"Dimexide" for face in cosmetology: proportions, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Increasingly, you can find information about how to use "Dimexide" in facial cosmetology. This is a pharmacological drug that can not only relieve the inflammatory process and anesthetize, which is its direct task. It is useful as an effective skin care product. Based on it, face masks are prepared that allow you to smooth the skin, eliminate wrinkles, tone and moisturize the skin.

What is Dimexidum?

"Dimexide" (the active ingredient is dimethyl sulfoxide) is a drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used topically when the pain is urgently needed. The medication is applied externally and is effectively used in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. The active components contained in the composition can penetrate deep into tissues through biological membranes, in particular through human skin.

The product has been widely used in cosmetology for the reason that it is able to be quickly absorbed. Not all creams and other facial skin care products are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, which is why they cannot have the desired effect, and work only with the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis. And if superficial care is enough for young girls, then something more serious is needed for older skin. And it is Dimexidum that does this task well, and therefore it is involved in the preparation of face masks.

Dimexide in cosmetology

Why use "Dimexide" in traditional medicine

This drug is used in various fields of medicine, but it is not directly related to the cosmetic field. It is used as an analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory medication in case of arthritis, sprain, osteoarthritis, etc. Also, the medicine is used for edema and burns, to accelerate the healing of wounds, including purulent ones, to cure eczema, etc.

Such widespread use of "Dimexidum" in medicine is based on the diversity of its effects on the human body. The pharmacological product has a bright local anesthetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, while contributing to a change in the sensitivity of microflora, which is initially resistant to the influence of antibiotics.

before and after applying the mask

Are there any contraindications for use?

Do not use "Dimexide" in facial cosmetology in cases when:

  • the patient is less than 20 years old (face masks based on "Dimexidum" should not be applied to girls up to 20-25 years old, since the skin at this time does not yet require such a radical effect, since it does not yet have so many wrinkles);
  • there are problems with blood coagulation;
  • serious liver or kidney disease;
  • recently suffered a stroke or heart attack;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • a weakened immune system - regardless of the reasons;
  • elderly age;
  • HIV infection;
  • various kinds of problems with the functional work of the central nervous system of the patient;
  • scarring tendency;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • individual intolerance to any constituent components of the drug;
  • the period of bearing a child and lactation are a strict contraindication, which can not be violated in any case.

During pregnancy, the female body undergoes tremendous changes - both hormonal and physiological. In this regard, the expectant mother becomes prone to allergies. For this reason, Dimexide, which can cause complex pathological reactions, cannot be applied to the skin. Skin care at this time should be as natural as possible.

For what reason "Dimexidum" found application in cosmetology

Wrinkles can be caused by various reasons - active facial expressions, exposure to external factors, age, etc. But the formation of wrinkles is always based on the destruction of the extremely important components of the skin - collagen and elastin. It is these elements that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, because they create a kind of "mesh", forming a supporting frame for the upper layers.

applying dimexide to the skin

Collagen fibers are able to absorb moisture and hold it, so that the skin looks nourished, beautiful, smooth, radiant and well-groomed. When the amount of collagen and elastin decreases, and collagen fibers harden and no longer accumulate moisture in the quantities required, wrinkles begin to form.

To restore the skin to its former elastic and radiant appearance, you must either activate the production of your own collagen and elastin, or fill in the voids with special cosmetic material. "Dimexide" is suitable for the first case, because it helps to accelerate the recovery processes in the skin and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

The main advantages of the drug

Thanks to the use of "Dimexidum" in facial cosmetology, one can achieve such positive results:

  • Improve blood circulation in the tissues.
  • Tighten the skin without involving injections.
  • Extend youth.
  • Create a lifting effect.
  • Maximize the absorption of the beneficial ingredients of creams and masks.
  • Moisturize your face.
  • Accelerate the healing processes of microcracks.
  • Activate metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Are there any disadvantages of "Dimexidum"

According to reviews, the use of "Dimexidum" in cosmetology has some disadvantages. The fact is that it is not directly related to the elimination of wrinkles, since nevertheless its main task is to treat skin diseases. Therefore, you do not need to expect a miracle. A positive result will necessarily affect the skin, but not as bright as in the case of using injection techniques.

