Diet of Elena Malysheva: review, rules and menu

There are a lot of varieties of diets. Those who are literally obsessed with losing weight are provided with a huge field for activity. Perhaps you will not try all kinds of special programs in your whole life.

Elena's diet
But the diet of Elena Malysheva has been especially popular recently. The recall of women who tested it on themselves claims that this nutrition system allows to achieve the desired effect and keep the figure normal.


What is the secret that Elena Malysheva revealed to the world? The diet for weight loss, like all others, is based on the exclusion of certain foods from the diet. In an extreme case, the use of these components should be minimized.

So, you will need to give up:

- potatoes in all its forms;

- flour;

- sugar;

- sweet cakes, rolls, cookies, etc .;

- rice;

- beets;

- carrots;

- alcoholic beverages.

Foods containing fats, animals, or plants should be consumed as little as possible. With salt, too, do not need to be zealous.

Those who want to achieve the desired in 1-2 weeks, it is better to immediately abandon such a system as the diet of Elena Malysheva - a review of thin women indicates that here the result needs to wait 2 or even 3 months. But what will be the effect! Not only will you see significant improvements in your figure, you will also heal your body, and your well-being will improve much. In addition, the effect obtained lasts up to two years!

Elena Malysheva diet for weight loss

The diet of Elena Malysheva, the review of which is most often found positive, is based on three basic rules. Firstly, you should not starve in any case. A day should be taken for food 5 times, but impose small portions on yourself. So, at 8 o’clock you can have breakfast, at 12-13 - for lunch, at 18-19 - for dinner. Between the main meals it is worth adding a second breakfast (2 hours after the first) and an afternoon snack (2 hours before dinner).

Secondly, before you make your menu, count how many calories you need to get. Today you can easily find a special calculator. There is one “but.” Before calculating, you will need to enter your data: height, weight, gender, age, etc. However, in the “weight” section, you should enter the number you are aiming for, and not the one you see on the scales at the moment.

Third, tune in to the right meal. It is necessary that the calories gained are spent on energy and health, and not on body fat. To do this, you should engage in auto-training, telling yourself that everything eaten will only benefit.


diet elena toddler set price
If desired, you can purchase a set of products for this diet, intended for nutrition for one month. It comes in two boxes, each designed for 2 weeks. The list of products is made exactly as recommended by the diet of Elena Malysheva. The price of a set, however, can scare many away. Such a “pleasure” is worth 12,000 rubles. And if you also take into account the delivery, then much more comes out. But there is a solution - you can buy the same products yourself, focusing on the rules and an approximate diet menu.


Here is a sample list of how the diet of Elena Malysheva allows distributing food throughout the day. A review of it says that only if all the rules are followed, you can achieve a result.

So, at 8 in the morning we have breakfast. Here you can cook oatmeal (but only on water, not milk), low-fat yogurt or yogurt.

During lunch, you can have a snack with two apples or one tangerine.

For lunch, it is better to eat protein food. It can be fish or meat, chicken or eggs.

An afternoon snack consists of the same foods as lunch.

For dinner, you can cook vegetable salads, boil an egg or stock up on low-fat kefir. Important: the last meal should end before 19:00.

Of course, this is not a complete list of acceptable products, but only an approximate menu. The main thing is not to exceed the allowable number of calories.

Good luck in the fight against extra pounds!

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