What is needed for a passport, what documents

Today we have to find out what is needed for a passport. This question worries all citizens planning to travel the world. Indeed, without the mentioned paper, leaving Russia will be problematic. We will also get acquainted with all the features of receiving and exchanging "foreign cards". All this is not so difficult to understand and remember. The advice presented to you will greatly facilitate the procedure for issuing a foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Registration of a foreign passport in the Russian Federation

Description of the document

First of all, we’ll try to find out what we have to deal with. Only after that you can think about what you need to get a passport.

A foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a document that allows a person to travel abroad. It is almost always required. The exception is cases of visits to visa-free countries, as well as places that allow citizens of the Russian Federation to come with an ordinary identity card.

Foreign passport looks like a civil one. This is a small red book depicting the coat of arms of Russia. On the cover you can see 2 inscriptions "passport" - in English and Russian.

Document types

What is needed for a passport? To correctly answer this question, it is important to understand that today in Russia there are several types of studied paper. The package of references for the designation of the “abroad” directly depends on the type of document.

In 2018 in the territory of the Russian Federation issue:

  • old-style passports;
  • biometric (new) foreign passports.

Further we will consider the listed types in more detail. Documents needed for a passport in one case or another, do not differ from each other too much. Especially if the applicant does not need to include information on minor children in the “abroad”.

What does a passport look like

Old passport

A passport is needed for a trip outside the Russian Federation almost always. Sometimes there are exceptions, but not many. Therefore, citizens planning to travel the world always draw up the document they are studying.

Its first type is an old-style passport. This type of foreign identity card is issued at all registration authorities (more about them later). Valid for only 5 years. After this period, you will have to exchange the document.

Information on minor children under 14 years of age can be entered in an old-style passport. This document does not store any biometric information. It is a foreign analogue of the civil passport of the Russian Federation.

Biometric passports

What do you need to get a passport? We will deal with this issue later. First, get acquainted with biometric foreign passports. They are called a new model document.

A biometric “abroad” stores the biometric data of a citizen - a retinal image, as well as fingerprints. The document is valid for 10 years. Only after that, without fail, a citizen must exchange paper.

Sample passport

In a foreign passport of a new sample, information about minor children should not be entered under any circumstances. Even a newborn will have to draw up a separate “travel abroad”. All parents should remember this.

What to choose - old or new

What do you need to apply for a passport? Before answering this question, a citizen must decide which form of the document to order.

Foreign passports of the old type will do:

  • persons with young children who do not want to draw up a separate document for minors;
  • citizens who do not plan to travel a lot;
  • people who are ready once every 5 years to exchange the document.

If you want to issue a “abroad” once and forget about it for many years, it is recommended to give preference to a biometric sample. In addition, it is ideal if parents plan to send the child abroad without being accompanied by legal representatives. Indeed, in this case, a separate “foreign” is still made for the minor. The presence of a biometric passport eliminates the need for a permanent exchange of documents.

Place of registration

What do you need to get a passport? For example, a person must understand where to send the corresponding request. Today, applications for registration of foreign passports are processed in various organizations.

For example, you can contact:

  • MFC.
  • FMS of the Russian Federation.
  • Migration departments under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  • Passport desks and visa centers.
  • Management companies (sometimes).

Through the Internet, the design of the document under study is also not difficult. To do this, you will have to use the "State Services" portal. With its help, a citizen will be able to draw up any type of “abroad”.

Important: far from everywhere citizens can be issued biometric passports. Usually they are issued without problems in the migration services. It is better to clarify more similar information on this issue in a particular registration authority.

Application Form

Quick guide

What is needed for a passport? A citizen will have to follow some directions. To begin with, we consider the algorithm of actions that is relevant when ordering a document personally.

To cope with the task, you must:

  1. Choose the type of foreign passport that will be issued to the citizen.
  2. To prepare certain documents for the implementation of the task.
  3. Contact the registration authority selected in advance.
  4. Submit an application in the established form for the manufacture of "foreign countries".
  5. Pay a fee in one size or another.
  6. Pick up the finished document at the appointed time.

It would seem that nothing difficult and incomprehensible. But in real life, the design of the studied documentation is a lot of trouble. Especially if you do not prepare for the operation in advance.

Instructions for ordering on "State services"

What documents are needed for a passport? Before answering this question, you will need to study another way of ordering. It is about applying online.

As we have already said, in order to put ideas into practice, registration at the State Services is required. Create a profile in advance. Otherwise, the process of exchanging a passport of a foreign type will be slowed down by about 2 weeks. So much is required to confirm the identity in the profile of the mentioned portal.

