A lot of superstitions are associated with the nails. And not in vain. After all, this is biological material, according to which, just like by hair, it is possible to determine human DNA. Most people trim them without hesitation, just as needed. Women do manicures in their free time. But there are days when you can not cut your nails.
In this article you will find out on which days astrologers recommend getting rid of overgrown nails. Where is it better not to do this and why the procedure should not be carried out at night or in the evening? This is especially true for young children. After all, mothers are very superstitious in this matter.
Astrologers advise planning this procedure. After all, in this way you can save yourself from trouble and even call for help luck. Let's look at what nail cutting on each day of the week means.
On this day, it is possible and even necessary to carry out the procedure. Astrologers say that people who plan to cut their nails on the first day of the week get rid of longing and sadness. The negative goes away with the dead part of the nail. Hygienic procedures on this day are the prevention of diseases related to the genitourinary system (urological and gynecological).
Also a good day for nail cutting. If you are constantly tormented by headaches, then plan a manicure on Tuesday. Often, a simple nail cut on this day relieves migraines much better than pharmacy drugs. Together with overgrown nails that day go away troubles, diseases of the head and blood.
Looking for good news about an important event in your life? Then do a manicure on Wednesday. If you have been tormented by any question for a long time, you urgently need to find a solution or concentrate as much as possible, then a nail cut in the middle of the week will help you.
Astrologers also recommend cutting nails on Wednesday: for students during the session, for applicants during the introductory campaign. Mid-week manicure works well on the nervous and immune systems. When you cut your nails, try to imagine that together with them you get rid of problems and increase your chances of success.
If there is confusion in your head, and you can’t settle things at work, then leave everything and go after a hard day to manicure. Most likely, the next day you will begin to plan everything and quickly get out of the crisis.
The first reason you should cut your nails that day is to increase your life expectancy. The sign is valid if you accustom yourself to do manicure on this day always. This thesis has not been proved by scientists, but they also cannot refute it. In any case, this is a good day for any hygiene procedures. It is not in vain that in Orthodoxy on clean Thursday they bring beauty and clean up the home.
Are you planning an increase? Astrologers recommend doing a manicure on Thursday to those who mark on leadership positions. Also, nail cutting on this day increases self-esteem.
This is the day when you can’t cut your nails. According to popular beliefs, those who do manicure doomed themselves to trouble on this day. Especially nail cutting on this day is contraindicated for men.
Most astrologers believe that the first day off is a great time for manicure. This is especially true for those who are looking for a soul mate. Nail cutting on Saturday has a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body. It is also believed that cutting your nails that day, you get rid of some of the karmic debts.
Why can’t you cut your nails on Sunday?
On the last day of the week you can not do a manicure. This is the day when you can’t cut your nails. In Orthodoxy, during this period, I rest and it’s not customary to cut anything at all (to cut, sew, knit).
On Sunday, the strongest connection between the person and his guardian angel. If you believe the signs, then cutting off your nails on Sunday, you cut off the connection with him.
What time of day do manicure
It is better to cut nails in the afternoon or in the morning. Such procedures should be done when it is light. At night, you can’t cut your nails, because there is a risk of incurring misfortunes on yourself. Nails and hair are the energy protection of a person, doing a manicure in the evening, you are depriving yourself of protection. You can not cut your nails in the evening for the same reason as at night. Our ancestors believed that otherworldly forces awakened in the dark. Cutting off your nails, you kind of give a piece of yourself to them to be torn to pieces. Just don't do it after sunset.
Of course, there are no scientific grounds for signs, so it is up to you to use this advice or not. The only thing that can explain the long-standing omen is why you cannot cut your nails at night: our ancestors did not have electricity, and in the light of a candle it is very inconvenient to do hygienic procedures. You could get injured and have an infection. Since there were no antibacterial agents either, any wound was deadly, since it was possible to get blood poisoning.
Mages and healers warn people against cutting nails outside the home. The fact is that cropped nails and hair are what ill-wishers can use in their rituals. If you have the opportunity to do a manicure yourself, then it is better to be overcome. Now you know which days you can’t cut your nails and which days you can.
According to the lunar calendar
Astrologers unanimously say that the waning moon is a period when you can not cut your nails. This will shake the atmosphere in the family: quarrels and misunderstandings will begin. Manicure on bad days can bring health problems. In addition, the nails themselves, which will grow back after that, will be brittle and ugly.
And when do you need to do a manicure so that your fingers look well-groomed, and everything was fine in business? Experts recommend choosing a new moon period. Also, according to the lunar calendar, it is good to do a manicure on Tuesday. This day opens up new opportunities: job change, career advancement. If you are tormented by debts and lack of money in the family, then cut your nails on Saturday.
When to cut the nails of a baby?
Our grandmothers began to use scissors to remove the overgrown nails of the newborn, only on the tenth day of life. Before that, the mother bit the overgrown edge or filed it. This sign has a scientific justification. People were simply afraid to infect the child. After all, such a small child is constantly spinning, and the procedure requires caution. Since earlier there were difficulties with antibacterial agents, and infant mortality from blood poisoning was very high, they tried to wait a bit with manicure for crumbs.
Also, our ancestors did not cut the nails of a sleeping child. It was believed that during sleep, the children are defenseless, and bad energy can accumulate in the place of the cut. From this, the baby can get sick.
Happy birthday
You may have heard that before people did not wash or cut their hair on their birthday. Naturally, manicure was also banned. For us now it sounds wild, but the fact is that this day is not good for the birthday boy in terms of energy. This is the period when a person is completely defenseless, it is not in vain that so many people die before they reach their birthday literally a day, or they die on the same day they were born. To follow this sign or not is your right, but a beautiful birthday man or birthday girl can do the day before the celebration.