You definitely need to learn how to process cucumbers from diseases.

Protection of cucumbers from diseases is a multi-faceted and multi-stage process. You should start with the selection of high-quality seeds that need to be treated for viral and fungal diseases, which, without this procedure, can then be transferred to seedlings and adult plants. To do this, you can simply spread the seeds in a thin layer in the open air in sunny dry weather and keep in this state for about 3-5 days, periodically mixing. Under the influence of light, harmful microorganisms will die, and the future plant will receive additional energy for successful germination.

how to process cucumbers from diseases

In order not to wonder what to process cucumbers from diseases, it is necessary to observe the correct crop rotation. That is, cucumbers must be planted strictly after certain plants, which include cabbage (white or cauliflower with early ripening), garlic, onions, cucumbers proper, potatoes, peas, and beets. For quite some time there has been debate about whether it is possible to grow cucumbers after tomatoes, but this dilemma has not been solved to this day, because some gardeners produce excellent crops, while others fail.

Diseases of cucumbers are quite diverse. Among them, powdery mildew, copperfish, white rot, olive spotting are distinguished. How to handle cucumbers from diseases in each case? Powdery mildew, which affects many cultures, is often tried to overcome by natural means in the form of a bred barn, the infusion of marigolds or a decoction of horsetail. If this does not help, then you can use preparations with copper, such as a solution of iron sulfate powder or Bordeaux liquid, prepared in accordance with the instructions.

Against copperfish, which is the most dangerous disease in European areas of cultivation, they primarily use a long break in the rotation (3-4 years), cleaning and destruction of diseased plants, seed dressing with granosan. Sulfur dusting or spraying with Bordeaux fluid also helps. How to treat cucumbers from diseases if brown sores that produce rot (olive spotting) appear on the fruits? Here you need to stop watering the plants for up to a week, spray the plants with Bordeaux liquid (strictly from the sprayer, not the watering can).

how to process cucumbers

The culture has a disease for which control measures in the form of fungicides have not yet been invented. This is white rot. How to process cucumbers in such a situation? Agrotechnical measures in this case can be: reduction of air humidity (for greenhouses), removal of affected leaves, dusting of healthy parts of leaves with charcoal or copper-chalk powder after removal of foci of illness, foliar top dressing and soil replacement with a closed cultivation method.

how to process cucumbers from diseases

How to treat cucumbers from diseases if the roots of the plant (root rot) are affected? In this case, it is worth scooping up the soil from the stem to the roots and cultivating the cucumber vine 12 cm from the bottom up the stem. For this operation, we use a mixture of a teaspoon of vitriol and three tablespoons of chalk dissolved in half a liter of water. Affected areas should be powdered with powdered coal, ash and allowed to dry well to minimize crop losses.

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