Total cholesterol in women, the norm of which is determined by numerous studies, is one of the indicators of health. About what is the norm, which can cause a change in the amount of this blood component, how it affects health and what needs to be done to return the indicators to the required level, is described in the article.
Blood component
We somehow do not think about the fact that a woman and a man are not only a difference in external sexual characteristics and functional of the reproductive system, but also a different hormonal background. The blood composition, in particular, the cholesterol level in men and women is not the same. And in a woman, this component is of particular importance for the qualitative implementation of reproductive functionality.
The very first analysis that you need to pass to a person during a medical examination is a blood test. Practically any changes that occur in the body are reflected in the composition of this critical biological fluid. For example, a woman’s pregnancy, the potential risk of developing atherosclerosis, any inflammatory processes - all will show a blood test.
In addition to the general study, the doctor may prescribe, in accordance with the proposed diagnosis, the definition of such an indicator as total cholesterol in women. The norm of this component of the blood or deviation from it will allow you to determine the current state of health and the next stages of the examination to make an accurate diagnosis.
Functions and types of cholesterol
Blood, which is the main biological fluid that performs transport functions, contains many components, one of which is cholesterol - a lipid, that is, fat. The name of the most important styrene (fatty alcohol) of the animal and human body, as well as some plants and fungi, indicates its essence. The Greek word "chole" means "bile", and the word "stereos" means "hard, hard." The nature of this substance begins in the liver, where it is produced, then falling into the bloodstream. Along the channel, the substance spreads to almost every cell in the body, where it begins to work in the membrane wall, performing many functions. A small amount of cholesterol in the body is delivered with food. In excess, the substance is found in eggs, dairy products, fatty fish and meat.
It seems that the entire functionality of any of the substances produced by living organisms has not yet been fully studied. The same applies to cholesterol, or rather cholesterol. Indeed, for fatty substances, the ending -ol is scientifically sound. To date, numerous studies have established that this component of biological fluids and tissues performs the following functions:
- cell membrane formation;
- prevention of crystallization of hydrocarbons in the cell membrane, which means its protection against destruction;
- monitoring the permeability of the cell membrane, due to the ban on penetration into the molecules of "saboteurs";
- participation in the production of sex hormones of men and women - androgens and estrogens;
- bile production component;
- the conversion of sunlight entering the skin into essential Vitamin D;
- participation in the metabolic processes of fat-soluble substances, including vitamins A, D, E and K;
- isolation of nerve fibers and protecting them from damage.
So, total cholesterol in women, the norm of which is determined in accordance with the age and characteristics of periods of life, is one of the qualitative indicators of health status.
Scientifically grounded is the division of cholesterol into good or good cholesterol and bad, the so-called bad cholesterol. The different name of the same substance is due to the composition. Having attached to a protein molecule and moving along the vascular bed in the blood, one of the forms of lipoproteins will contain more fat. This option is called bad cholesterol, which can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. It quickly forms plaques and leads to numerous health problems.
The combined amount of a substance, without examining the ratio of protein to fat in a lipoprotein, is called total cholesterol.
Even a preventive medical examination requires a blood test. The doctor prescribes several studies for some categories of patients, including total cholesterol. In women, the norm will be slightly different from men, which is associated with physiological characteristics. As you grow older, blood counts change. Available will tell about the dependence of age and norm of cholesterol in the blood of women in the table below.
age | under 5 years | from 5 to 10 | from 10 to 15 | from 15 to 20 | from 20 to 25 | from 25 to 30 | from 30 to 35 | from 35 to 40 | from 40 to 45 | from 45 to 50 | from 50 to 55 | from 55 to 60 | from 60 to 65 | from 65 to 70 | over 70 years old |
total cholesterol | 2.90-5.18 | 2.26-5.30 | 3.21-5.20 | 3.08-5.18 | 3.16-5.59 | 3.32-5.75 | 3.37-5.96 | 3.63-6.27 | 3.81-6.53 | 3.94-6.86 | 4.20-7.38 | 4.45-7.77 | 4.45-7.69 | 4.43-7.85 | 4.48-7.25 |
Methods for determining total cholesterol are developed by specialists and are a standard procedure for blood tests in patients of different ages and sexes.
