Women use different methods to transform their appearance. Phenol peeling is one of the methods of cleansing without surgery. This procedure is complex and painful, but an excellent lasting effect will certainly please. According to cosmetologists, there is no more sustainable chemical peeling. Read more about the procedure in the article.
general information
Phenol peeling is an effective way to chemically cleanse the skin. Using this procedure, it will be possible not only to transform the face, eliminate deep wrinkles and scars, but also to ensure the stability of the effect for 5-10 years. The essence of the session is associated with cauterization of the problem areas of the epidermis with phenol. This leads to the removal of dead cells, smoothing of the skin and regeneration over the entire surface.
Phenol or carbolic acid is a chemical component that became known in 1863. It began to be used in medicine as a disinfectant to remove blackheads. And only in the 1990s of the twentieth century, carboxylic acid began to be used for peeling. According to reviews, now this procedure is performed in many stores.
Phenol peeling is a dangerous and painful method, but also effective. The procedure has a steady result. Judging by the reviews, the opinions of cosmetologists about this treatment are different. Some believe that it should not be applied to the skin, while others claim effectiveness in the fight against aging and age-related problems.
In fact, both opinions are true. It was found that phenol leads to the death of the patient, if his norm in the blood is more than 0.23 mg / ml, in a smaller amount the component causes arrhythmia. Phenol with a minimum of toxic substances is used for phenol peeling, so this does not cause death. In addition, the composition is applied slowly to protect against the accumulation of a potent component in the blood. Positive feedback from patients and specialists confirms that for about 10 years after the procedure, the skin remains elastic, toned and young.
Phenol face peeling is carried out using a special tool. The main active ingredient is phenol. The concentration of the component can be in the range of 3-35%, it all depends on the level of the epidermal problem, which should be eliminated.
The absorption of phenol by the skin can be accelerated by the addition of oil. An additional component of the agent used may be liquid glycerin, propylene glycol and distilled water.
There are 3 types of procedures:
- Mid-surface. The concentration of the active component is 3%.
- Median phenol peeling. By concentration, carbolic acid can reach up to 25%.
- Deep phenol peeling. This procedure is performed very rarely. The composition contains 35% phenol, which allows for a strong phenol pilin. Deep face peeling is prescribed only after a deep medical examination of the patient.
The procedure is considered painful, it is carried out under anesthesia. It is necessary to notify the beautician about the presence of an allergy to drugs that are used for anesthesia or peeling.
When is it done?
Phenol peeling will allow you to clean and rejuvenate your skin. Peeling is carried out using the chemical effect of the composition on the skin. The procedure is necessary when:
- Defects of the face relief - deep wrinkles, stretch marks, scars.
- Strong withering of the skin, loss of turgor, tone.
- Symptoms of photoaging of the epidermis.
- Hyperpigmentation on the face, traces of sunburn.
- The consequences of acne, demodicosis.
- Dermatological ailments.
According to reviews, phenolic face peeling quickly brings positive results. The procedure allows you to renew the skin, make it soft and supple. The face gains smoothness, smartness. The active synthesis and collagen, elastin are also launched, so the effect will be noticeable for ten years.
The photo before and after phenol peeling allows you to verify the excellent result of the procedure. And he comes quickly. Peeling positively affects the cells of the skin, leads to the stimulation of internal processes, including the production of collagen. Reviews serve as confirmation of the excellent transformation after the procedure.
Having performed this rejuvenation, the following changes are observed:
- Cell recovery is accelerated.
- There is a restoration of elasticity, elasticity of the skin fibers.
- Active functioning of cells.
- The disappearance of age spots.
- Aligning the shade of the skin, they become fresh and young.
- Smoothing facial relief, the disappearance of wrinkles, scars, post-acne.
- Tightening the contour of the face.
- The severity of the lifting effect.
Due to such positive properties, many people choose phenol peeling. Expert reviews confirm that the excellent effect is associated with the complexity of the procedure.
When can not be performed?
A serious approach is necessary for the procedure with phenol, therefore, before carrying out it, the cosmetologist checks the health status of the client. Peeling is not possible with:
- Diseases of the heart, blood vessels, failures in the liver and kidneys.
- Oncology, neoplasms.
