Spectral analysis

A ray of the sun passing through a prism leaves a certain spectrum on the screen behind the prism. Over a long time (about two hundred years), this has become quite commonplace. Moreover, if you do not peer closely, it seems that the individual parts of the spectrum do not have sharp boundaries between themselves: red turns continuously into orange, which, in turn, turns yellow and so on.

It is on this knowledge that spectral analysis is based, and not only scientific, but also medical.

There are a lot of medical spectral analyzes: in fact, any substance and matter can be subject to it. However, the most applicable in medical practice are spectral analyzes of hair and blood.

Spectral analysis of hair

Such an analysis makes it possible to diagnose hair, and more specifically, the ratios of necessary and toxic microelements in the body, that is, disturbances in mineral metabolism. The condition of the hair allows not only to determine almost any individual internal diseases of a person, but also the general level of imbalance of micro and macro elements, which are indispensable and most important components of nutrition. Spectral analysis is a progressive and latest diagnostic method.

The causes of mineral metabolism disorders in the body can be: stress and stressful life, a person living in a large metropolis, frequent diets and poor nutrition, adverse effects of environmental factors and poor ecology, smoking, nervousness, alcohol abuse and others.

Spectral analysis is aimed primarily at identifying a person’s predispositions to various diseases that are associated with imbalance, toxic effects and deficiency of various minerals, and also in the future allows the prevention of these diseases and their effective treatment.

Similar diseases and pathological conditions can be: acne, hair loss, sleep disorders, visual acuity disorders, skin diseases, decreased immunity, rheumatic diseases, urolithiasis, poor appetite, impotence, overweight, stool disorders, intestinal dysbiosis, diabetes mellitus, fragility of nails, allergic reactions and much more.

Spectral analysis of blood

This method is an infrared Fourier spectrometry of blood serum. The fact is that the absorption spectrum of this serum is very specific for most diseases, while it appears at the very early stages. Thus, spectral analysis and its application allows the early stages to reveal the presence of diseases in the body, including the most serious.

Such a blood test has advantages over any other, for example: convenience and safety for the patient (ten milliliters of venous blood are enough for it); replacement of several traditional diagnostic techniques at once, while surpassing them in safety, low cost and accuracy; is one of the most accurate methods for primary and early diagnosis of cancer; makes it possible to diagnose malignant neoplasms at the earliest stages; Does not expose the patient.

Diagnostic positions by which a spectral analysis of blood is performed: benign pathologies of the mammary gland, lymphoid tissue, stomach, prostate, large intestine, bladder, kidneys; malignant neoplasms of the lungs, stomach, large intestine, bladder, breast, prostate, lymphoid tissue, kidneys.

According to the results of the analysis, a conclusion is issued on the presence or absence of the disease.

In addition, an assessment is made of the risk of the appearance and development of malignant neoplasms of the listed tissues and organs, that is, the presence of pronounced benign pathologies in the organs and tissues (precancer).

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