How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar quickly?

Every guy or man should have a beautiful figure and a pumped up body. But, unfortunately, not everyone fits this standard. Some cannot even pull themselves up once on the horizontal bar. It is for such people that this article is written. So, how to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar?

To start practicing, you will accordingly need a horizontal bar itself. It is desirable that it be located on the street, this will allow you to strengthen your health even more, being in the fresh air. In addition, you need good motivation that will support you in a difficult period.

how to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar
Before answering the question of how to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar, it is important to know that there are several types of pull-ups, which means that the technique is different everywhere. Basically, these are pull-ups with forward and reverse grip. There are also static exercises on the horizontal bar, reinforced and simple. It is worth noting that pull-ups with a direct grip involve a completely different muscle group than reverse ones.

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar?

static exercises on the horizontal bar
So, before you climb on the horizontal bar, you need to thoroughly warm up. To do this, it is best to run a few laps around the sports field (you can set other landmarks). Then prepare the muscles for increased loads - to do this, pull them. Now you are ready and you can proceed with the pull-ups themselves.

Beginners in this matter will be quite difficult, some will not be able to pull themselves up once. If you are one of them, then start with a simple hang on the horizontal bar. Try to stay as long as possible, then take a short break and climb on the horizontal bar again. Over time, you will increase strength, and you can already do exercises on the horizontal bar for beginners.

Hang on the horizontal bar and try to tighten your body because of all your strength. After that, fix in this position for 1-2 seconds, the chin should be clearly above the bar. Then slowly lower yourself and repeat the exercise. It is important that pull-ups are performed at a slow pace, the only way you will progress.

horizontal bar exercises for beginners
It is worth noting that training should be arranged regularly, without gaps. Otherwise, you will not achieve any results. Find a special program on the Internet, for example, "How to Learn to Get Fit 50 Years on a Horizontal Bar in Six Months" or something similar. Adhering to it, you will begin to progress much faster than engaging without a program. You can also create your own diary, in which you will record your results and set a new bar.

After you can easily pull up more than 10 times, you can proceed to strength exercises. The most popular of them: exit on one (on two), army exit, a needle, a dismount and many others. It is worth noting that all exercises are quite painful, and it will not be easy to master them. There are more complex types of exercises, for example, the sun. But only experienced turnstiles can exchange them.

Often, inexperienced people ask the question - the horizontal bar rubs corns, what should I do? The answer is simple: just buy special gloves at a sports store or wrap your hands with an elastic bandage.

The key to success is constant training. If you don’t start to find reasons to skip a workout, but think how to increase your level, then the question of how to learn how to pull yourself on the horizontal bar will disappear by itself. Also do not forget about motivation.

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