Causes of disease in humans. Why do diseases occur?

Any disease is a natural result of exposure to some damaging factor or the launch of an inherited genetic defect. For a long time, this statement was considered the only true one. At the beginning of the 19th century, another assumption was made: most ailments develop due to psychological problems. In any case, no pathology arises on its own; there are many reasons for the occurrence of diseases.

Types of Ailments

Every person in his life has come across some kind of ailment that interferes with the work of one or another organ.

Currently, depending on the causes of diseases, several types of ailments can be distinguished:

  1. Genetic. Every year more and more pathologies of a hereditary nature are diagnosed. In these cases, the causes of diseases are mutations in the genetic apparatus. They can be dominant or recessive. In the first case, they necessarily appear from generation to generation, in the second - they are transmitted, but do not always contribute to the development of a disease.
  2. Acquired. These include pathologies that a person received during his life. Regardless of what the cause of the disease was the impetus for its occurrence, the development mechanism in all cases is the same: pathogenic microorganisms enter the body and begin to multiply actively in it. In response, the immune system produces antibodies to fight pathogens. The further development of events depends on how well the defensive forces cope with their task.
  3. Ecological. The cause of disease is the adverse effects of environmental conditions. For example, a person has been in the radiation exposure zone for a long time. This can cause radiation sickness.
  4. Karmic. In this case, the development of various ailments is the result of negative actions in relation to someone. That is, every word, thought, etc. determines for a person good or bad karma in the future.

Thus, external factors are not always the causes of human diseases. So, sometimes treating them with medicines is wrong.

genetic disorders

Disease development mechanism

From a physiological point of view, the appearance of any ailment occurs as follows:

  1. The pathogen enters the body and begins to multiply actively in it. For some time, the immune system does not respond to infection, since the number of pathogens at the initial stage is small. In order for the protective forces to be included in the work, a certain concentration of harmful compounds, which are the products of the vital activity of the pathogen, is required. This explains why, regardless of the cause of the disease, pathological symptoms appear later. This stage is incubation.
  2. When the concentration of harmful compounds rises to certain values, the brain sends a signal to the immune system. Protective forces, in turn, try to destroy the pathogen, increasing body temperature. This is due to the fact that most pathogens die in these conditions. That is why taking antipyretic drugs at this stage is a gross mistake. It is necessary to bring down the temperature only when a person is extremely difficult to tolerate it or the thermometer has risen to the maximum, which is fraught with death.
  3. The immune system recognizes the type of pathogen and begins to produce antibodies that can destroy it. This happens just while the pathogens are trying to recover from thermal shock.
  4. Pathogens begin to mutate, adapting to new conditions of existence. The immune system, in turn, also changes tactics. The outcome depends on who can adapt faster. As a rule, pathogens have a simpler organization and cope with this task much easier.
  5. In the event that the defenses can no longer fight the pathogen, the brain takes the changed state of the body as normal. In this regard, all systems begin to rebuild their work in accordance with the new conditions. There is another option for the development of events - the body does not react to changes in any way until the activity of pathogens reaches its peak again. Then all the steps are repeated again. In this case, they talk about the chronic course of the disease with periods of exacerbation.

Now for the traditional treatment of disease. Any medications are poisons, the main task of which is the destruction of pathogens. But pathogens very quickly adapt to new conditions, and drugs cease to act on them properly. As a result, doctors increase the concentration of drugs that begin to negatively affect not only pathogens, but also healthy body tissues. In this regard, the search for alternative treatment methods is ongoing.

One of the main causes of pathologies is water shortage

Liquid for the human body is priceless. It consists of 70% water, while during respiration and other physiological processes, its level decreases significantly. In this regard, after some time a person has a feeling of thirst. It is a mistake to believe that it arises instantly. Thirst is a late sign of dehydration. That is why it is necessary to maintain water balance constantly.

Every year, the feeling of thirst is dulled more and more, the risk of a severe fluid deficiency in the muscles and brain increases. It is one of the main reasons for the development of diseases in old age: the skin becomes flabby, the clarity of thinking is disturbed, and malfunctioning of most organs and systems occurs. When the water level drops to a critical minimum, serious and often life-threatening pathologies appear.

The main signs indicating a lack of fluid in the body are:

  • instability of the psychoemotional background;
  • constant feeling of tiredness;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • frequent episodes of the common cold.