The ratio of useful and harmful
Cholesterol plays an important role in the functioning of many body systems, and the ratio of good and bad is of paramount importance. It is an overabundance of the latter that leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques that clog vessels, and to the development of hypertension. But it is this cholesterol that must reach the tissue cells in order for them to fulfill their intended functions. Therefore, without enough low-density cholesterol, it will not be easy for the body. At the same time, high-density lipoproteins act not only as a carrier, but also as a vessel cleaner, delivering "bad" fellow to the liver for processing and excretion.
If a failure occurs, the body receives more harmful lipoprotein than beneficial, then low-density cholesterol begins to deposit in excess on the walls of blood vessels, and an insufficient amount of useful cholesterol can not cope with the work of its excretion and purification of the bloodstream. So there is a disruption of blood vessels due to their narrowing, increased blood pressure, stroke and other health problems.
Important periods and cholesterol
Cholesterol is an essential component of the proper functioning of all body cells. Its amount should increase only with age, staying within a certain norm. But there are special periods in the life of a woman when the functioning of organs and cells undergoes modifications. Blood composition is the first indicator of any disturbances in the state of health. So, the total cholesterol of 7.5 in women is the norm at the age of over 70 years. Unfortunately, not many representatives of this category can boast of excellent health. For example, atherosclerosis, as a result of impaired vascular patency due to cholesterol plaques, is the most common problem of older people. It becomes obvious that age-related changes manifest themselves in all human organs and systems.
However, age is not the only reason for an overabundance of harmful or lack of useful substances. In pregnancy, the body works for two, or even three. Sometimes total cholesterol may be elevated. In women in position, an increase in the indicator occurs for several reasons:
- Change in the amount of food and ingredients. Some pregnant women increase portions of familiar dishes, relying on the "eat for two" setting.
- Increased load on all organs, which makes them work more actively.
- A change in the hormonal background leads to a change in the composition of the main transport fluid - blood and an increase in the amount of cholesterol in it.
During pregnancy, the level of lipoproteins in the blood can increase by 2-3 times. In this case, doctors recommend a woman to change the diet, removing fatty and sweet foods if possible. In the vast majority of cases, after childbirth, blood counts in a woman return to normal at age.
Age features of the female body
One of the indicators of quality of health is the state of blood vessels. It largely depends on such a component of the blood as total cholesterol. The norm for women by age has been calculated through a variety of scientific studies and can be within small limits of the minimum and maximum, changing with age. A cholesterol value of 5.5 is the norm for women from the age of 20. This level can vary in one direction or another, and the older the woman, the higher the level of total cholesterol, which is acceptable in the blood without disturbing the balance of health. This is associated with age-related characteristics, because a change in the same hormonal background affects the work of all systems, including the circulatory. The number of fatty acids is influenced by diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases, and smoking. With age, metabolic processes slow down, which affects the ratio of useful and unnecessary substances in all fluids, tissues and organs, including the level of total cholesterol.
It is noteworthy that the spread in the level of low density lipoproteins normally becomes wider with the age of a person, displacing good cholesterol. It is also caused by age-related changes in the human body. But at the same time, cholesterol in women after 50 years, when it enters the period of menopause, should not change dramatically against the background of the extinction of hormonal activity. The process of changing the amount of lipoproteins in the blood occurs gradually and very slowly. For a woman, however, as for a man, the best will be the desire to keep the cholesterol indicator at a safe level at any stage of life.
What threatens high cholesterol?
When decoding a blood test such as common cholesterol in women, the norm will be taken into account in accordance with a whole complex of circumstances and characteristics of the patient’s body. But the elevated level of this blood component, even taking into account the existing characteristics of the state of the body, becomes the cause of new problems. Bad cholesterol is capable of stagnating in the bloodstream, fixing on the walls of blood vessels, without reaching a blood stream to the cells that need this component. Clinging one after another, lipoproteins violate the integrity of the vascular wall, causing it to exfoliate. At the same time, they form the so-called cholesterol plaque, which becomes more and more, blocking the bloodstream. Violation of the natural blood flow under the influence of the work of the heart is fraught with numerous violations of the organs:
- atherosclerosis;
- hormonal changes;
- malfunctions in the management of the brain;
- the development of liver and kidney diseases;
- heart failure;
- thromboembolism.
