Fingertip Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Finger finger syndrome is a pathology that is accompanied by difficulties with flexion and extension of the fingers. This phenomenon is the result of changes in the synovial cavity, during which the correct functioning of the tendons in the hands is disturbed. With this disease, the fingers are difficult to bend, and when extended, a sharp click occurs. This pathology in medicine is called Nott's disease, stenosing tendovaginitis or ligamentitis, nodular tendonitis or spring finger.

Basic concepts

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand the essence of the disease and the causes of its appearance. Snapping finger syndrome is one of the pathologies of the connective tissue and musculoskeletal system.

Most patients with this diagnosis are women. In representatives of the weaker sex, the first finger of the brush is most often affected, much less often such symptoms appear on 3 or 4 fingers.

snapping finger treatment with folk remedies

Causes of the disease

In the body of a healthy person, the tendon-ligamentous apparatus is capable of producing a special fluid (synovial). It protects individual parts of the joints from abrasion and rapid wear.

Under the influence of some factors, the amount of fluid released decreases, the annular ligament thickens, and the lumen of the channel becomes smaller. Such changes lead to disturbances in the functioning of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus. Parts of the joints cease to slip, rub against each other. This causes microtrauma and growths.

palm and finger massage

Risk factors

The following factors can increase the risk of developing snapping finger syndrome:

  • Increased strain on the hands. This risk group includes people engaged in manual labor: seamstresses, drivers, locksmiths, workers engaged in the manual production of certain types of products.
  • Diabetes.
  • Pregnancy. During this period, blood circulation is disturbed in women, contributing to the appearance of foci of inflammation in the joints.
  • Improper (uneven) bone development in childhood and adolescence.
  • The presence of diseases such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Anomalies and pathologies of the joints of the phalanx.
  • Heredity. If among close relatives there is a person with a diagnosis of knotty tendonitis, then the risk of the disease from the heirs increases.


Signs and symptoms of snapping finger syndrome are fairly common. You can confuse them with puffiness or other pathologies only at the initial stage of development. It was at this time that the symptoms manifested extremely weakly. patients are observed:

  • Pain At the very beginning of the pathological process, pain rarely occurs. Most often this happens in the morning after waking up. At this stage, the pains are characterized as weak, passing, if the hand is left without movements. The lack of treatment leads to increased pain.
  • Severe pain when touching the affected area and during physical exertion on the fingers.
  • Decreased motor activity and amplitude of movement of the fingers (it becomes difficult to bend and unbend them).
  • An increase in joint densification and thickening.

Incorrect selection of treatment or its complete absence leads to increased symptoms and worsening of the patient's condition. With the progression of the disease are observed:

  • Severe pain is present even at rest and in the absence of stress.
  • Pain sensations are concentrated not only in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the affected joint, but also extend to the wrist, forearm, or even shoulder.
  • When bending and extending the finger, a click occurs.
  • A complication in the form of a large painful cone located at the base of the finger is possible.

Stages of the disease

how to cure snapping finger syndrome without surgery

In medicine, there are 3 stages of development of the snapping finger syndrome:

1st stage. The very beginning of the development of the disease. Symptoms are mild, there are minor pains.

2nd stage. It is at this stage of the disease that many patients turn to the clinic, as the symptoms become more pronounced.

3rd stage. This period is accompanied by complications and requires a long complex treatment.


It is possible to diagnose stenosing ligamentitis (snapping finger) based on patient complaints and initial examination. During this procedure, the doctor checks the health of the joint, its condition, the presence of seals and swelling.

In some cases, ultrasound diagnostics are required to obtain additional data. In the course of ultrasound, it is possible to obtain information about the state of tendons and muscles.

Conservative treatment

People suffering from this disease often ask what to do when they click their fingers and whether it is possible to completely get rid of this pathology.

In cases where the disease is detected in the early stages and is not complicated by intense pain and compaction, conservative treatment is sufficient to restore joint function. Doctors can prescribe several types of therapy, depending on the features and complexity of the diagnosis.

  • Fixing brush. Sometimes, to eliminate the symptoms and causes of the disease, it is enough to reduce the burden on the arm. To do this, a special tire is placed on it, which fixes the finger.
  • Massage. Massage procedures are often included in complex therapy for nodular tendonitis. This effect restores proper blood circulation and helps to reduce inflammation.
  • Medical and preventive exercises. In many cases, in the treatment of stenosing ligamentitis (clicking finger syndrome), therapeutic exercises are recommended. However, they should not be performed independently. For stage 2 and 3 disease, this approach is recommended to be used only at the recovery stage.
  • Cold compresses. Exposure to cold will reduce pain, but will not eliminate the cause of the disease.
  • Steroid drugs. The presence of pronounced symptoms requires a course of steroid injections. Such drugs act locally (in the affected area) and help eliminate inflammation, pain and other manifestations. In severe cases, several intermittent courses may be required.