Many people believe that water is replaced by juices, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, liquid dishes, etc. This statement is erroneous. Every cell in the human body needs clean, still water. Eating sugary drinks and liquid foods dulls the thirst, which only exacerbates the situation.

water shortage

Unbalanced diet

Unfortunately, not all people pay enough attention to what kind of food and in what quantities they eat. Although in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in interest in the principles of healthy eating. It is due to the fact that mankind has gradually begun to realize that harmful products are one of the main causes of diseases. Diseases in this case are extremely serious.

The main ones are:

  • Obesity. This diagnosis is made when the body weight of a person is 15% higher than normal. Obesity, in turn, is the trigger for the development of other pathologies.
  • Diabetes. This is a chronic disease characterized by impaired carbohydrate metabolism. It occurs when the pancreas ceases to cope with its task and produce a sufficient amount of the hormone insulin necessary for the absorption of sugars entering the body.
  • Hypertonic disease. Each person's blood has a certain pressure. If for any reason the vessels narrow, it rises. It is customary to talk about pathology if the pressure indicator remains high even at rest.
  • Angina pectoris. The disease develops when fat settles on the walls of arteries through which blood flows to the heart. When a blockage occurs, a vital process is disrupted, resulting in a malfunction of the organ chambers. This can lead to death of the heart muscle.
  • Atherosclerosis. The cause of the disease is also the excessive consumption of fats, which are deposited in the form of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Most often, the disease is accompanied by angina pectoris and hypertension. In addition, atherosclerosis is one of the causes of Parkinson's disease, in which a person loses the ability to control their own movements.
  • Cancer. It is characterized by the replacement of normal body cells with atypical ones. According to statistics, an increase in animal fats in the diet significantly increases the risk of a dangerous disease, of which there are many forms. With poor nutrition, the intestine is most susceptible to the development of an ailment.

Thus, the use of harmful products can lead not only to an increase in body weight, but also to fatal diseases.

junk food


Contrary to popular belief, any fall, dislocation, sprain, fracture have far-reaching consequences. With any injury, tension arises in the tissues, due to which blood circulation, lymph flow, and nervous supply are disturbed. The logical result of these processes are various pathologies. Most people do not even think that a long-forgotten fall or bruise can cause diseases, such as cystitis, infertility, arrhythmias, asthma, hypertension, intervertebral hernia, etc.

The consequences of injuries can significantly impair a person’s quality of life. For example, if a scar forms in a muscle, it becomes less elastic, often leading to a limitation of physical activity and pain when trying to commit it. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, a person begins to protect this zone, taking sometimes uncomfortable poses, the result of which is a state of compensation. It leads to increased energy consumption, which is not infinite. As a result of maintaining compensation, life expectancy is also reduced, and its quality is deteriorating.

Thus, any injuries are a time bomb. After receiving them, regardless of severity, it is recommended to consult a doctor so that he prescribes treatment. The cause of diseases in the future may even become a banal fall.

injuries are the cause of disease

Negative impact on the biofield

Almost every person at least once in his life felt that luck had turned his back on him, problems touched almost all areas of his life, none of his plans came true, and his health also left much to be desired.

As a rule, in such cases, the cause of the disease is negative energy sent by another person.

Negative effects can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Evil eye. It is characterized by a strong negative emotion directed at another person. The evil eye can be carried out intentionally or unintentionally. A person exposed to negative emotions, as a rule, complains of weakness, increased fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, psycho-emotional instability, and frequent illnesses.
  2. Spoilage. By the strength of the effect, it is much more dangerous than the evil eye. Unlike him, she is always sent deliberately by magical means. As a result, a person can get sick with anything, since damage can be done, for example, for infertility, disability, alcoholism and even death.
  3. A curse. It is considered a very strong energy effect. It is forcibly imposed on the victim and is mandatory for execution. The most common type of curse is generic, that is, from generation to generation, close people will suffer, for example, from oncology.
  4. Obsession. This condition can provoke the person himself. Its main signs are: aggression, epileptic seizures, convulsions, psycho-emotional disorders, a tendency to suicide.

No matter what the cause of the disease appears in a particular case, it always destroys the human biofield. This condition also needs to be treated.

corruption and evil eye

Psychological reasons: concept

There is still debate about the claim that all ailments are the result of nervous and emotional upheavals. In medicine, there is the concept of “psychosomatics” - this is a branch of science that studies the psychological causes of diseases.

In practice, there are often cases when, after a thorough examination, doctors do not see a reason for the development of a particular pathology. In this case, it falls into the category of psychosomatic diseases.

Today it has already been proven that the following ailments are usually the result of emotional upheaval:

  • gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • essential arterial hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent);
  • neurodermatitis;
  • arthritis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • ischemia;
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

The main emotions that are the starting factor for the development of diseases are anger, anxiety, greed, envy, guilt.

