Conjugation. Verb conjugation rule

How to determine conjugation? The conjugation rule is studied at school for several hours. However, not every student is able to remember him without good practice. In this regard, we decided to remind you of what verbal conjugation is. The conjugation rule will also be presented to your attention along with relevant examples.

conjugation rule conjugation

general information

The definition of a particular conjugation of a verb puts into a stupor a fairly large number of people. Especially often this problem occurs during the creation of any written text. And in order not to be considered an illiterate person, the endings of verbs should be written correctly. But for this you need to know all the rules about conjugation.

What is conjugation?

Conjugation refers to the grammatical category of verbs, which determines its change in numbers and persons, and also dictates which letter should be written in a dubious ending.

In modern Russian, 2 conjugations of verbs are known , which are named respectively: the first and second. Depending on which of the named one or another word belongs, the letter in the end is selected. By the way, do not forget that past tense verbs lack conjugation. The conjugation rule states that there are no endings in such words that can be doubted.

How to determine conjugation

To correctly write a verb, you should constantly remember the rules for conjugations.

So let's look at them in more detail. In order to find out which conjugation of a verb, to determine which vowel letter should be written at its end, you need to look at where the accent falls in the word being tested. In that case, if the ending itself is under the stressed position, then with its spelling everything immediately becomes clear. This is due to the fact that the vowel is in a strong position, and therefore no doubt should arise.

verb conjugation rule

But what to do if you still need to find out what conjugation a word has? The conjugation rule states that it is determined by the vowel itself. Thus, if the letters “e”, “u”, or “y” are under stress, then we can safely indicate that the verb being tested refers to the first conjugation. If a strong position is occupied by "I" or "a", then this is the second conjugation.

Examples of determining conjugations by shock endings

Here are specific examples to help you remember the rules for conjugations:

  • SLEEP is an imperfective verb. The stress in it falls on the ending -at. Accordingly, this word refers to the second conjugation.
  • Nesut is a verb of an imperfect form. The stress in it falls on the ending -out. Accordingly, this word refers to the first conjugation.

Verbs with the prefix

The conjugation rule described above applies to almost all verbs. However, students often have difficulties with those words that begin with the prefix you-. This is due to the fact that in most cases the stress falls on it. Here is an example: it will burn out. If you are faced with such a situation, then experts recommend simply discarding this morpheme and consider the word without using the prefix. For example, burn out - burn. The resulting verb has an imperfect form and a second conjugation. Accordingly, the initial word from which it was formed refers to it.

What if the stress does not fall on the verb ending?

Now you know that for proper writing, you must necessarily apply the above rule. Conjugation of verbs is determined quite easily. But if this is problematic for you, it is recommended to create a table on a separate sheet that will contain all the features of the rule.

Russian language rule conjugation of verbs

So, with those cases where the stress falls on the ending, as well as with the prefix, we figured out. But how to determine the conjugation of a verb if its ending is in an unstressed position? In this case, it should be determined by the infinitive. What it is? For those who have forgotten, this term is understood as an indefinite (or initial) form of a verb that answers questions such as “what to do?” and "what to do?"

Examples of determining the 1st conjugation by unstressed endings

If you have a word, the emphasis of which does not fall on the ending, then what rule should be applied? Conjugation of verbs includes many nuances. And in order to correctly write the necessary text, you should know all of them.

Consider how the conjugation of verbs is determined, the end of which occupies an unstressed position:

  • Draws (what does?) - this is a verb of imperfect form. Quite a lot of students write it with an error, instead of ending -et putting -it (draws). But this is not true. In order to spell this word correctly, it should be put in an indefinite form: draws - (what to do?) Draw.
  • He will say (what will he do?) - this is a perfect verb. When writing it, it is also easy to make a mistake, instead of ending -et putting -it (say). To determine which vowel should be used in the last syllable, this word must be similarly converted into an infinitive: it will say - (what to do?) Say.

