Sports for children: which one to give preference?

Without exception, parents want their children to be healthy and comprehensively developed, so from an early age they give them to various sections. But which sports to choose? For children of different ages, there are certain areas that are recommended to follow.

How to choose a sport?

In today's world, many children are characterized by hypermobility and restlessness. However, at present, the planet is surrounded by information technology, which takes up all the free time a child has. That is why today the question of attracting children to sports sections is so acute.

sports for children
In young organisms, energy beats a fountain. Parents often fail to cope with it, hence quarrels and prohibitions arise. Therefore, the child so needs active entertainment (sports). Sports for children today are in the tens. However, before choosing a section, it is important to understand whether the child can withstand the load, whether he will be interested in whether there is enough free time for this.

It is no secret that any sports for children are very important from the point of view of medicine. Active exercises help strengthen the immune system and make the body healthy. Scientists have proven that sports reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 50%. The plus is that the child can train at school, and in special sections, and simply on the street or at home.

Sports by age

Many parents long for their children to realize the dream of their youth: they become famous gymnasts, runners, hockey players or soccer players. However, when choosing a section, one should rely only on the desires of the child himself, as well as on his state of health. If the child has problems with the respiratory system, then he can not be given to athletics or winter species. These children are better suited for swimming or horse riding.

sports pics
It will also be useful to know what age criteria exist. Starting from 3 years old, children are shown only swimming or gymnastics. After a year, you can send the child to the section for ballroom dancing, figure skating, tennis or hockey. At the age of 5, martial arts such as wushu and karate are allowed.

First graders are recommended to give in the section on acrobatics or football. Many experts are sure that it is at this age that children are best taught skiing. At 9 years old, basketball, volleyball, cycling and even biathlon are allowed. Closer to grade 4, children can begin to show good results in athletics, boxing, fencing, horseback riding.

Team Views

This sport category is best suited for children from 5 years old. Command types not only help to develop speed, endurance and reaction, but also improve the communicative properties of character. Work in a group makes boys and girls communicate more, be more united, more friendly. In addition, such sports for children are important in terms of emotions. In a team it is easier to survive defeats and it is more pleasant to enjoy success.

sports for children
Whether it be soccer, hockey, or some other team sport, it helps strengthen the visual system, the musculoskeletal system, and helps improve heart and lung function. Also, one of the pluses is the relatively inexpensive equipment, only hockey will be the exception. Many orthopedists and pediatricians believe that football and basketball are the best sports for children from 5 to 7 years old. The downside is the relatively high risk of injury.

Team sports for children are contraindicated for those who have flat feet, asthma, fragility of the cervical spine, and peptic ulcer.

Martial arts

Boxing, karate, judo, aikido, sambo - these sports (see photo below) are contraindicated for children under 5 years old. The main advantages of martial arts are the development of flexibility, endurance, quick reaction and accuracy of movements. Thanks to these sports, a strong spirit is formed in the young body, which can subsequently manifest itself in life in the form of self-defense.

best sports for children
Martial arts help to pour out excess energy, aggression, emotions, teach self-control, strengthen immunity. As in team sports, the risk of injury is extremely high in these sports. Both boys and girls can equally engage in martial arts, as each child in training finds something especially interesting and useful.

The main contraindications for martial arts are diseases of the spine and heart.

Swimming (pool)

Water sports for children are allowed from 3 years old. At this age, the child’s bone and muscle systems are finally formed. As you know, water helps to develop and strengthen the body, as well as improve blood circulation. Among other things, these sports normalize the central nervous system, temper the body. For children with diseases such as scoliosis, diabetes mellitus, myopia and obesity, treating doctors must prescribe regular visits to the pool.

It is worth noting that swimming bribes parents with its budget component. For this kind of sport there is practically no need to purchase any equipment, except for swimming trunks (swimsuit) and a special protective cap. The only possible disadvantage in swimming is the quality of the water. If it is not filtered regularly and is abundantly “cleaned” with a chlorine solution, then children may experience allergic reactions or bacterial diseases.

Contraindications: chronic otitis media, skin rash.


Olympic sports (pictures for children see below), such as running, high jumps, javelin throwing and many others, are allowed from the age of 10, although many experts are sure that they will be useful even to first-graders.

summer sports for children
Track and field athletics can strengthen the muscular and skeletal systems, shape strength, dexterity, the will to win, speed. These sports do not require special skills or expensive ammunition. In addition, training is not necessary in specific sections or in the hall. For running and sports walking, a courtyard or park is ideal, the same applies to hopping views.

Unfortunately, recent statistics show that athletics are less and less interested in school-age children. Its only form, which is still very popular, is shuttle racing. In addition, it is in demand among adults, as it allows you to lose extra pounds and achieve the optimal shape.

These summer sports for children have the following contraindications: heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes.

Gymnastics and dancing

These species are wildly popular among girls. Gymnastics is shown to children from 3 years old, dancing - from 4. All of these sports (see photo below) help the child develop not only flexibility and graceful movements, but also endurance, correct posture.

olympic sports pictures for children
Gymnastics allows children to unleash their true creativity. However, you should immediately warn parents that it is considered one of the most traumatic sports. That is why many parents prefer to give their children to dance.

A separate type of gymnastics and dancing is ballet. He teaches a child to control his body. This is a very graceful and elegant dance, which is shown to children with increased nervous excitability. It should be noted that ballet is allowed for continuous training from only 10 years old.

There are few contraindications for gymnastics: scoliosis, heart disease and myopia.

Skis and skates

Winter sports for children are allowed from 5 years old, but there are exceptions. Figure skating can begin to teach a child who is attending a preparatory preschool group. As for the ski species, they are shown only from 9-10 years.

Winter sports for children are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, locomotor system and immunity. Figure skating allows you to develop grace, endurance, artistry in a young body. Ski species are useful for osteochondrosis and metabolic failure.

The disadvantages are quite expensive equipment and the need for specific weather conditions. Winter species are contraindicated in children with lung diseases and myopia.


Many experts are sure that a child can engage in this sport at a time when he is able to hold a racket firmly in his hand. Approximate age - from 4 years.

winter sports for children
Tennis develops agility, reaction in children, tempers the spirit, forms the will and desire for victory, normalizes the respiratory system and improves coordination. Many parents seek to give their child to that sport, which in the future can bring material benefits. In today's world, tennis is just that. Today at professional tournaments are very big prizes.

Tennis is suitable for ambitious and very mobile children with good coordination inclinations. Contraindications apply only to diseases such as asthma, fragility of the spine, flat feet.

Horseback riding

This specific sport has recently become more and more popular among young people, however, children are also experiencing considerable interest in it, primarily related to horses. The permitted age for starting driving is from 10 years.

This sport does not require any physical exertion, but it makes you work hard with all the muscles, especially the legs and back. Horse riding is used in the prevention of mental disorders, with cerebral palsy, as it gives children unforgettable emotions from communicating with horses. In addition, neuropathologists often prescribe such exercises to their patients. It is proved that during horse riding, children calm down and gain confidence.

Not recommended for asthma, spinal diseases and animal allergies.

Sports tourism

This type does not require long training, although a little expensive in terms of equipment. Clean air always has a wonderful miraculous effect on the human body, and for a child it is absolutely necessary, especially for its respiratory system.

Walking along forest paths, mountainous areas and estuaries will not only broaden the horizons of children, but also give them a charge of emotions and vivacity for the whole next month. Sports tourism develops endurance, hardening, strengthens the muscular and respiratory systems, improves blood supply to the brain.

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