Causes of ailments according to psychosomatics

There are a huge number of pathologies, the occurrence of which is explained by certain emotions and feelings.


  • Allergy is the denial and rejection of one's own spiritual and physical strength.
  • Amenorrhea - a woman's dislike for herself.
  • Angina - restraint of emotions, fear of saying rudeness towards another person.
  • Appendicitis is a fear of later life.
  • Arthritis is a shortage of love from loved ones, censure and self-abasement.
  • Diseases of the legs - the reason is the lack of a goal in life, the fear of making important decisions.
  • Infertility - unwillingness to gain parental experience.
  • Bronchitis - constant conflicts in the family, rare periods of calm.
  • Alzheimer's disease - the reason is the rejection of the world, a sense of helplessness and insecurity.
  • Sexually transmitted pathologies - guilt for having sex, the belief that it is a sin, the need for punishment for the pleasure.
  • Miscarriage - fear of further life.
  • Herpes - the need to carry out any activity is extremely bad.
  • Glaucoma - unwillingness to forgive someone; resentment of the past is pressing on a person.
  • Migraine - increased self-criticism.
  • Fungus - unwillingness to part with the past, which negatively affects the present.
  • Diabetes is a feeling of deep grief; there is no room for joy in life.
  • Candidiasis - ignoring one's own needs.
  • Diseases of the mouth - the reason is the reluctance to make decisions, the lack of a clear life position.
  • Heartburn - fear squeezed in a vice.
  • Viral infections - irritability, anger.
  • Skin diseases are an unpleasant residue in the shower.
  • Pathology of the respiratory system - a person believes that he is not worthy of a full life.
  • Motion sickness is the fear of death.
  • Rhinitis is a cry for help, an inner cry.
  • Tumors are old insults in the soul, unwillingness to say goodbye to them.
  • Obesity is anger at parents, non-reciprocal love.
  • Helminthiasis - the role of a subordinate, unwillingness to be the head of the family, at work.
  • Cancer - the insides corrode old insults or secrets.
  • Acne- dislike for oneself.

There are also such pathologies (for example, radiation sickness), the causes of which cannot be described from the point of view of psychosomatics. They are a consequence of the influence of exclusively external factors.

manifestation of aggression

Causes of ailments according to the theory of Luule Viilma

The famous doctor was born in the middle of the 19th century. She has written many books devoted to one or another pathology. According to Luule Viilma, the cause of the disease is stress and mental pain. She believes that every organism has its own limit of possibilities. If you clearly define them, you can significantly extend your life and avoid many health problems.

In addition, according to Luule’s theory, the cause of illness is the reluctance or inability to throw out negative emotions outward, which subsequently transform into uncontrolled malice, and its consequences can be life-threatening pathologies. The doctor was convinced that in order to restore physical health, you must first find peace of mind.

Causes of childhood diseases

Psychotherapists claim that 85% of ailments in young patients arise against the backdrop of emotional upheaval. The remaining 15% include the same types of negative effects as in adults: a genetic predisposition, an unfavorable environmental situation, poor nutrition, injuries, etc.

Experts say that in any child, the factor in the occurrence of any ailment is anger at what is happening around him. They explain this as follows: young children most often suffer from inflammatory processes on the skin, in the eyes, ears and mouth diseases. The reason is the difficulty in expressing your emotions. This is either due to the fact that the child is not yet able to speak, or because the parents forbid him to express their opinion on the situation. In addition, anger can be the result of a lack of love and attention from people close to him. Internal stress builds up over time, it does not find a way out. The child’s body is trying to cope with it, getting rid of it by natural means. The logical result is various rashes and inflammatory processes.

In addition, the cause of a child’s disease, having a dermatological nature, is sometimes the usual maturation. It is difficult for children to step over the unknown; entering a new stage of life cannot go smoothly for them.

In any situation, parents need to surround the child with care and love, not shout at him, but calmly explain that the world cannot revolve around him alone, that compromises must be made so that all family members feel good.

children's reaction to quarrels


Currently, it is increasingly possible to hear that all ailments arise due to psychological factors, among doctors it is widely believed that any child has a cause of illness - emotional upheaval. Gradually, medications fade into the background, the search for alternative methods of treatment is ongoing. Despite the increased importance of psychosomatics, one should not forget that unbalanced nutrition, non-compliance with drinking regime and elementary negligence can also lead to life-threatening consequences.

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