Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. What to do during a thunderstorm

There are various natural disasters that are expressed differently. There are also all sorts of atmospheric phenomena, which can be no less dangerous. Every time during bad weather a large number of people suffer. Moreover, there are deaths through negligence. Most often, unhappiness occurs due to the fact that people do not always follow the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. Here you will learn how not to get into trouble, wherever you are.

What is a thunderstorm?

thunderstorm rules

This natural phenomenon is characterized by very strong discharges of electricity in the zone of cumulonimbus clouds. At the same time, lightning is accompanied by very strong thunder sounds. There are also frequent cases when, along with a thunderstorm, a very strong wind is observed, which is capable of sharply increasing its speed. Sometimes a tornado appears.

Since lightning can provoke a fire, disruption of the power lines, human injury, it is necessary to know the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. It is important where exactly you are during the disaster. Keep in mind that a high lightning temperature during a strike can kill. Those who survived after such a disaster received serious burns and injuries. Some victims could not recover from the shock.

How do you know that bad weather is coming?

safe behavior during thunderstorms

Before you find out the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm, you need to find out how to determine its appearance. So, there are such harbingers of bad weather:

- High humidity, which can be seen by long-drying dew.

- Low flying birds (swallows) and insects.

- Slow drop in atmospheric pressure. Moreover, a decrease can occur jerkily.

- Cloudy in the morning, if before that at night you noticed the twinkling of stars.

- If you feel that the street has become too stuffy, then a storm will come soon.

Features of the calculation of the approach of a thunderstorm. What tree does lightning most often fall into?

what to do during a thunderstorm

You have the opportunity to find out how close the lightning sparkles near you. This will give you a head start, and you can quickly hide from the weather. It’s easy to calculate the approach of a thunderstorm. It is necessary to calculate the time between a thunderclap and a flash of lightning. The more seconds elapsed between these phenomena, the farther the storm is from you.

Note that in one second the sound travels one kilometer. That is, the more seconds between lightning and sound rumble, the farther away from you the epicenter of a thunderstorm. This means that you still have time to take refuge.

Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm will help you protect yourself from injuries and even death. As for hits in a tree, the oak most often takes a hit (in more than 50 cases out of 100). The safest in case of thunder and lightning is birch, as well as hazel, maple and laurel tree. However, this does not mean that you need to hide under a tree.

What to do if during a thunderstorm you are in an open area?

thunderstorm tree

Now we will figure out how to behave if you do not have time to run home:

1. First of all, you do not need to run under a tree or a canopy. A tent made of material will not save you either.

2. If there are no buildings nearby, then try to find a depression in the ground. In this case, it is desirable to bend down, put your legs together. Take off all products made of metal. Note that you can’t go to bed and climb high hills, too.

3. Do not get together in groups of several people. Better to stay apart.

4. If you heard that a steady hum is coming from nearby objects, or felt that the hair on your head began to rise, urgently change your location.

5. Never hold metal objects in your hands.

6. If a thunderstorm has caught you fishing, then try to get away from the water as far as possible. The fact is that if lightning enters a pond, it can kill you even at a distance of several kilometers.

7. It is also undesirable to be near a fire during a thunderstorm. Heated air attracts lightning better.

8. If you are near a power line, immediately run away from here.

9. If a thunderstorm has begun, a tree is not the best item to hide.

If you are in the house

thunderstorm photo

Now you need to find out what to do during a thunderstorm if she finds you in a building. Keep in mind that even if you are at home, in order to protect yourself from a lightning strike, you must also follow some rules:

- Try not to go near the windows or turn on household appliances. Move away from plumbing pipes or other engineering systems.

- Unplug the TV or other appliances from the outlet. Overvoltage can damage them.

- All doors, windows, chimney must be closed in the house. Note that drafts can cause ball lightning, so eliminate it.

- It is impossible to heat the stove during a thunderstorm.

- If ball lightning still appeared in the house, try to move away from it as soon as possible.

What if you are traveling by transport?

Thunderstorm (you can see the photo in the article) is a serious atmospheric phenomenon, and you should not hope for luck here, especially if you are traveling by car, bicycle or motorcycle. If you are in transport, then adhere to these rules of conduct:

1. Stop the car. At the same time, he should not stand near tall buildings, electricity transmission lines. Do not get out of the car. Be careful not to touch the metal panel or other parts of the vehicle. Close the windows tightly, turn off the radio. If you have a trailer with a hardtop, you can hide in it.

2. No matter where you are, do not call. It’s best to turn off the mobile device altogether.

3. If you were riding a bicycle or a motorcycle, then try to stop as soon as possible and get away from transport by at least 30 meters.

4. Do not try to run away from ball lightning if it flies nearby. This will only bring her closer to you.

If it happened that one of your loved ones was struck by lightning, then you need to immediately call an ambulance. You yourself have to do an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration.

During bad weather, try not to be nervous. This will only prevent you from remembering these rules and doing everything right. Try to be calm and focused. Safe behavior during a thunderstorm helps save lives and avoid injuries. Be healthy!

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