Duty payment

Instructions for submitting an application for the exchange of a passport at the State Services has the following form:

  1. Connect to the Internet any device that works with browsers. It is better to use a computer.
  2. Launch a web browser.
  3. Go to gosuslugi.ru.
  4. Log in to your profile.
  5. Click on the "Public Services" button.
  6. Open the section "FMS" ("Federal Migration Service").
  7. Select in the services "Application for the manufacture of a foreign passport" or "Exchange of a foreign passport".
  8. Click on the line with the appropriate type of "overseas".
  9. Click on the "Get ..." button.
  10. Fill out the application that appears on the screen.
  11. Download scans of pre-prepared papers.
  12. Click on the "Submit Application" button.
  13. Choose a payment method for the fee. You can either deposit money immediately or print a payment order.
  14. Indicate the details of the bank account or electronic wallet of the payer. Funds will be deducted from them as a state duty for a foreign passport.
  15. Confirm transaction.

At this stage, all actions of the citizen end. Now it’s clear what is needed for a passport. It remains only to wait for the notification of the readiness of the document.

After notification

And what to do after that? Not every person knows how to behave after he receives a notification about the readiness of a passport of a foreign type.

The algorithm of actions depends on the type of document being drawn up. If there was an old passport sample, it is enough to take an identity card with you and come with it to the registration authority. By presenting pre-prepared documents, a person will be able to pick up the finished "abroad".

MFC and passport

You will have to act a little differently when it comes to making a biometric passport. Under such circumstances, it is required:

  1. Take along a number of necessary documents.
  2. Contact the registration authority with the relevant papers.
  3. Go through fingerprinting and retinal scans.

After the actions taken, the citizen will be issued a fully prepared passport of a foreign type. There is nothing difficult for an adult in this. But when completing the study documentation for a small child, problems may arise. For example, fingerprinting in infants is very difficult.

Binding papers

The documents required to obtain a passport are diverse. To get started, we will familiarize ourselves with the mandatory certificates that are required in any circumstances.

To implement this task, it’s useful:

  • citizen's identity card;
  • statement;
  • receipt of payment of duty;
  • photos (3 pieces, 3 x 4);
  • certificate of registration;
  • military ID.

For minors, the presentation of:

  • birth certificates;
  • passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation (after 14 years).

These are all the necessary documents for issuing an old-style passport. Other references may come in handy. But about them later. First, get acquainted with the papers presented when ordering a foreign passport of a new sample.

Documents for new passports

Prepare a mandatory package of papers is not difficult. What documents are needed for a new passport?

Without fail, a person will be required to:

  • civil passport;
  • written statement;
  • confirmation of registration;
  • Photo;
  • a check indicating payment of a fee for the provision of a service;
  • military card (for those liable for military service).

It'll be enough. As you can see, this list is almost similar to the certificates that are required when applying for “old-fashioned” old-style items.

Additional papers

What documents are needed for a passport? We have already met with the main package of papers. But that is far from all.

What does a foreign passport look like

When applying for passports of a foreign type, the following papers may be required:

  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • old passport;
  • a document on the change of name / surname (from the registry office, court decision);
  • receipt of payment of a fee for entering data on children under 14 years of age;
  • photos of children (1 for each child, if information about minors is entered in the passport);
  • a petition from an organization that sends a person outside the Russian Federation;
  • permission from the military registration and enlistment office to receive services (for those liable for military service).

That's all. As practice shows, all this will be enough for a full-fledged design of the studied documentation.

Duty Size

We studied the necessary documents for a passport. And how much will you have to pay for the production of relevant certificates?

The answer is not as difficult as it seems. It is enough to remember the following rates:

  • old-style passport for persons after 14 years - 2,000 rubles;
  • the old "abroad" for children - 1,000 rubles;
  • biometric passport (adult) - 3,500 rubles;
  • children's foreign passport of a new sample - 1,500 rubles.

These payments are relevant in 2018. But the size of the fees for the “abroad” changes from time to time. Therefore, it is better to specify the amount of payment immediately before applying.

Registration term

A passport is needed to travel outside the Russian Federation. Without it, coping with the task will be problematic. Traveling without study documentation is possible in exceptional cases.

How long will the passport of a foreign type be ready? It is enough to focus on the following time limits:

  • application for registration - 1 month;
  • urgently - 1-3 days;
  • Filing an application at the place of registration - 4 months;
  • the application was submitted by a person with access to state secrets - 3-4 months.

Accordingly, the bulk of the population must wait a maximum of a month before the passport is ready. Everything is extremely simple and clear.


Do Russians need a passport to Georgia? Yes. Moreover, citizens of the Russian Federation can enter almost all countries of the world only if they have a passport of a foreign type. A similar requirement is normal.

For a passport you need the documents listed above. Mandatory citizen must take with him the original papers. Otherwise, the application may not be accepted.

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