Who is Vladimir Zaitsev?

Vladimir Zaitsev was born in 1958 in Sverdlovsk. At the age of six, young Volodya got the opportunity to voice the American version of the film "Mary Poppins." We can say that this was his first role as a voice actor. The voice of Volodya speaks a minor character George Banks. It was this small role that probably predetermined the further profession of the actor. After he became interested in dubbing, cinema and acting. Like many prominent actors, Vladimir Zaitsev began with a children's theater. He played in semi-amateur productions, which determined his future fate.

The first role of Vladimir in the movie

After hard work on himself and honing his skills, the actor got his first role in the movie. Director Omar Gvasalia invited him to his tape called "Residence Permit." True, then Vladimir received one of the secondary roles. This film can be considered the first point in the filmography of Vladimir Zaitsev.

Vladimir hare

Studying at the Academy and the first role in the Yermolova Theater

After graduating from high school, Vladimir decided to leave for Moscow in order to become a professional actor. In 1975, he successfully passed the entrance exams at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts. He studied under the leadership of Vladimir Andreev, who helped him in the initial stages of training. In the third year of study, the actor received his first role in the Theater. M. N. Ermolova. One of the actor’s first roles was the role of Kai of the famous fairy tale “The Snow Queen”. Vladimir becomes a member of the theater troupe, after which the public learns about him.

Vladimir Zaitsev: films and TV shows with his participation

Zaitsev’s career as a movie actor also went along a smooth path. Already in 1981, he received two roles at once in the films “Against the Current” and “They Were Actors”. In these films, the actor played central roles. Therefore, he instantly became recognizable to the general public, in addition, many prominent directors noticed him. Vladimir Zaitsev appeared on the screens with enviable regularity, every year a new tape came out with his participation.

Vladimir hare actor

TV series

Among the best films with the participation of Vladimir Zaitsev can be distinguished "Admiral", "Siberian Barber", "State Councilor." In these paintings, the actor played not the main, but important and vivid roles. He had to work with people like Yegor Beroev, Konstantin Khabensky, Elizabeth Boyarskaya and many others.
Vladimir Zaitsev most often starred in television series, among them can be distinguished series "Youth". In this tape, the actor plays the director of the sports club Vadim Yuryevich Kazantsev. The series itself tells how a young team of hockey players gets a new coach, Sergey Makeev. His task is to make a real team out of them.

Vladimir hare movies

Vladimir Zaitsev starred in the series Next 2, where he played a negative character named Makinets. The best series of the actor include such films as “The Hunter”, “Youth”, “The Legend of the Circle”, “The Second” and others. It is worth noting that in almost all roles in the movie Vladimir Zaitsev played secondary characters.

The actor, although he plays negative characters, but the role of the inveterate villain does not remain with him forever. On account of Zaitsev more than eighty roles in the cinema. Such a career causes undoubted respect.

Vladimir Zaitsev. Voice acting of characters in movies and games

Zaitsev played a significant role in the profession of scoring foreign films and video games. His voice comes from American hits. So, it was his voice that the famous “Iron Man” speaks and almost all the films where Robert Downey (Jr.) takes part, he speaks in Russian-language versions in the voice of Vladimir Zaitsev. In addition, the actor voices the characters - Jason Stetham, Johnny Depp, Bert Reynolds and many others. The total number of films he voiced already exceeds 150. In the world of video games, he participated. He voiced the characters of such games as Star Craft 2, The Witcher, Still Life and others.

Vladimir hare voice acting

The personal life of the actor

The personal life of Vladimir Zaitsev began on the stage of the theater school. In his third year at the Yermolova Theater, he met Tatyana Shumova. She also later became an actress in theater and cinema. The couple and now continue their acting career, as well as raising two beautiful children.

Little conclusion

Now you know who Vladimir Zaitsev is. This actor is very famous, and as an actor of scoring, he has no equal at all. Vladimir Zaitsev can be confidently called a supporting star. Probably almost every box office Russian film is not complete without his participation. This means that the actor occupies a significant place in Russian cinema. The filmography of Vladimir Zaitsev is very extensive. But you can highlight the best films. These include paintings such as The Battalion, The Siberian Barber, The State Councilor, My Personal Enemy.

Vladimir Zaitsev currently continues to work in film and theater, as well as voice films, video games and commercials.

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