Depression hormone: symptoms and causes of influence

In the article, we consider the relationship of hormones and depression.

Nowadays, you can increasingly come across this term. But many people use it in the presence of only a bad mood. There is an exact definition of depression, which denotes serious psychological disorders that entail not only negative thinking, but also a suicidal tendency. The female sex often suffers from this ailment, since the male body is more resistant to hormonal disruptions.

depression hormone

The hormones responsible for depression will be described in detail.

Quite often, experiencing apathy or weakness, people refuse to turn to specialists to solve their problems, while continuing to lose vital energy, interest in what is happening, every day they become a burden. The banal desire to smile and enjoy today is disappearing. Meanwhile, depression develops and becomes a very serious problem for both the person himself and others. Therefore, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to prescribe the right treatment therapy, psychological assistance, so that the patient begins to feel easier.

Signs of Depression

Many are interested in the name of the hormone that causes depression. Pathology is distinguished, first of all, by a loss of interest in what is happening, a lack of desire to work, dissatisfaction, and weakness. A woman tries to solve her problems on her own, but it is unsuccessful.

What else can be attributed to emotional symptoms?

  • A woman can cry at any time, even without explanation.
  • Sensitivity. Any minor reason can move her to tenderness or tears.
  • Nervousness. It provokes quarrels and scandals for any reason, from which mainly people close to her suffer.
  • High demands for comfort. Any deviation causes a lot of adverse impressions.
  • A constant feeling of loneliness.
  • Shifting their problems to others, with the accusation of others in all the troubles of life.
  • Household phobias appear.
  • The occurrence of problems with perseverance, concentration, which adversely affects the quality of the work performed.
  • The appearance of chronic fatigue.

Hormonal failure can also lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Cases of general deterioration of health have been observed. These symptoms most often differ:

  • High blood pressure.
  • An increase in body temperature.
  • Unstable digestive system.
  • The occurrence of insomnia.
  • The occurrence of pain throughout the body.
    depression hormone

The cause of depression in hormones?

Scientists have long been searching for the culprit of this ailment. First of all, they study stress hormones, as one of the most common causes of depression is severe stress. It was believed that elevated levels of cortisol in the blood - this is the reason for the chronic decadent state. But after studying the clinical picture of depression and other diseases, with a similar high level of cortisol, a strong difference in symptoms was noticed. And experts concluded that all the stress hormones (corticoliberin, ACTH and cortisol) are responsible for the depressive state. They can be safely considered hormones of depression.

There are cases in practice when hormones produced by the thyroid gland become the cause of poor health. Their lack leads to fatigue, reduces memory, slows down the work of all internal organs. With an excess of this hormone of depression, the whole body works, on the contrary, very quickly. A person experiences nervousness from this, sleep is disturbed, a constant feeling of anxiety appears, uncontrolled weight loss, pulse increases, shortness of breath.

And there is also a hormone of happiness that we really need - serotonin. Just his presence in our body in an increased dose gives a wonderful mood, good appetite, sleep, sexual desire. Its lack in the body leads to anxiety, panic, causeless anger, and also disrupts the intestines, stomach, and causes pain syndromes.

What tests do depression hormones reveal?

which hormones cause depression

Necessary research

Only a specialist can diagnose this pathology in personal communication with the patient and his relatives. During the conversation, attention is drawn to the state of the nervous, endocrine systems, so the doctor excludes a number of reasons that provoke the ailment.

So, what hormones to check for depression? Let's figure it out.

To exclude hormonal disorders in a depressed state, a blood test is taken for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is produced by the pituitary gland, as well as triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T2), which are produced by the thyroid gland.

Also, to exclude metabolic disorders, liver disease, kidney disease, anemia and infections, a general and biochemical blood test is prescribed to determine the main blood electrolytes, the level of urea, creatinine, bilirubin, etc. They are also tested for HIV infection, alcohol or drug poisoning. . It is also necessary to exclude vitamin deficiency, Cushing's disease, Addison as the most common organic causes of depressive symptoms. Special tests in laboratories for the diagnosis of depression do not exist.


There are different degrees of the course of the disease.

A mild form can be cured without drugs. This type of pathology is chronic, for others it is not noticeable. Only during exacerbations can we observe strange behavioral features: a woman ceases to be interested in the opposite sex or has a neglected appearance.

With a moderate severity of the disease, behavioral abnormalities are already noticeable to others and the patient herself. Negative obsessive thoughts cover her. She is not able to distract from them, therefore, labor productivity is falling, strained relations become close. As a result, insomnia appears.

A severe degree is characterized by psychosomatic manifestations, there are problems with nutrition and violation of basic hygiene standards. Against the background of lack of activity, thoughts about death arise, hallucinations appear, delirium is possible. Such a condition cannot be cured on its own, and, most likely, treatment must be carried out within the walls of a medical institution.

hormones responsible for depression

Depression Treatment Methods

For the treatment of pathology, accurate diagnosis is required. Measures are being taken to normalize the general hormonal background. All this will help make a competent specialist. Antidepressants can be prescribed to relieve only a few symptoms. But with severe depression, additional psychotherapeutic sessions are prescribed.

There is a comprehensive approach to the treatment of this ailment:

  • Change food. The menu includes foods rich in trace elements and vitamins. The diet must be seafood, dried fruits, nuts and chocolate.
  • Organize light physical activity. In the process of playing sports, the hormone of happiness is produced - serotonin, which reduces depressive symptoms.
  • Provide a full sleep, at least 8 hours a day. But using sleeping pills is not recommended, as the drugs are addictive. They have relaxing, aromatic baths with quiet, pleasant music.

Hormones are also considered to be the cause of postpartum depression.

postpartum depression hormones

The cause of depression after childbirth

Young mothers often began to see doctors with such a problem. This type of disorder has its own characteristics. Women in this state feel guilty, lethargic, often losing orientation, inability to recognize loved ones.

In severe cases, mothers may have thoughts of suicide or a desire to harm their own baby.

Postpartum disorder occurs in four out of a thousand women in labor. Childbirth is a very big stress; accordingly, nobody knows how the body will react. The first manifestations of the disorder are noticeable after a week. Mom experiences her own failure. Her self-esteem sharply decreases, she becomes emotionally dependent on the people around her.

Protracted depression

Another common concept is a prolonged postnatal depressive state. With him, there is a surge of irritation and tearfulness. Mom doesn’t like to hear children's tears, and she blames herself for it. And, in principle, caring for a child does not bring her pleasure.

It is difficult to predict the course of the disease, because sometimes its prerequisite is manic-depressive psychosis in the mother.

How to deal with the problem?

The first way is to prescribe the appropriate treatment. Moreover, taking antidepressants does not affect breastfeeding.

hormones and depression in women

The second way - you need to seek help from a qualified psychotherapist. But the result will depend on only mom herself and her readiness for a new perception of reality. And the absolute support of a beloved husband and relatives, relatives, friends, family is also important.

So we can conclude that hormones and depression in women are closely related.

Is disease prevention possible?

If you are at risk, you need to prevent the disease. The best way is an active lifestyle, sports, proper nutrition, minimizing stress, observing sleep and rest. To reduce the manifestations of a depressed state, one must go out to people as often as possible.

what hormones to check for depression

Even if you want to be alone, try to overcome this desire. The best sedative for the nervous system is a complete change of scenery. Travel, learn more, make interesting acquaintances.

We examined which hormones cause depression.

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