- Intolerance to the components of the drug.
- Damage in the area of ββexposure.
- Pregnancy
- Lactation
- The risk of keloid scars.
- Herpes, colds.
- Taking medications - acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin. In violation of this rule, overload of the liver and intoxication of the body are likely.
Phenol peeling can not be performed with age restrictions. It should not be carried out until 18 years and after 60. In certain situations with serious problems, this criterion is reviewed by a cosmetologist.
Removal of phenol from the body
By agreeing to perform a rejuvenation session, it should be borne in mind that the procedure is toxic and, if used improperly, can lead to poisoning and serious complication. Therefore, before this, a thorough examination of the person is carried out.
The body independently neutralizes and removes toxins; additional funds are not required. Phenol with blood enters the liver, where it is neutralized, and then eliminated naturally. The toxin cannot accumulate and is not a threat to human life. For maximum safety, phenolic acid is applied locally to the problem itself - wrinkles, scars, acne.
How to get younger with phenol peeling? It is carried out in several stages, each of them is important. First you need preparation. In order for the procedure to go without complications, the following rules must be observed:
- 6 months before peeling, it is necessary to stop the procedures in which the laser beam is exposed. It is important to exclude retinoid medications.
- 3 months before cleaning, it is necessary to exclude tanning, sunbathing.
- For 1-1.5 months before this, bleaching agents prescribed by a doctor should be applied to the skin.
- For 2-3 weeks, you need to take antioxidants.
- A week before the session, it is necessary to finish the use of scrubs, mechanical facial cleansing, shaving and hair removal.
- For 7-10 days, herpes remedies are prescribed.
- Before the session, you must undergo a medical examination.
Procedure execution
How to make phenolic face peeling? On the appointed date after preparation, the cosmetologist begins to perform phenolic peeling:
- The skin is cleaned of cosmetics, contaminants, secretions from sweat and fat. Processing is carried out with an alcohol solution.
- Local anesthesia of the treated area is carried out.
- Then they start peeling from problem areas, gradually moving to sensitive areas. Usually, the forehead is treated first, and then the cheeks, the place near the mouth and eyes, nose, chin. The drug is distributed intermittently to prevent the accumulation of phenol in the blood.
- Then, phenolic acid is neutralized. To do this, a film is applied to the involved part, and after a while - fusible wax.
- Finally, a sunscreen is applied to the skin.
When choosing a clinic for peeling, the severity of the procedure should be taken into account. You should read the reviews of patients who have undergone such treatment. It is important to learn about the availability of certificates and permissions for procedures. The health of patients depends on the skills of specialists.
It is important to know what happens to the component when it enters the body and how is it excreted? As was said, phenol is a toxic component that breaks down into components, so you must remember that it should be neutralized and removed from the patient's body.
Initially, it penetrates the intestine and breaks down into 2 components, and then is absorbed into the liver, where the body modifies it, turning it into a safe and water-soluble component. Then it is eliminated through the work of the kidneys. This process will not allow you to stay in the body for a long time and affect the functioning of internal organs. It turns out that the less phenol is used during the session, the less it penetrates the body.
The area of ββthe processed skin
Since the component is absorbed into the human body through the skin. Its concentration depends on how much solution is applied. The cultivated area is also important.
According to expert reviews, they advise performing surface peeling, and deep peeling in exceptional cases. This is no coincidence. For example, the speed of treatment with 2% phenol can lead to death, because a lot of substance enters the body and internal organs can not cope with processing.
The performed studies confirm that the component must be applied slowly. It is also important that not all the face should be handled, but problem areas. Then phenol will not be toxic, so it can not adversely affect the body.
Another important nuance that should be considered before performing mpiling is considered to be the characteristics of the body and the functioning of organs - liver, kidneys, heart. Enzymatic systems remove phenol from the body. And if systems perform their functions poorly, then they may not be able to withstand it. Given the feedback from doctors, passing tests and passing doctors is required to confirm that there is no great risk to the procedure for health.
At home
In order not to bring the matter to negative consequences, during the session it is necessary to observe safety measures and high sterility. Therefore, phenol peeling at home is not allowed. This can cause severe burns, infection with staphylococci and intoxication of the body. Only a professional in a qualified center should carry out the procedure.
