Proctologist surgeon: consultations, operations. Proctology center

A proctologist is a doctor who identifies and treats diseases of the anus and rectum, as well as the colon. The indicated pathology is quite intimate, so the help of this specialist is often simply invaluable to the patient.

What is the essence of the profession?

A proctologist is a doctor who treats diseases of a very intimate area. We are talking about the anus and the rectum and colon. The need to isolate diseases of this area in a separate medical industry is due to their prevalence and social significance. In addition, patients had a request for a separate specialist to deal with such an intimate issue.

Surgeon proctologist

Proctologist consultation may be required by almost everyone. Every year, the number of people contacting this specialist is only increasing.

Main pathologies

There are a number of diseases in the diagnosis and treatment of which the main specialist is a proctologist surgeon. Most often, he has to face the following ailments:

  • hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissure;
  • polyp of the colon and rectum;
  • epithelial coccygeal passage;
  • paraproctitis;
  • colitis;
  • dysbiosis;
  • condylomatosis.

In addition, this doctor is involved in the diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the anus, rectum and colon. In the future, he transfers patients with a similar pathology to an oncologist. All of these diseases are serious enough and can bring the patient not only subjective discomfort, but also quite specific harm.

Profession difficulty

Among the simplest such specialty is not necessary. The fact is that in his professional activity, a proctologist surgeon often encounters certain difficulties.

Proctology center
The main ones are the following:

  • High incidence of advanced diseases at the first treatment of the patient.
  • Increased risk of litigation.
  • Low prestige of the profession.
  • Frequent patient refusals to undergo certain examination methods.

To solve each of these problems, the surgeon-proctologist must use all his professionalism.

About running cases

There are few medical specialties whose representatives would just as often face advanced cases of diseases as a proctologist surgeon. This state of affairs is due to the fact that patients consider diseases of the anus, rectum and colon to be shameful. As a result, while they can endure painful sensations and other symptoms of such ailments, they do not seek the help of specialists. When there is no longer any opportunity to endure torment, only then patients with hemorrhoids, anal fissures, paraproctitis and even cancer diseases come for an appointment.

Proctologist consultation

With early treatment, such a pathology is treated quite simply. In cases where the patient is treated already in the late stages of the formation of diseases with complications, it is very difficult to help him conservatively. As a result, the proctologist surgeon is forced to undergo surgery.

About litigation

Any doctor of this specialty is subject to increased legal risks. This is due not only to the fact that he has to carry out surgical interventions, which in themselves are quite dangerous for patients. The fact is that in the process of fulfilling his official duties he has to use research methods that affect the intimate sphere of human life. The vast majority of patients understand everything and are quite normal about such diagnostic procedures.

Sometimes, such a doctor is visited by people, especially women, who perceive the examination as a doctor’s increased interest in their person, that is, they regard such a diagnosis as banal sexual harassment.

In such proceedings, the doctor’s nurse, who acts as a witness, plays an invaluable role.

Refusals from some examination methods

This problem is encountered not only by a proctologist surgeon. Patients refuse methods for examining the anus, rectum and colon very often, especially men. This is due to the fact that for many such diagnostic procedures come into internal conflict with certain principles and concepts. Most representatives of the strong half of humanity consider them shameful and unacceptable to themselves.


In this case, only an experienced, good proctologist can convince a person, who will convey to the patient complete information about the planned diagnostic tests, as well as talk about the risks of ignoring them for health.

Basic diagnostic measures

This doctor uses both general and special research methods to establish a diagnosis and determine patient treatment tactics. The list of specific diagnostic procedures includes the following:

  • Finger examination of the rectum.
  • Sigmoidoscopy.
  • Colonoscopy
  • Fecal occult blood test.

In addition to these methods, others can also be used, but it is these diagnostic procedures that help in the diagnosis.

Where can such a doctor work?

Not every clinic is able to include specialists of this type in its staffing list. The proctologist most often works in specialized healthcare institutions. Usually based on them, both the inpatient department and the outpatient rooms function. There is also a laboratory and endoscopic rooms.

Preparation for a proctologist

The proctology center can be either public or private. Moreover, in the second case, the doctors working there are more often limited to an advisory appointment, as well as to carrying out diagnostic manipulations. Inpatient care involving surgical interventions is more often provided by the state proctology center.

How to prepare for the appointment?

Consultation of a proctologist often smoothly flows into the conduct of certain diagnostic measures. In this case, a digital examination of the rectum is carried out almost always. In order for the consultation to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to implement some recommendations in advance. Preparation for a proctologist involves the following activities:

  • The day before the appointment with the proctologist make unloading.
  • Perform a cleansing enema 4-6 hours before taking.
  • Hold the toilet area of ​​the perineum.

All these measures will significantly improve the accessibility of the rectum and colon for examination. If the patient knows that he will have such a procedure as a colonoscopy, then preparation for a proctologist will have to include the use of the Fortrans drug without fail. In total, a person will need 4 bags of such a medicine. Three of them he will need to use a day before the study. The fourth should be diluted in water and drunk in the morning. The colon cleansed as a result of using such a medicine, and colonoscopy becomes more informative.

The main therapeutic measures

The proctologist is a specialist in surgical profile. As a result, in addition to prescribing conservative treatment, he is also involved in surgical interventions. The large intestine is a complex organ for surgery. To improve access to it, the doctor goes through the use of special tools to expand the patient's anus. This requires the patient to be anesthetized.

Good proctologist

Most often, a proctologist has to deal with hemorrhoids and a chronic anal fissure. In the first case, the doctor needs to expand the patient’s anus and remove varicose hemorrhoids. An anal fissure is treated by excision.

Recommendations from a specialist

This doctor rarely gets patients for a routine examination. However, this specialist has a number of recommendations, the implementation of which will significantly reduce the likelihood of development of the pathology of the anus, colon and rectum:

  • First of all, such a doctor recommends applying for an appointment immediately after the first unpleasant symptoms of diseases of the rectum and colon, as well as the anus. This will significantly reduce the likelihood of a surgical operation.
  • A pediatric proctologist surgeon strongly recommends that parents monitor their babies. If they have complaints of pain during bowel movements, it is best to immediately show them to a specialist.
  • In addition, this doctor recommends consuming a sufficient amount of fiber-rich foods. This greatly improves the functioning of the large intestine and reduces the likelihood of developing an organ pathology.
  • Patients with a tendency to constipation should also not consume pickles and preservation, which were prepared using vinegar. Such a product with prolonged contact with the mucous wall of the colon can cause the development of inflammatory diseases, and sometimes neoplasms.

Children's surgeon proctologist

  • Proctologists strongly recommend that the patient lead an active lifestyle. The fact is that physical inactivity causes congestion in hemorrhoidal veins, causing varicose expansion. In addition, the performance of the large intestine is deteriorating. Normal physical activity involves at least 30 minutes of active walking at a pace of about 2 steps per second. It is very advisable to do morning exercises and periodically interrupt the execution of simple physical exercises, if the work does not involve special activity.

Who can I contact yet?

In cases where it is not possible to visit such a specialist, you should consult a surgeon. This doctor has general knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of proctologic diseases. You can also see a general practitioner and a local GP. It is better to register with them when there is no way to visit even a surgeon.

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