Actor Mihai Volontir: biography, creative activity and personal life

Actor Mihai Volontir is known to us for the role of gypsy Budulai. However, in his creative piggy bank there are many other interesting works. Want to know where the childhood of a famous artist took place? What path to success did he make? What is the cause of his death? You will find all the necessary information in the article.

Actor Mihai Volontir: biography

He was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Glizheny, located in the Republic of Moldova. Our hero was brought up in a large family. His parents were far from the world of cinema. Mother (Efrosinya) was engaged in farming and raising children. The main breadwinner of the family was his father. Yermolai Volontir worked as a forester.

Mihai from an early age helped his father. He spent almost all his free time in the forest. The father taught his son how to hunt and ride a horse. All these skills were later useful to Mihai during the filming of the film “Gypsy”.

Euphrosyne sang beautifully and was a skilled storyteller. Friends and relatives of the family claimed that she transferred these abilities to Misha.

Actor mihai volunteer


Our hero dreamed of connecting his life with the scene. But he decided to put off his plans for later. In the early 1950s, the guy entered the Orhei Pedagogical School, choosing a correspondence department.

At the age of 18, Mihai got a job as a teacher in a school located in the village of Popoutsi. Children respected and understood him well. At the end of the school Volontir went to another village - Lipcheny. There he got a job as a club manager.


In 1957, our hero decided to participate in the republican amateur show. A talented and confident guy was highly appreciated by a professional jury. He was offered to work at the Musical Drama Theater . V. Alexandri. Mihai could not even dream of this. The guy agreed, of course. In this theater, the actor worked for many years. During this time he played over 120 roles in performances staged based on the works of world famous authors.

Film career

For the first time on wide screens, Mihai Volontir appeared in 1967. He played Ivan Turbinke in the film “Need a Gatekeeper”. The young actor received invaluable experience.

In 1977, the second picture with his participation was presented to the audience. It was called "In the special attention zone." After the release of this film, Volontir gained all-Union fame. His colleague on the set was Boris Galkin.

Budulay actor mihai volunteer

The main role in the life of our hero is Budulai. Actor Mihai Volontir was able to accurately convey the character and emotions of the gypsy. The film of the same name was released in 1979. The film was an incredible success with Russian and Moldovan viewers. In 1985, its sequel was filmed - "The Return of Budulai."

Throughout his career, Mihai Volontir played more than 30 roles in films belonging to different genres. We list his most striking and successful works:

  • The Fourth (1972) - Banar.
  • Bridges (1973) - Petrake.
  • The Sound of the Flute (1976) - Jabrail.
  • The Root of Life (1977) - Lukyan Batyr.
  • "Unrequited Love" (1979) - Doctor.
  • “The Only Man” (1981) - Mikhail Mikhailovich.
  • “Be happy, Julia!” (1983) - Radu.
  • Traces of the Werewolf (1986) - Hugo Vinchero.
  • “Am I to Blame ...” (1992) - Sanya.
  • Chandra (2003) - projectionist.

A family

Actor Mihai Volontir has always been popular with women. It was impossible not to fall in love with a handsome man with a strong torso, piercing eyes and curly hair.

After the release of the films “Gypsy” and “The Return of Budulai”, Volunteer was credited with an affair with a colleague on the set, Clara Luchko. However, the actor himself has repeatedly stated that they are bound exclusively by friendly relations. Each of them had their own family.

Actor Mihai Volontir of those people who fall in love once and for a lifetime. His chosen one was the beautiful Efrosinya Dobinde. She is also a representative of the acting profession. But at one time, the girl sacrificed her career for the sake of the family.

Actor mihai volunteer biography

Mihai and Efrosinha got married when they were both a little over 20 years old. Soon they had a charming little daughter. The girl was called Stella. The couple dreamed of the appearance of an heir. However, fate decreed otherwise. A few years ago, the only daughter made Efrosinya and Mihai grandparents. They have a growing granddaughter of Keterin. Stella did not follow in the footsteps of her parents. She works as a diplomat at the Moldovan Embassy in France.

The life of actor Mihai Volontira in recent years

Our hero did not want to leave Moldova anywhere. He and his wife Efrosinya lived in a tiny apartment in Balti. The artist's pension was about 5,000 rubles. Most of this amount went to pay for utilities. Therefore, Mihai Ermolaevich continued to work in the theater. Alexandri. He fed abandoned animals living near the institution.

The life of the actor mihai volunteer


Back in the 1990s, the famous actor was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. There was not enough money or time to treat the disease. Therefore, at some point, Mihai had health complications. In addition, he was diagnosed with cancer. He underwent several operations. But surgical intervention gave only a temporary effect.

In June 2015, actor Mihai Volontir again went to the hospital. His wife had to sell an apartment and a summer house to pay for her husband’s treatment. It would seem that our hero was recovering. But on September 15, his heart stopped. Did not become a beloved artist. Together with Moldova, the inhabitants of Russia also mourned.

Mihai Volontir was buried with all honors in the Central (Armenian) cemetery, located near Chisinau. His grave was literally buried in flowers. Friends, colleagues and ordinary Moldavians came to lead the actor on their last journey.


Now you know the details of the life and death of Mihai Volontira. He made a considerable contribution to the development of Moldavian and Russian cinema. Bright memory to him ...

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