High fever is most often the first sign of a cold. In order to recover as soon as possible, you need to know how to bring down the temperature in an adult in the early days. When the temperature is not too high, it can be brought down by yourself, and this will be without a threat to health.
How to bring down the temperature in an adult and what temperature to bring down, and which not?
For children, a rise in temperature is considered very dangerous in comparison with adults, since the immune system of the child has not been formed. She cannot fully protect the little man. The mechanism of its work in an adult is already quite formed and therefore able to withstand many diseases, because under his control the processes of the whole organism.
There are many reasons for a fever. These changes are more likely not a disease, but an indicator of the reaction of your own immune system to disorders in the body. The temperature can increase due to allergies, infections, under the influence of changes / disorders in the hormonal background of the body, for example, there is often an increased temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy, and it also rises due to inflammatory processes, with heart attack and bleeding. Naturally, this is not a complete list of factors for increasing temperature. In fact, an elevated temperature indicates that the body can react to any changes on time, and this, in turn, means that immunity is always on guard of your health.
Doctors are sure that fever can kill the virus and prevent the spread of infection in the body. When it is not higher than 39 degrees, you can shoot down yourself. And when it exceeds 39 degrees, it is urgent to call a doctor. At this temperature, there are cramps, and there is a threat to life.
It is necessary to take medication immediately, at the first symptoms that indicate a cold, if you feel overwhelmed, when the temperature is only slightly increased, and at the same time, your working capacity is reduced, in such cases your head may hurt or you may feel nauseous. Such drugs as aspirin, paracetamol, panadol will help get rid of the signs of a cold, and also not cure. Knowing how to quickly bring the temperature down to an adult, you can pre-purchase and keep preparations in your home medicine cabinet, for example, Coldrex hot cream with different tastes: it can be lemon, blackcurrant or honey. This drug will relieve the common symptoms of a cold, and at the same time will soothe and relax. When the question is how to bring down the temperature in an adult, the medicines Fairx and Teraflu will also help.
Of course, there are many other drugs that will allow you to eliminate the early symptoms of a cold very quickly. The main thing is not to abuse powders or tablets without the advice of a doctor.
For self-medication, you can use tried and tested folk remedies: hot tea or fruit drink with the addition of raspberries, honey, lemon, currant leaf. Do not forget that after such drinks the patient should go to bed and thoroughly sweat. And what to bring down the temperature in an adult, if the disease has already arrived, the doctor will tell.
If you do not know how to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother, then you can use a completely harmless drug paracetamol in tablets or call an ambulance, where you will be correctly advised and advised on how not to harm the baby and alleviate the condition of the mother. Drinking plenty of water at a temperature is recommended for both nursing and everyone else, as with increasing temperature, the body experiences severe dehydration.
If the temperature is very high and lasts a long time, a doctor's examination is mandatory, as such symptoms can indicate serious illness.