Normal total cholesterol is one of the indicators of good health. But the state of internal life support systems is evaluated only in conjunction with other body features that are identified during examinations.
And if the lipoprotein is less than normal?
When deciphering the blood test, the doctor will take such an indicator as cholesterol 5.5 for the norm for a woman aged 20 years. But the level of this component may be less than the lower acceptable limit. This may be due to nutritional features, when there are no products in the diet that supply lipoproteins to the body, or to malfunctions of the liver or endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of this substance in the body. Such a violation of the balance of cholesterol becomes the cause of insufficient production of hormones, as well as renewal of body cells. If total cholesterol is lowered in women, then this will certainly affect the functioning of the nervous system. The development of depression, memory impairment are the first signs of a lack of lipoproteins. If you do not take measures to normalize the amount of this substance, then the state of health will only worsen.
What is considered dangerous?
A blood test score of 6 mmol / L cholesterol is becoming the norm for women over the age of 35. At a younger age, this indicator serves as a sign:
- violation of the withdrawal of lipoproteins from the body and the potential danger of developing atherosclerosis;
- problems in the liver and endocrine system;
- disturbances in the food system.
Naturally, the revealed deviations in the blood composition will require a thorough diagnosis to identify the cause of the changes. Both increased and reduced amounts of lipoproteins are dangerous.
Correction of cholesterol should be carried out only taking into account the general state of health, existing diseases, and established causes of the violation.
How to know the level of cholesterol?
In most cases, a person will find out the level of cholesterol when taking a blood test at a clinic, having previously received a referral from a doctor. Today it is not a big problem at home to determine blood sugar, pregnancy by week, pressure. In pharmacies, special devices and devices for urgent analysis at home are sold.
An express analyzer of total cholesterol in the blood allows you to quickly and reliably measure the level of this substance. Most often, a device determines several parameters. In addition to cholesterol, you can check the level of glucose and hemoglobin. The use of such a device is quite primitive. A finger is punctured with a special scarifier. The emerging drop of blood is applied to a special test strip, which, under the influence of the calculated components, is colored in a certain way. Using the color scale attached to the device, the method of comparison can find out the interesting indicators of blood. You can also purchase a more expensive device that indicates the determined parameters of the blood composition on the display.
The kit for determining total cholesterol must be in the home medicine cabinet for all those who need to adjust the level of cholesterol, as well as sugar or hemoglobin.
Atherogenic coefficient. What's the point?
Normal total cholesterol in a person during life changes upward. But it should be remembered that scientists conventionally determined two types of lipoproteins - low and high density. Moreover, HDL is more useful because it removes the "bad cholesterol" after itself into the liver, where it is processed. The ratio of these two species is called the atherogenic coefficient and serves as the basis for blood lipid profile. The formula of the indicator is as follows:
The atherogenic coefficient allows a specialist:
- assess the risk of complications due to the increased number of low density lipoproteins;
- determine the already appeared atherosclerosis and the risks of heart attack and stroke.
So, cholesterol of 6 mmol / L not always determined in a blood test will be an indicator of the norm. Those who are predisposed to atherosclerosis or already have this diagnosis should regularly monitor the coefficient of atherogenicity.
Maintain the norm - help the body
Specialists have long calculated the standards of blood cholesterol in women. The table helps to navigate the indicators. But you should always remember that malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol abuse will necessarily affect the ratio of good and bad cholesterol, which will lead to health problems.
Quite often, elevated cholesterol levels are formed even in childhood due to malnutrition, when they try to feed the child more and more satisfying, relying on the energy he needs for physical and mental development. But in fact, the body breaks the balance of good and bad cholesterol, plaques begin to form, the liver and the endocrine system malfunction, and, entering adulthood, a person already has a whole range of problems, starting with being overweight. Therefore, the health of parents must begin to take care of the parents of a young child, providing him a balanced diet, reasonable physical activity and the correct mode of physical activity.
It is important for an adult to be able to control his health, regularly undergoing preventive medical examinations in time to identify an impending problem and be able to take control of its development. , , . , . - . , , . .