With the appearance of a child’s home, his parents are faced with the need to regularly visit a pediatrician and undergo many tests. Tests such as blood or urine donation, as a rule, do not cause unnecessary questions and difficulties. And if you need to pass an analysis called
coprogram? What is it and how to take it? We will deal with this issue.
Coprogram - what is it?
A coprogram is nothing more than an analysis of feces, which includes the study of its physical and chemical properties, microscopic analysis. The study of feces is extremely important in the event of diseases of the digestive system, as well as for the diagnosis of their work. Feces are the final product and result of the digestive system. Its formation occurs gradually, as food moves through the digestive organs. That is why one or another indicator of the coprogram may indicate insufficiently effective operation of individual elements of the chain. The stool itself consists of a large number of bacteria, small undigested food residues, mucus, individual pigments that give it color.
How to collect material for analysis
Collecting feces for analysis has several nuances, especially if a baby is to be copied. You must pre-purchase in a pharmacy a special sterile container with a spoon, which is used to take feces. The analysis will not be reliable if the bowel movement was caused by medication or the child took any medications in the last day. In this case, morning feces will give the most reliable results, but on condition that it will be delivered to the laboratory within two hours from the moment of emptying. It must be remembered that you can not collect feces, directly tearing away from the diaper, because in this case, particles of material can get into the container and significantly distort the final result. Also, do not scrape feces from the body of the baby, because in this case, particles of the epithelium can get into the analysis.
Decryption analysis
So, we passed an analysis called a coprogram. What does this give us? The result of the analysis contains a lot of valuable information, which is easy to decipher, based on the normal values of the following indicators:
- Amount - 15-20 g, single serving.
- Consistency is viscous.
- Color - yellow, possibly interspersed with green.
- The smell is a little sour.
- The reaction is acidic.
- Bilirubin, sterkobilin - are present.
- Soluble protein - not detected.
- The pH level is from 4.8 to 5.8.
- Muscle fibers, neutral fat, fatty acids, soaps, mucus, white blood cells - are single.
However, it is worth noting that these normative values are characteristic only for children who are completely breastfed. In the case when the child is already receiving complementary foods or eating a mixture, the analysis of the coprogram may be slightly different. In any case, even if all indicators correspond to the norm, the result must be shown to the pediatrician to get the maximum interpretation.
So, we learned that the digestive system can be judged on the basis of an analysis called a coprogram. What does this mean? At a minimum, it is recommended that young children be tested at least once every 3-5 months for a similar diagnosis to diagnose possible diseases.