GBOU Gymnasium 1503, Moscow: reviews, address, photo

Gymnasium 1503 not only passively offers students to receive knowledge. Her teachers are always in an active search for innovative techniques that contribute to the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

gymnasium 1503

Where is the school located?

Where is gymnasium 1503 located? St. Pavel Korchagin, d. 13 p. 1. But this is far from the only address of this educational institution. In 2014, by order of the Department of Education of the capital, gymnasium 1503 annexed kindergarten No. 81, secondary school No. 1464, and a sanatorium-resort school in Pushkino. After such a union, the number of students has grown significantly. Now a gymnasium with in-depth study of English is considered a major educational institution in the North-Eastern District of Moscow. Where is gymnasium 1503 now located? The address of its branches: st. Pavel Korchagin, d.1a; st. Novoalekseevskaya, 18, bldg. 5; Pushkino, st. Lermontovskaya, d. 27.

gymnasium 1503 reviews


How is gymnasium 1503 different from other educational institutions in Moscow ? Komarova Natalya Yuryevna makes every effort to ensure that the team consists of real professionals who are able to instill in students a love for the teaching subjects. Under her strict guidance, the team finds, analyzes, systematizes, sets out on a scientific basis the theoretical and practical part.

Gymnasium 1503 Moscow

The development of the younger generation

Gymnasium 1503 pays special attention to the formation of tolerance, trust between schoolchildren and teachers, a safe lifestyle. Teachers of the highest and first qualification category, prevailing in the staff of this educational institution, are fluent in all professional skills, apply innovative methods recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. That GBOU "Gymnasium 1503" is the initial stage in the formation of the personality of the younger generation of Russian citizens.

The main task

The main task of this educational institution is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality with such a minimum of skills and knowledge that will be enough to start a full-fledged independent life. In connection with the rapid change in the modern world, it is precisely education that society pays special attention to. The modern gymnasium, the reviews of parents and graduates about which is only positive, copes with the task. It has become a place where schoolchildren fully master all the universal skills. In order to achieve success and respect in the next life, to become a full member of society, it is not enough just to have writing and reading skills.

GBOU Gymnasium 1503

Gymnasium specialization

Gymnasium 1503 (St. Pavel Korchagin, d. 13, p. 1) offers the students an in-depth study of the English language as their main profile. But this does not mean at all that all other areas are less developed in this institution. That material and technical base, which has a gymnasium 1503 (Moscow), allows for serious educational, research and design work with gymnasium students. The children can choose the direction that is closer to their interests, will be associated with their subsequent training.

gymnasium 1503 address

Gymnasium reviews

Gymnasium 1503 (the photo of which is presented in this article) is a high-tech educational complex that has the most advanced technical teaching aids, combined with the best foreign and domestic pedagogical methods. Talented teachers, many of whom became winners of the priority national project "Education", are able to work effectively with the student team. Special attention is paid to the teacher here, he is considered the central figure, because the quality of the knowledge received by students directly depends on the teaching staff. How effective is gymnasium 1503? Parents' comments indicate a high level of teaching staff in this educational institution, as well as the fact that, in addition to a high level of knowledge of their academic disciplines, teachers own the basics of children's age-related pedagogy. Class leaders try to make the life of their wards interesting and memorable, involving them in various collective creative affairs, project activities.

Gymnasium 1503 ul named after Pavel Korchagin

Foundation for independence

It is the foundations of independence that the gymnasium 1503. lays in its pupils. The reviews of the parents of today's students and graduates of this educational institution are similar. They are convinced that it is the training within the walls of this gymnasium that develops in students a sense of independence, the ability to make their own decisions, as well as be responsible for committed acts and actions. During school and extracurricular activities, an independent personality of the gymnasium students is formed. Without such skills, a graduate will not be able to adapt to the conditions of modern society.

