The series “The meeting place cannot be changed”: actors whom we love and remember

Initially, there was a work by the classics of detective George and Arkady Vaynerov about the work of Moscow detectives in the turbulent post-war period - “The Era of Mercy”. Stanislav Govorukhin managed to make a masterpiece out of this work, which is not tired of watching more than one generation of viewers.

the meeting place cannot be changed actors
With the filing of Vysotsky

One of the latest films by Vladimir Vysotsky is the film “The meeting place cannot be changed.” The actors in this film are selected very well. It seems to be episodic roles: Manka-Bond in a juicy performance by Larisa Udovichenko, virtuoso Pyotr “Ruchechnik” (an unexpected image of Evgeny Evstigneev), touching lisping Brick (Vysotsky invented this speech defect for Sadalsky) ...

Vladimir Semyonovich also contributed a lot to the interpretation of the role of Zheglov, and during the filming he “rationalized” with might and main. So, it was he who came up with the idea of ​​using Varya’s photo on the wall of the storeroom in the store as an identification mark - one of the key scenes of the film “The meeting place cannot be changed.” The roles of some heroes also went to the actors with the explicit filing of Vysotsky. His friend was, for example, Vsevolod Abdulov, who played the opera Petyunya , who was scared in an ambush.

Zheglov, Sharapov, Varya

the meeting place cannot be changed

Ivan Bortnik, so funny in the image of “Blotter”, auditioned for the title role of Volodya Sharapova, and when not approved, “annealed” to the fullest already in the proposed circumstances, although not all the material with him was included in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”. Actors Vysotsky and Konkin played with complete authenticity and are still associated with characters. Young Sharapov, a representative of the "tough" school of investigation, is a seasoned operative Zheglov and personifies that very upcoming era of mercy, which did not become stained with soul even at the front.

The series “The meeting place cannot be changed” can only conditionally be called a series, there are only 5 episodes in it. The material was shot at 7, but later the timing was noticeably cut. Those who read the source know that it ends not as optimistic as the film adaptation: Sharapov, who returned from the operation to capture the gang, finds out that Varvara (one of the best roles of Natalia Danilova) died.

Small spool but precious

series meeting place cannot be changed

The launch pad for many was the tape "The meeting place cannot be changed." Actors Andrei Gradov, Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev at that time took their first steps on the screen. The former was also remembered by Soviet viewers in the comedy “Take Care of Women”, later he went headlong into dubbing, many foreign stars speak his voice. Although both him and Eugene are often removed in their projects by directors of modern series. Govorukhin invited Soviet sex symbols of the 60s to his picture: Natalia Fateev and Svetlana Svetlichnaya. They also adorned the action in their own way, even if their roles were small: one played a girlfriend, the other a sister of the deceased Larisa Gruzdeva, with the investigation of the murder of which begins the action of the film “The meeting place cannot be changed.” The actors involved in the film adaptation of the Weiner novel, and the television show itself, were forever included in the golden fund of Soviet cinema.

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