Profile pipe is a type of steel pipe. This category of products includes a wide range of products of high-quality metal rolling. It is in high demand among construction, manufacturing, agricultural and engineering enterprises. How do such products differ and how to choose the right product from the assortment of profile pipes? Similar questions must have been asked by buyers. Experts and large manufacturers of high-quality rolled metal will help to understand the intricacies of the purchase.
What is a profile pipe
A profile pipe is a type of high-quality hollow metal rolling. The profile of this pipe is characterized by several types of shapes, but different from round. Thus, the options are distinguished:
- square;
- rectangular;
- oval;
- flat oval;
- arched.
Distribution reached the pipe with a square and rectangular profile, which is explained by the correct cross-sectional shape.
Assortment of profile pipes
Speaking of assortment (this term comes from the concept of variety), they mean a list of varieties of products of this type, which is offered on the market for goods. So, the assortment of profile pipes includes metal products, the common characteristic of which is a hollow structure and a non-circular cross section. However, these products have differences:
- sectional shape;
- material of manufacture;
- production technology;
- profile size;
- wall thickness.
Profile form
This parameter is considered fundamental, since the assortment of products with different sections (profiles) is indicated separately.
- Rectangular pipe. This type of high-quality metal rolling has 4 stiffeners, which makes it tear and deflection resistant. No less important is the low weight, which is achieved due to the hollow structure. In addition to the advantages of the products, convenient storage and ease of transportation are worth mentioning.
- Square pipe. Such a product combines the aforementioned advantages of a rectangular pipe, while it is characterized by compact dimensions. You can not do without an assortment of a profile square pipe in cases of strictly limited space.
- Oval, flat oval, arched. Such options are often used in case of special requirements from the object. Polygonal and special profiles. Profile pipes with a polygonal cut or additional recesses are also sold, but they are made to individual orders.
Production technology
All types of profile pipes, regardless of the shape of the profile, are produced using similar technologies.
There are 3 of them in total.
- Cold rolled. According to cold-rolled technology, the source material for the production of shaped pipes are ordinary round pipes of suitable diameter. The process boils down to rolling round pipes on special machines. As a result of this, the product is given the desired shape.
- Hot deformed. This manufacturing technology is similar to cold rolled in that a round pipe is used as the starting material. However, there are differences - before rolling, the pipe heats up to high temperature. Due to this, no high internal stress arises in the metal and special operational characteristics are imparted to finished products.
- Welded. Welded production involves the use of not pieces of sheet metal, but pieces of sheet metal. They are run in to give the desired profile, and then connect the edges by welding.
GOST requirements for the assortment of profile pipes
Pipes with a profile other than round are considered one of the most important segments of the whole high-quality metal rolling. They are widely used in construction and other important facilities, so they must be manufactured taking into account stringent requirements. According to GOST 30245-2003, the assortment of profile pipes is characterized as bent closed welded products with a profile in the form of a rectangle or square.
However, this GOST is far from the only regulatory document. For each type of profile pipe, additional requirements are provided.
Materials of manufacture
Another distinctive property of the assortment of profile pipes is called material. The most commonly used steel. She may be:
- low alloyed;
- carbon;
- stainless.
Each type of pipe is assigned an item name. It certainly indicates the brand of steel, each of which belongs to a particular group. This characteristic significantly affects the strength, flexibility, durability and other indicators of the finished product (including cost). Less common are pipes made of other materials, for example, aluminum.
Square pipes: varieties
The dimensions of the square shaped profile tubes vary depending on the production technology. The assortment of a cold-formed profile pipe includes products with a cross section of 10-120 mm Wall thickness can reach 1-8 mm.
Hot deformation products are produced with a cross section of 30-140 mm, the thickness can be 4-14 mm. Electric-welded profile pipes have a thickness of 1-5 mm and a cross-sectional size of 10-100 mm.
Rectangular cross section
Pipes with a rectangular cross-section differ in side dimensions and wall thickness.
The smallest in size are considered pipes 15 * 10 mm, and the largest bulky 230 * 100 mm. Wall thickness varies from 1 to 14 mm. The larger the cross-sectional dimension, the larger the wall thickness should be. This allows the pipes to withstand increased loads and serve for many years.
The assortment of steel pipes is distinguished by several advantages, allowing them to be used in the construction and industrial sectors:
- Among all high-quality rolled metal, profile pipes have the lowest metal consumption, which significantly reduces the weight and cost of the finished structure.
- Such products are easy to bend, cut and weld, which reduces the speed of installation of products.
- Accounting for hygiene standards in production makes them easy to maintain.
- Made of steel, the pipes have complete fire safety.
The buyer selects the product based on the main requirements of the project, the scope and features of operation. In other words, there is no one ideal solution for two projects that are completely different in direction, cost and application features.
Having examined the characteristics and differences of profile pipes, we conclude: this type of metal rolling is diverse and is extremely useful in many areas of industry. However, those products that were manufactured taking into account the accepted requirements and standards will be durable and wear-resistant. For this reason, before buying metal, you should familiarize yourself with supporting documents.