Creative development

The new federal state standards pose a serious challenge for modern educators - the formation of a creative personality with patriotism and tolerance. If in the process of learning at school children do not develop creative skills, the society will receive “on the way out” people who are not interested in the problems of the state and do not seek to help the country in economic development. The gymnasium 1503 has a completely different attitude to the creative development. The feedback from employers to which its graduates came to testify to the deliberate work of the teaching staff in the formation and development of patriotic and creative qualities in gymnasium students. In the Soviet school, the main direction was devoted to the mechanical assimilation of a certain amount of information for each academic discipline. And the modern gymnasium 1503 builds educational and extracurricular activities so that each child has a real opportunity to show all their positive qualities. The class teacher tries for each student to build an individual educational development path, in which special attention is paid to the creative formation of the individual.

Extracurricular Activities

In addition to the material and technical base, which allows you to teach all the disciplines of the curriculum at the highest level, the teaching staff of the gymnasium pays no less attention to extracurricular activities. Each child who enters this educational institution receives the right to choose the additional circle or section that he wants to attend after the end of the school day. Theatrical and dance studios, which are taught by the best specialists, sports sections are free for gymnasium students. For example, children who are interested in research activities can work in modern chemical and physical laboratories at inopportune times and conduct interesting experiments under the guidance of their mentors. Then, independently analyze the results obtained, defend the finished work at educational and research conferences at the regional and all-Russian level. Aerobatics demonstrated by the gymnasium is the provision of all conditions for the independent development of each student.

gymnasium 1503 parent reviews


Educational activities in the gymnasium are aimed at making instruction for schoolchildren not only useful, but also an interesting way of spending time. All this is done in order to make it easier for children to choose a future profession, they can expand their horizons. Teachers of the gymnasium are actively using Internet technology in their work. For children who have limitations in physical development, distance education is organized. Teacher teachers involved in inclusive education have undergone special coursework. They own all the special techniques designed to train such children.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation sets common tasks for all educational institutions of the country. Gymnasium 1503 is no exception. As in other state educational institutions of Russia, they understand the timeliness of reforming the educational and upbringing process, the relevance and timeliness of the transition to new federal state standards.

Pages of history

This educational institution was founded in 2014. In addition to a foreign language, within the walls of this educational institution, specialized training at the senior level is supposed (subject "Economics"). The difference from other similar educational institutions in Moscow is that 1503 children are offered in-depth study of law and foreign literature in the gymnasium. There is its own gymnasium scientific society of schoolchildren, whose members conduct in-depth studies, present the results obtained at conferences and competitions in Moscow and the Russian Federation.


Only real professionals work in the gymnasium, therefore, in addition to high-quality education, outdoor classes are organized for gymnasium students. During such "lessons", children gain practical skills, learn to understand and appreciate wildlife, enjoy it to the full. The senior gymnasium is a full-day school, so the guys are here until 18 hours, visiting circles and sections. Particular attention is paid to musical production.

A traditional holiday for the entire teaching staff and students is Gymnasium Day. The children take an active part in its preparation, prepare concert numbers, quizzes, contests. The educational programs used in the gymnasium fully satisfy all the requirements put forward by the Federal State Educational Standard (GEF of the second generation). Many academic disciplines are taught according to the author’s methods created by the gymnasium teachers themselves. It uses the variability of training, so students have the right to choose a significant number of training courses as they wish. To study some academic disciplines, the class is divided into two subgroups. The main task of modern gymnasium 1503 is to identify the individual abilities of each child, the formation of a patriotic and decent person, a full-fledged personality, adapted to life in society. The educational process in this state educational institution is organized in such a way that graduates independently achieve serious results and set very specific goals. They are able to make the right decisions in the most difficult life situations.

Gymnasium 1503 is a school that meets the goals of accelerated development. Creative teachers work here, who open the way to knowledge for their students, help them develop independence, creativity, and self-confidence. Each gymnasium student has a real opportunity to become a creative, talented person within the walls of this educational institution, which has an excellent technical and intellectual base.

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