After peeling, when the anesthesia passes, an acid burn can lead to painful sensations, burning, so the beautician prescribes painkillers. He also gives recommendations on the rules of rehabilitation:
- On the 1st day, skin contact with water should not be allowed. You need to drink through a straw.
- On the 2nd day, you can remove the wax film. Together with it, dead cells, keratinized layers and wrinkles, scars are eliminated. Under the film there will be red skin. Usually there is a feeling of tightness, coarsening, so an antiseptic is applied to the epidermis. If necessary, an analgesic and moisturizer are used. Some cosmetologists advise using panthenol during this period.
- Panthenol is applied to the skin for up to 10-14 days. Appearing crusts should not be torn off, as they are removed by themselves. Do not use decorative cosmetics.
- During rehabilitation, you need to take antioxidants, vitamins A, C, and sunscreen SPF 50 and higher should be applied to the skin.
- After 3 weeks, the skin will change, but before the final recovery, you must wait. After removing the crusts, moisturizing natural products can be used. Recovery is completed in 6-12 months.
This is the procedure in professional conditions. According to experts, the implementation of all stages allows you to get excellent results.
Failure to comply with the rules of preparation and skin care after cleansing, violation of the rules of the procedure leads to negative effects. After phenol peeling, the appearance of:
- Hyperpigmentation. Gradually, this passes, it all depends on the type and structure of the skin.
- Deformations, sagging of the lower eyelid.
- Traces of a chemical burn, usually near the lips and eyes.
- Redness on the face, which does not disappear until 4 months.
- Amplification of herpes, manifestations of infections.
- Problems in the work of the heart and kidneys.
- Noticeable differences in plots that were cultivated compared to untouched sites.
The procedure leads to skin elasticity without surgery. Given the reviews, before agreeing to its implementation, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons, as well as undergo an examination and prepare for a long recovery.
Advantages and disadvantages
Like any other procedure, phenol peeling has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:
- The effectiveness of the result.
- Careful monitoring of the use of the composition.
- Preservation of anti-aging effect for 7-10 years.
- Restoring the functions of the epidermis, improving its structure.
- Elimination of pigmentation, freckles, scars, deep wrinkles.
- Wrinkle smoothing.
- Increased skin tone.
- Activation of body systems.
Among the disadvantages are:
- The presence of contraindications.
- Continuous rehabilitation. Even with surface peeling, it is at least 2 weeks.
- The complexity of the preparation, which consists of a lengthy medical examination.
- Soreness of the procedure on the excretory and cardiovascular systems.
- Anesthesia is required. If the procedure is superficial and median, then local anesthesia is needed, and for deep, intravenous anesthesia is required.
- Risk of complications.
It should be borne in mind that phenol reacts with medical devices, so it is important to follow the advice of the specialist who performed the purification. According to professionals, the postoperative period is important.
Since the procedure has many contraindications, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist about its implementation. This is especially important for those who have acute or chronic skin diseases.
In addition to contraindications, side effects should be considered, which should be notified by the beautician. After the procedure, the appearance of:
- increased allergies;
- exacerbations of herpetic disease;
- skin loss of pigment production function.
In addition, with tanned or dark skin, a visually distinguishable boundary may appear between the untreated skin and the part that has been processed. The cosmetologist should warn about all and other nuances of the patient.
Although there are many contraindications and side effects, the safety of the procedure is still at a high level. If you once perform such a peeling, for several years the skin will remain young and fresh. Judging by the reviews, many women managed to evaluate the benefits of such a purification from personal experience.
What is the price of phenol peeling? The cost depends on many factors - the region, the status of a professional center. The type of procedure also matters. The cost of phenolic face peeling (surface) is about 3,000 rubles. For the middle one you will have to pay 12,000 rubles. And the price of phenolic face peeling (deep) is 25,000 rubles. Reviews say that it is not worth tempting to pay too little. It may be due to insufficient qualifications of the master, savings on the sterilization of tools and equipment, or the use of low-quality drugs and materials.
Thus, phenol peeling is one of the most effective rejuvenation procedures. If it is carried out in a professional setting and by a specialist, then positive results can be expected.