Anna Nevskaya: biography, personal life, filmography and photo

Anna Nevskaya is a sought-after actress in theater and cinema. A charming blonde with a kind smile and sparkling happiness eyes very often appears on blue screens. Spectators admire her and her play, but few people know that Anna could never become an actress, and instead translate texts.

Actress childhood

Nevskaya Anna Viktorovna was born in Veliky Novgorod - one of the most ancient and beautiful cities in Russia. It is not surprising that from childhood she knew how to appreciate beauty, she loved art. But as a child, Nevskaya did not dream of becoming an actress.

Anna Nevskaya
Anna studied at the gymnasium, in which special attention was paid to foreign languages. The girl really liked to learn the culture and languages โ€‹โ€‹of European states. She was fluent in English and French. When planning her future life, Anna Nevskaya presented herself as a translator. But fate made its own adjustments. When the future actress was 15 years old, her voice changed, became more melodic and beautiful. Then she discovered her singing talent. Anna began to devote time to music. And received in response to this recognition of teachers. The young performer was sent to various competitions. Among her awards there were even those that she deserved in St. Petersburg.

When the school years came to an end, and it was necessary to choose their future path, Anna Nevskaya faced a serious choice. If earlier she was sure that she wanted to become a translator, then after graduating from the graduating class she had a desire to devote her life to singing. Mom advised Anna to get a profession that would guarantee greater stability. And Nevskaya obeyed.

Years of study at RATI

Anna went to study as a translator. She successfully mastered the program, went to an internship in France. But it constantly seemed to her that she was not doing what she should do. When Nevskaya graduated from the first course, she decided to change her life and move towards the dream. The young beauty left her institute and submitted documents to the RATI.

Thanks to her talent, Anna was able to enter Moscow without difficulty. The first years of life in a foreign city were not easy for her. The situation was complicated by the fact that there were terrible 90s in the yard, when there was nothing stability.

Anna was lucky to enter the faculty, whose students were prepared to perform in musicals. This new genre for Russia was notable for its special energy. It was necessary to learn how to convey it to the viewer using songs, dance, facial expressions and gestures. Education at the RATI opened the way for Anna to the stage.


Anna Nevskaya filmography

Anna Nevskaya was not left without work. Her first experience was the musical "Dracula". The work full of tragedy was talentedly put on the stage and aroused increased interest of the public.

A little later, Anna gets the role of Fleur de Lis - one of the most famous and significant heroines of the musical "Notre Dame De Paris". Anna enjoyed the first rays of fame.

But the most memorable was the musical "Eastwick Witches", in which Nevskaya played the role of the witch Sookie. The story of three witches bored without male attention in a small village invariably caused laughter. Anna later admitted that it was then that she realized how much she wanted to work in the comedy genre. Nevskaya liked to make people laugh, give them positive emotions.

The beginning of a film career

Anna Nevskaya children
Anna tried to work in front of the camera back in those years when she was a student. And her first role was in the film "Siberian Barber". But this work cannot be called stellar for Nevskaya, because in the frame she appeared only for a few minutes.

After that, Anna played in episodes of many films. But there was no role that would allow her to demonstrate the talent of a comedic actress.

Anna starred in the films "I Will Give You Life", "Fate." Despite the fact that the actress played only in small episodes, she was noticed by the producers of the Amedia TV channel. And it was they who offered the actress the role that made her popular.

Ascent to Olympus

Anna made an offer to play in the comedy series "Who is the boss in the house?" The actress agreed. She was to fulfill the role of business woman Daria Pirogova, raising her son and trying to establish her personal life. Together with Anna, Andrei Noskov was involved in this series. He had to play a former football player and a single father, who is arranged by a housekeeper to Pirogova.

Annanevskaya photo

The series made Anna and Andrei popular actors. Anna showed the ability to play touching and funny roles. Therefore, even before the shooting of the series was finished, Nevskaya got the main role in the film "Sky Color". In this film, making fun of the race for fashion, Anna again had to play a comedic role. But her heroine in "Color of the Sky" did not cause as many positive emotions and love among the audience as Pirogov. However, Anna Nevskaya did not take this to heart. The filmography of the actress soon replenished with new works.

Personal life

Career is not the main thing in life, says Anna Nevskaya. For her, children and a husband are things that you can devote to yourself. So far, Anna has not known the joys of motherhood. But not so long ago, she married businessman Dmitry Klepitsky.

It was not love at first sight. At first, Anna did not like Dmitry. She believed that he had too high an opinion of herself. And all because of Klepitskyโ€™s habit of using English expressions in speech. To him, a man who had lived in America for a long time, this seemed normal. He did not even know what opinion the actress had about him.

But over time, the sharp corners smoothed out. A lot of press attention was caused by Anna Nevskaya. Photos with Krupitsky appeared on the pages of newspapers and magazines. But neither Anna nor Dmitry wanted to rush things. The actress said that they, as adults, needed to think things through.

Nevskaya Anna Viktorovna

Dmitry made Anna an offer of marriage in France. And Nevskaya agreed with him. Anna and Dmitry decided to abandon the traditional ceremony in the registry office and a large number of guests.

Only close friends and relatives of the couple were invited to the exit celebration. They tried to protect themselves from the attention of the press, but the wedding of one of the most beautiful actresses in Russian cinema could not but arouse interest.

Now Anna continues to act in films, performs on the stage of the theater. She will surely please her fans with even more work.

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