What tattoo to fill the guy, which - the girl

If you can not decide which tattoo to fill, try initially to learn more about the history of their appearance, which means a particular pattern. It is also very important to decide where you want to get a tattoo and for what purpose you do it.

Tattoo History

Tattooing is a specific art form that originated more than 6,000 years ago. At the time when they appeared, a person could not independently decide which tattoo to fill. Drawing pictures on the body was a kind of ritual that testified to which tribe and genus a person belongs to. There was, perhaps, not a single nation that would not fill multicolored patterns on the body.

what tattoo to fill
For example, in the tribes of North America it was believed that the more tattoos a warrior has on his body, the stronger and more courageous he is. In some tribes, warriors inflicted fragments from the battle in which they won. Choosing which tattoo to fill, some applied the image of the animal with which they associated themselves.
And here it was not only about the personal achievements of the fighter. The fact is that applying a tattoo was a very painful procedure, and only the most daring could go through it.
Tattoos were applied with the bones or teeth of animals. Not everyone could bear the pain that this procedure brought.

Among other things, in some countries tattoos talked about the magical abilities of a person. In other countries, tattoos could talk about the position that a person occupies in society.

In Rome, for example, with the help of wearable images stigmatized criminals and slaves.
In Japan, a whole culture of tattooing was developed. They were based on ancient legends. It mattered a lot what profession a person chose. Geishas could not independently choose which tattoo to fill and whether to fill it at all. They painted the whole body with body art. Not painted over left only the palms and feet.

It is worth noting that the only ones who could choose which tattoo to fill were samurai. They could stuff themselves an animal, symbolizing courage, courage or strength.

Modern tattooing culture

Today, a tattoo is no longer a sign of crime or informality. Tattoo can be called decoration of the human body.

Today, everyone has the right to choose which tattoo you can fill. And if it is three-dimensional and stuffed with a real professional, then it will have to wait more than one month. Many tattoos can be said to be works of art.

what tattoos can be filled

For each, the procedure for applying a picture to the body carries its own semantic load. For some, itโ€™s just a decoration, another is trying to hide the scars or is just so fond of tattoos that he begins to โ€œcollectโ€ them on his body. But there are also those for whom the procedure for applying a tattoo has a sacred meaning and can play the role of a talisman.

Which tattoo is better to fill and not make a mistake?

As for the color of the tattoo, then there is no need to argue for a long time. Most connoisseurs of underwear designs choose blue-green shades. Although in recent years three-dimensional pictures have come into fashion, which are applied with completely different bright colors.

As for the technique of tattooing, it is difficult to dwell on any particular one, since the technology is constantly progressing. Recently, drawings that carry a hidden meaning have become increasingly popular. Such as hieroglyphs, zodiac signs, famous quotes, etc.

If you are not sure about the choice of image, you can resort to applying a temporary tattoo. This will allow you to get used to the new image, and you will be able to understand whether you still want to fill a permanent analogue or if this is not necessary.

Also of great importance is the choice of position of the picture. This is due to the fact that human skin tends to stretch over the years. Therefore, the choice of the place where you are going to get a tattoo should be taken with all responsibility.
Since they are mainly made in order to stand out from the crowd or make themselves known in a particular society, the plot should be selected accordingly.

on which arm to tattoo
Drawings in intimate places became fashionable. They get great popularity among women. Each wants to stand out for his man.

Tattoos in different places

As already noted above, it is important to choose the right place where you want to fill the tattoo. This is best done where fat is least deposited. Otherwise, over the years, the skin will stretch and the picture will no longer look as attractive as you would like. Incorrectly chosen place can lead to the fact that the tattoo is generally distorted and it will be difficult to recognize the initial pattern in it.

What tattoo can I put on my arm?

Women most often (if we talk about arms) make a tattoo on the wrist or slightly higher. Men choose a forearm or a shoulder for a tattoo. Today it has become fashionable to โ€œhammerโ€ the whole arm with tattoos. If you are a fan of this kind of extreme sports, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of time and will cost a lot of money. By the way, such tattoos are the hardest to remove. If over time you want to change something, then such a complex tattoo will not be easy to kill.

what tattoo can I put on my arm
Which arm to tattoo on, of course, is up to you to choose, but several factors should be considered here. First, which drawing do you choose. If small, then here you can not hesitate with the decision and choose any hand. If there is a desire to โ€œhammerโ€ the whole hand, then it is best to choose the one that is less active. The procedure is painful and lengthy, a wound at the site of the tattoo will heal for some time. Again, much depends on what kind of drawing you are typing and what meaning it carries in itself.

Tattoo on the foot

It is considered one of the most extravagant tattoos. Most often, women make them for themselves. These are mostly small images. If you do not know what tattoo to fill a girl with, then you can safely opt for such a job. Such tattoos are considered elegant and sexy.

which tattoo is better to fill
Often, such patterns are stuffed on the upper or side of the foot. They do this primarily for beauty, and only then they think about the meaning.

On the feet, most often women stuff themselves with images of cats, butterflies, stars, notes or treble clefs. Some people prefer to type labels. As a rule, these are words in a foreign language.

In general, tattoos on the foot are a great opportunity for girls to emphasize the beauty of their elegant legs.

Chest tattoos

This is one of the most convenient areas for applying a tattoo. It allows you to freely choose the size of the picture and its shape. Such tattoos are often made by men. It is considered beautiful and unusual. If a woman makes a tattoo for herself in the decollete area, then this will be perceived by society as vulgarity and even depravity.

There is a myth that tattoos stuffed in the chest area are amulets and protect the wearer. And all because they are located closest to the heart.

And if you do not know what kind of tattoo to fill a guy on his chest, then it is best to opt for a picture that will be a symbol of masculinity and valor.
It is fashionable to fill in a symmetrical pattern or "mirroring" patterns. Today, cyber tattoos are gaining popularity among men. They are performed mainly in bright colors.

what tattoo to fill a girl

Fingers - another area for tattooing

Previously, only men did tattoos on the inside of the fingers. But recently, women began to decorate their graceful fingers with various inscriptions or patterns.

We all remember how men typed letters on each finger, they were read together as a name or some kind of appeal. Such drawings were most often related to army subjects. But those days have passed. And today itโ€™s fashionable to stuff words or sentences from the inside of the fingers. Of course, the letters are very small and it is almost impossible to read them. In such work, the main thing is that the master is a professional and can beautifully type letters. Then the inscription can be holistic and beautiful.

Many men prefer to inscribe themselves in the Gothic style.
It also happens that a tattoo on the finger is only the completion of the overall picture, which stretches from the hand.

what tattoo to fill a guy
Remember: no matter what tattoo you choose, the main thing is to contact a professional in your field. It is also important that his workplace and tools are sterile.

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