
  • A city in Brazil, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Gospel harmony is one of the names of auxiliary theological science, which is also called harmonics. It aims to harmonize the gospel legends, that is, to bring together the stories of the four evangelists into a single, coherent narrative.

To better understand the lexical meaning of the word "harmony", it would be advisable to turn to its origin.


Balance in nature

It comes from the ancient Greek noun ἀρμονία, meaning such concepts as “connection”, “harmony”, “proportionality”. It, in turn, was formed from another ancient Greek noun - ἁρμός, the meaning of which is “bond”, “connection”, “groove”.

The latter goes back to the pre-Indo-European form of ar, which in translation means "combine". In a number of European languages, the word came from Latin by borrowing. There is a noun harmonia, borrowed from the ancient Greek.

Earlier in Russian, the word was written and pronounced as “harmony”. For the first time in this form it is found in the writings of Fofan Prokopovich - bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church of the 17-18 centuries. It got into Russian from the Polish language, formed from harmonia, taken from Latin.


Harmonious relationship

Among them you can find:

  • consensus;
  • harmony;
  • harmony;
  • euphony;
  • musicality;
  • coherence;
  • Shibuy
  • harmonic;
  • harmonic;
  • proportionality;
  • symphony;
  • sweet consonance;
  • folding;
  • sweetness;
  • sweet sounding;
  • conformity;
  • okay;
  • fret;
  • unity;
  • symmetry;
  • consonance;
  • consonance;
  • consistency;
  • Consent
  • eco top;
  • melody
  • system;
  • conformity;
  • goddess;
  • asteroid.

Next, words that are opposite in meaning will be considered.


They are represented by the following options:

  • welter;
  • disorder
  • dissonance;
  • inconsistency;
  • disharmony;
  • chaos;
  • randomness;
  • confusion;
  • disorder;
  • clutter;
  • out of place.

In conclusion, we will talk about a mythological character.

Ancient greek goddess

Goddess of Harmony

In the mythology of the ancient Greeks, there is such a character Ἁρμονία, personifying consent and a happy marriage. She was the daughter of Ares - the god of war and Aphrodite - the goddess of beauty and love - two "opposite" deities. There is another version, stating that her father was the supreme god Zeus, and the mother of Electra, one of the Pleiades. In the first version of the Pleiades, she is a teacher of Harmony. Her husband was Cadmus, the hero of myths, the legendary founder of Boeotia and Thebes. From Athena (the goddess of wisdom) and Hephaestus (the god of fire), she received as a gift a dress that was dyed with "criminal compositions." According to him, the descendants of Aphrodite should be distinguished as stained by crime, sinful.

The wedding of Harmony and Cadmus was attended by all the Olympic gods without exception, which was the first time. Apollo himself, who patronized the arts, played kifar for the bride and groom. Muses played along with him on the Avlos and sang. And the other gods delivered salutatory speeches in their honor. The gift of the god of commerce Hermes was a lyre, and Demeter (goddess of fertility) presented a harvest of wheat. Elektra conveyed the sacred rites from the Great Mother of the Gods and the accompanying cymbals, tympans and a merry retinue.

The most famous of all the wedding offerings was the necklace, later called the Harmony Necklace. This is a precious piece of jewelry that brought misfortune to all its owners. It was made by Hephaestus, the spouse of Aphrodite, who was unfaithful to him. Cadmus was given to him by Europe, which received decoration from Zeus, and he gave it to Harmony. He also handed the bride peplos, women's outerwear made of lightweight fabric, without sleeves, in folds, worn over a tunic. To her, and then to subsequent owners, the necklace brought misfortune.

As the ancient Greek epic poet Nonn, a native of Egypt, wrote, the wedding took place either at Lake Tritonides or in Samothrace. In Thebes they pointed to the ruins, supposedly remaining from the marriage halls of Cadmus and Harmony, as well as to the place in the square where the Muses sang at their wedding. And three more statues of the goddess Aphrodite, who were a dedication, removed from the ornaments located on the bow of the ship Cadmus.

Later, in Illyria (the western part of the Balkan Peninsula in antiquity), the gods turned Cadmus into a snake at his own request. In desperation, Harmony, tearing off her clothes, called on her husband. He entwined her naked body, touched her lips and mouth. The inconsolable Harmony appealed to the gods, asking also to turn it into a snake, which was performed.

In honor of this goddess, an asteroid was discovered, which was discovered in 1856. As well as a line located on Europe, the satellite of Jupiter. The name was chosen in honor of the end of the Crimean War, which lasted from 1853 to 1856. The ancient Romans Harmony corresponds to the goddess Concordia.

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