Percutaneous release

How to cure snapping finger syndrome without surgery if medications and massage do not help? In such cases, doctors often resort to percutaneous release. This procedure is an effect directly on the focus of the pathology.

stenotic ligamentitis snapping finger

A needle is inserted into the area of โ€‹โ€‹the damaged joint, with the help of which tissues and formations that impede the normal functioning of the joint are destroyed. After this, additional therapeutic measures (massage, exercises) are prescribed.

Surgical intervention

Surgery for snapping finger syndrome is prescribed in cases where therapeutic treatments do not give the desired result. During this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision at the base of the finger and removes the overgrown tendon tissue, as a result of which the joint's motor activity is fully restored.

This operation takes quite a little time, and a small incision promotes rapid recovery.

In the postoperative period, the doctor may prescribe additional treatment, temporary fixation of the finger and other exposure options.

Treating snapping finger syndrome at home

In addition to traditional methods of therapy, there are many folk recipes, but before using them, several features should be considered.

The use of traditional medicine is recommended only for stenotic ligamentitis in the initial stage. With severe pain and inflammatory processes, you should immediately contact the clinic. Otherwise, the condition will only worsen.

If within 10-14 days of treatment according to the prescriptions of the healers, there is no improvement, and the intensity of the symptoms has not decreased, it is recommended to abandon alternative methods of therapy and seek medical help.

signs and symptoms of snapping finger syndrome

In the piggy bank of the healers there are such recipes:

  • Raw Potato Compresses. To prepare a therapeutic agent, raw potatoes are peeled and ground. This can be done using a blender or fine grater. The resulting slurry is heated to a temperature of 37-38 degrees, wrapped in a bandage or gauze and applied at night to a sore joint. A scarf or woolen cloth is applied over the compress. Such a recipe will help to quickly relieve pain and swelling.
aloe pulp
  • Aloe pulp. Aloe medicinal plant helps to quickly eliminate inflammation and swelling. Use it as a compress. A piece is cut from a fresh leaf, which slightly exceeds the size of the damaged joint in size. This leaf fragment is divided lengthwise into 2 halves and applied to the skin with flesh. Such a compress is fixed with a bandage or gauze. Change aloe leaf 3 times a day.
  • Compress of cabbage leaves. Familiar white cabbage is an effective folk remedy for the treatment of a snapping finger. A piece of cabbage leaf is separated from the head, slightly crushed (so that the leaf becomes softer) and applied to the sore joint. Fix the sheet with a bandage. Repeat 10 days.
  • Propolis. Propolis raw materials are mixed in equal amounts with vegetable oil. The resulting finger fluid is treated daily for 2 weeks. Propolis is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, so such a medicine well blocks many of the symptoms of Knott's disease.
  • Eucalyptus broth. On 1 tbsp. 1 tablespoon of dry chopped leaf of a plant boiling water. Eucalyptus is brewed and left under the lid until it cools. Apply this decoction should be for compresses. To do this, gauze or a bandage, folded in several layers, is moistened in a decoction, squeezed slightly and applied to a sore joint for the whole night. Such a compress quickly relieves pain and alleviates the condition.
  • Compress made of clay and arnica. For such a recipe, arnica tincture and healing clay will be required. These ingredients are sold in every pharmacy. A small amount of ingredients (they must be taken in equal parts) are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It should be of such a consistency that a cake can be formed from it and applied to the joint. The first procedure should last no more than 40-45 minutes. The second session is about 2 hours. If such a remedy does not cause redness, the compress is left overnight. To prevent the mass from drying out quickly, a film and a bandage dressing are applied over it.
hand wrap


The above methods and tools fully answer the question of how to cure a snapping finger syndrome. Now there are many treatment options, however, it is much easier and faster to block Nott disease in the very early stages of development.

The periodic appearance of swelling of the fingers, a feeling of numbness and tingling indicate the onset of problems. In this case, you can:

  • Give your hands a long rest.
  • Alternate types of load.
  • Use Ibuprofen ointment to relieve inflammation, swelling and pain.

It should be remembered that you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Even treatment with effective drugs should only begin after a medical examination and diagnosis. The maximum effect is achieved when using complex treatment methods.

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