Also, the use of "Dimexide" in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction, which must be remembered. It is important to pay attention to a number of contraindications and under no circumstances to apply the drug to the skin during pregnancy.

mask for the face

Features of use in the fight against wrinkles

All women want to stay young as long as possible. It is not surprising that many representatives of the fair sex resort to various cosmetic services, including injection methods. But it’s far from always necessary to inject Botox in order to cope with irregularities on the skin, because Dimexide in cosmetics for facial wrinkles works no less effectively.

Experts recommend using a combination of "Dimexidum" and "Solcoseryl". The second drug normalizes metabolic processes in the integument, increases the rate of tissue repair at the cellular level, and also accelerates oxidative reactions, activates collagen production. According to the reviews of women, which can be found on numerous forums, "Dimexide" in facial cosmetology is an indispensable tool, as it tones the skin and significantly increases its elasticity. But it is important to use the tool correctly, because there are many recipes, and some of them may be ineffective.

Dimexide in cosmetology for facial skin

Instructions for the use of "Dimexidum" in cosmetology are as follows:

  1. Rinse thoroughly and cleanse your skin as usual.
  2. Dilute "Dimexide" with pure water in a ratio of 1:10. If the skin is not very sensitive, the concentration of the drug can be increased to a ratio of 1: 5, but the first procedure should always be as gentle as possible.
  3. Apply the finished composition to the skin of the face.
  4. On top of Dimexidum apply Solcoseryl. If the skin is dry, it is permissible to add 1 ml of pink or almond oil to the mixture.
  5. Leave a two-layer mask on the skin for 30-40 minutes, but so that it does not dry out. To do this, periodically moisten the face. When the time is up, you need to remove the remaining funds with a napkin, wash and apply a good moisturizer.

If the skin is sensitive, do not apply such mixtures at home to the face, especially if there is a tendency to allergies. You need to understand that the reaction of the body to the use of "Dimexidum" in cosmetology at home is not always possible to predict, so if in doubt, it is better to use the services of a cosmetologist.

Use of medication for the eye area

What should be considered when using the drug in facial cosmetology? Gel "Dimexidum", as well as a product in the form of a solution, should never be applied to the skin around the eyes. The medication can burn or severely dry the delicate cover in this area, especially if the dosage is incorrectly selected. In the area of ​​the eyes, the skin is as sensitive as possible, besides there are no sebaceous glands.

You also need to be very careful when applying the product to the face, to prevent it from getting into the eyes. In this case, a strong burning sensation will appear. If this does happen, you should immediately rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean water.

forehead wrinkles

Mask with vitamins

Face masks based on "Dimexidum" can be enriched with various kinds of vitamins. For example, to eliminate sagging skin, as well as get rid of blackheads, you should add half a teaspoon of vitamins A and E to the mixture of water and Dimexidum (1:10). Such a composition should be kept on the face for about 20 minutes. It is recommended to apply the mask twice a day. After completing a 10-day course, the effect will be as noticeable as possible.

wrinkles on the forehead of a woman

At what price can I buy "Dimexidum" in pharmacies

You can buy medicine in city pharmacies at a very budget price. A bottle of 100 ml is estimated at only 40-70 rubles, and the gel in the tube - at 150-180 rubles. At the same time, such a volume is enough for a large number of masks, since the consumption of Dimexidum in facial cosmetology is, according to reviews, minimal.

The pharmacological composition effectively fights wrinkles, tones and moisturizes the skin, nourishes and tightens it. "Dimexide" is an excellent budget option that can rejuvenate the appearance, but it is worth using it only after 20-25 years, not earlier, since the product works with the face quite aggressively. You must always remember the precautions, pay attention to the tendency to allergic reactions and in no case apply the composition to the skin around the eyes.

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