Actress Lyudmila Polyakova: biography, filmography, personal life

Polyakova Lyudmila Petrovna was born on January 28, 1939 in the city of Moscow. The greatest popularity and audience love brought her characteristic roles, where she plays strong and powerful women. To her fame, actress Lyudmila Polyakova walked for a rather long time, and acting glory appeared completely unexpectedly.

Now she is a People’s Artist of Russia and a laureate of the State Russian Prize.

actress lyudmila polyakova

Childhood and the beginning of an acting career

When the Great Patriotic War began, Lyudmila was only 2 years old. Her family moved during the evacuation to Murom, and it was there that most of her childhood passed. Fortunately, she was too small and did not remember all the horror and fear that her older compatriots had to endure. But something still remained in the girl’s memory, despite this, she was always optimistic, believed in a bright and bright future.

Actress Lyudmila Polyakova in her youth never thought about an acting career, after graduation she dreamed of becoming an oceanographer. I went to Odessa and studied French and shorthand there. Once she accidentally ended up in the capital, and next to the famous Shchepkinsky Theater School, when entrance exams ended there . I decided to try my abilities. It turned out that Lyudmila has amazing acting data that did not leave indifferent any member of the selection committee, and so the magnificent actress Lyudmila Polyakova appeared. The young girl was not destined to become an oceanographer.

Work in the theater. Actress Lyudmila Polyakova

actress lyudmila polyakova biography

Biography and career have always been successful. After successfully graduating from college, she began working in the Drama Theater. Stanislavsky, where she worked for almost 18 years, and it was there that her creative formation took place. In 1982 she was transferred to the Taganka Theater, she worked here for only 5 years. In 1987, he began to play at the Theater School of Dramatic Art Theater, but after 3 years he left there. In the same year she was invited to play on the stage of the Maly Theater, by the way, the actress still works there. She immediately actively joins the theater repertoire. Among the roles she played are such as Nastasya Ivanovna (Tolstoy L., “The Living Corpse”), Evdokia Lopukhina (Gorenstein F. , “Tsar Peter and Alexei”), Princess Tugoukhovskaya and Khlestova (Griboedov AS, “Woe from mind ") and others.

Actress Lyudmila Polyakova each time lives its own image, organically fits into each of its roles. The audience loves her for the fact that she knows how to make the hero so close and understandable for perception that she wants to look at him and imitate him.

Lyudmila Polyakova, filmography

lyudmila polyakova filmography

She always succeeds in successfully combining work in the theater and on the screen, and she also successfully plays completely different roles: modern and classic. Behind the somewhat rude appearance of her heroines is often a vulnerable soul. More memorable roles are when she plays strong and powerful women.

The first film, in which the actress Lyudmila Polyakova starred, was called "The Foreigner", he was released on the screens in 1965. In 2009, she starred in the film "Vacations of High Security".

Polyakova’s creative palette is unusually diverse, in each role she manages to find special colors, sometimes bright, sometimes muted, but they are always marked by the unique personality of the actress.

The actress starred in the films: “Boomer”, “Mother of the Hurricane”, “Farewell to Mater”, “Agony”, “Secretary of the Party Committee”, “Mistress of the orphanage” and others.

In total, there are more than 70 roles played in films and series. Here is such a rich creative path for actress Lyudmila Polyakova.

Personal life

Lyudmila grew up in a poor family. She spent her very first salary on books. At that time, she liked to plunge into the imaginary world of science fiction, but now, on the contrary, she became a realist.

In one of the interviews, the actress shared that she always gave a little more than she received from the relationship. All alliances with men simply outlived themselves. Lyudmila thanks all the people who met in her life. Her first husband was Vasily Bochkarev, an actor of the Maly Theater, they lived together for 8 years.

In the second marriage, a child appeared, her husband worked as a pilot, and the actress was constantly busy in the theater. This union has also broken up.

Polyakova recently bought a house on the Mediterranean Sea, and she is happy.

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