So, what gives us such a rule of the Russian language? Conjugation of verbs in this case depends on their initial form. Thus, if the infinitive ends in -y, -et, -yut, -at, -y or -yat, then the word being tested refers to the first conjugation. Accordingly, the personal endings for these words will be: -et, -et, -ethe, -em, -ut, -ut. -U and -u are also possible.

conjugation rules

Examples of determining the 2nd conjugation by unstressed endings

Rule 2 conjugation is similar to the 1st. To get started, here are a few examples:

  • Walk (what are you doing?) Is an imperfective verb. Very often, instead of an unstressed ending, you students write-you. In order to spell this word correctly, it needs to be put in its initial form: go - (what should I do?) Go.
  • Spend (what are you doing?) Is an imperfective verb. Instead of ending it, you students mistakenly put it. For its correct spelling, the verb should also be put in an indefinite form: spend - (what to do?) Spend.

Based on these examples, we can safely conclude that the verbs of the 2nd conjugation are those verbs whose initial form ends in -it. In this case, the personal endings of such words will be as follows: -it, -at, -it, -im, -at, -at. -U and -u are also possible.

Exceptions to the Rules

All rules have their exceptions. So, the words “swell”, “shave”, “rest” and “lay down” must be attributed to the first conjugation, even though in the initial form they end in “-it”. Thus, their personal endings will be as follows: shaving - shaving, shaving; to be based - to be based; lay - stele, stel, etc.

conjugation rules

Among other things, this rule also includes such exclusion words as “offend”, “watch”, “hate”, “tolerate”, “hold”, “see”, “hear”, “twirl”, “depend ”,“ Breathe ”,“ drive ”. All the above expressions refer to the second conjugation, even though their infinitive ends in -et and -at. Thus, their personal endings will be as follows: to drive - persecuted, to hate, to offend - to offend, to keep - to keep, to see - to see, to endure - to endure, to watch - to watch, to breathe - to breathe, to depend - depend, etc.

Verb conjugation features

In addition to the verbs of the first and second conjugations, in our language there are also spoken words. These include the following: “run,” “want,” “squeamish,” “give,” and “honor.” Why are they called disjointed? The fact is that in some forms of such verbs the endings of the first conjugation (often in the singular) are used, and in others - the second (often in the plural). Here are some examples:

  • he wants;
  • do you want;
  • I want to;
  • they want;
  • Do you want to;
  • we want.

As you can see from the example, the disjoint word includes the endings of both the first conjugation and the second.

conjugation rule

Ways to Remember Rules and Exceptions

In our native language, there are an incredible number of rules that have at least a number of all kinds of exceptions. It should be noted that verb conjugation is one of the difficult topics in high school. After all, it is not in vain that a large number of theoretical and practical hours are devoted to her. Moreover, to greatly facilitate the study of this rule, teachers of literature and the Russian language annually come up with more and more new ways of remembering the rules for conjugating verbs. To do this, create different songs, comic poems, algorithms, tables and diagrams. However, the essence of them is the same: it is extremely important to understand the dependence of a particular letter in the personal ending of a verb, which is in an unstressed position, on a letter in an indefinite form. You should also keep in mind a place for 15 exception words.

If you remember these dependencies once and for all, then you can determine the conjugation of verbs before you even begin to write it.

So, consider a few algorithms for remembering:

  • 1st conjugation. It includes all those verbs whose initial form does not end on-thread (of course, with the exception of the following exceptions: “swell”, “shave”, “stay off” and “lay down”).
  • 2nd conjugation. It includes all those verbs whose initial form ends in -it (of course, except for the following exceptions: “offend,” “watch,” “hate,” “endure,” “hold,” “see,” “hear,” “ twirl ”,“ depend ”,“ breathe ”,“ drive ”).

conjugation rules
To facilitate the process of remembering such exception words, the following rhyme was specially invented, containing all the necessary information:

To the 2nd conjugation

We will carry without a doubt

All verbs that are on -IT,

Excluding shaving, laying.

And watch, offend,

Hear, see, hate

To chase, hold, breathe, endure,

And depend, and twirl.

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