"Vangelia", a television series. Actors, roles, interesting facts

A Russian television biographical project of twelve episodes called Vangelia was released in 2013 and immediately became an event in the world of art. Even before the filming began, the attention of critics and the public was riveted to this work. According to the recollections of people close to Wang, it is known that the Bulgarian healer and seer did not want a film ever to be made about her. Despite the concerns of colleagues and critics, director Sergei Barchukov decided to take on the implementation of the Vangelia project. The television series, the actors who performed the main roles, mystical events and the secrets of the work process to this day are of interest to the public.

"Vangelia" television series actors

TV series creation

To create a reliable story, the screenwriters of the film Vladimir and Tatyana Sotnikovs studied a lot of materials about the life of a Bulgarian seer, and also met with many people who knew her personally. The premiere of the television movie took place on the Israeli Russian-language channel "Nine" on August 25, 2013. In Russia, the television project started on Channel One on September 18, 2013, and on September 26 the last episode of the movie Vangelia was shown. The television series, actors and make-up artists were nominated for a prestigious award in the field of television art. It is established by the Russian Association of Film and Television Producers.

Actors "Vangelia" television series

"Vangelia" television series: actors who played leading roles

In the television movie, the Bulgarian seer during various periods of her life was played by five actresses. Kristina Pakarina portrayed Vanga in childhood. Daria Otroshko - in her teens. Interestingly, before this role, Dasha did not have experience in the movie. The assistant director, seeing her on the tram, found the girl’s appearance suitable for the role and advised her to take part in the casting.

The young Vangelia is played by Natalya Nikolaeva, the mature one is Irina Rakhmanova, and the older one is Elena Yakovleva. The centenary of the birth of the Bulgarian clairvoyant was timed to create a television biographical film "Vangelia". The television series, whose actors are now warmly recalling their work in it, could not take place because of the prejudices and the mystical halo of the main character. Many actresses simply refused, learning what role they were talking about. Fortunately for the viewer, Elena Yakovleva does not believe in mysticism, but in the power of art. She approached the role very responsibly. Having studied all the available materials about the life of Vanga, Yakovleva portrayed primarily a woman with a strong character, who, despite everything experienced, was not embittered and helped people.

Remembering the work on the role, the actress says that playing such a multifaceted personality was very interesting. The only difficulty was that I had to work with my eyes closed, not being able to visually contact with partners in the frame.

An important character in the series, of course, is the seer’s father, Pande, who was brilliantly performed by Yevgeny Knyazev. This actor fell in love with the viewer as Wolf Messing in the 2009 series of the same name. Speaking of people who played an important role in the life of Vanga, you can not forget her husband - Mitko Gushtereva. The fateful meeting with him was not an accident. Vangelia foresaw her. The role of Mitko was performed by the talented Russian actor Anton Makarsky, who has been enjoying the audience’s love since the release of the television series “Poor Nastya”. Interestingly, initially Makarsky was approved only for the role of Mitko at a young age. Evgeny Knyazev was supposed to play Vanga’s older husband, but the director decided that Makarsky’s talent and acting abilities allow him to transform into an elderly hero, tired of the hardships of life.

"Vangelia" television series actors and roles

"Vangelia" television series: actors and roles

The television series is presented in the form of a story about the most significant moments in the life of a Bulgarian seer. Tired of the annoying attention of the press, Vanga, for reasons incomprehensible at first glance, agrees to give an interview to aspiring journalist Alisa Varezhkina. As it later turns out, she will become an important link in the life chain of the seer.

The role of Alice is played by the star of many Russian TV series Karina Razumovskaya. The series pays special attention to the story of Vanga’s friendship with Olga Vasiltseva, who later changed her name and became Neznamova. At different periods of life, the role of this heroine was played by three actresses. Karina Andolenko played Olga at a young age. Svetlana Kozhemyakina is mature, and Valentina Ananyina is elderly. It is interesting that Sergey Medvedev, who was the press secretary of Boris Yeltsin, and FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov took part in the filming of the television series. Both knew Wang personally, so it was not difficult for them to play themselves in scenes with a seer.

"Vangelia" television series actors and photos

Interesting facts related to the television series and the role of Wang

Some strange events took place during the work on the television movie. The filmmakers and actors spoke about them in their interviews. “Hungary” is a television series that, thanks to the main character, was enveloped in a mystical halo from the very beginning. There was otherworldly influence or not, it is difficult to judge. However, on the eve of the filming, Inna Churikova, who was originally offered the role of Vanga, broke both hands, and director Sergei Barchukov almost got knocked down by a train. The script corresponded, and the filming process was delayed.


Everything stopped with the appearance in the team of the television project Elena Yakovleva. The actress believes that the seer heard her mental appeal and agreed to bring to life the role and the film "Vangelia". The television series, actors and photos of the workflow certainly deserve the attention of the viewer. So everyone who has not had time to watch the television movie would like to wish you a pleasant viewing.

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