Aug Julia Arturovna: filmography and biography of the actress

Julia Aug is a famous Russian theater and film actress, as well as a director. The most famous for her was the role of Empress Elizabeth I in the historical series "Catherine", as well as the role of Tatiana in the film "Oatmeal". To date, the actress has starred in more than fifty films and series. This article presents a biography, personal life and an overview of the filmography of the actress.

Actress biography: early years

Julia Arturovna Aug was born on June 8, 1970 in Leningrad, but soon the family moved to Estonia. Her father is Estonian by nationality, so Julia spent her young years in the city of Narva. The surname Aug itself has Western roots and is associated with totem designations, and translated from Estonian means "pike".

After Julia graduated from school, the Aug family decided to return to Leningrad to their mother’s homeland. After leaving school, the girl faced the choice of a further professional path, and she decided to connect her life with acting, enrolling in the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, in a group led by A. S. Andreev.

Aug Julia Arturovna

Carier start

The first appearance of the actress in the cinema took place in her student years, Julia starred in the film "Abduction of the Sorcerer." After graduating in 1993, Aug continued to act in film. Her most famous role at that time was Princess Mary in the White Horse film.

Theater work

Also, in addition to filming, Julia began to play in theatrical plays at the Theater of the Young Spectator, here she worked for about ten years from 1993 to 2004, where she played eight major roles. The most significant roles: Lady Macbeth based on the novel by William Shakespeare "Macbeth" and the role of the Mermaid in the eponymous poem by A. S. Pushkin. Work in the theater during this period took a lot of time, so the actress at the beginning of the two thousandths did little to act in films. At this time, she participated in the filming of TV shows, where, as a rule, she played minor roles: the heroine Marina in "Streets of Broken Lights", Elena Bezrukova in the series "Special Forces", etc. In addition, the actress is very conscious of the choice of roles, she acts in films that have a special philosophy, often incomprehensible to ordinary viewers.

Julia Arturovna Aug

Julia Aug - director and screenwriter

In 2004, Julia Arturovna Aug, whose photo and biography are presented to your attention in the article, moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow with the aim of going to study at the institute as a director. According to the actress, the main reason for refusing to play in the theater is the fact that she herself wanted to lead the process. Aug entered GITIS in the directing department in a group led by I. L. Reichelgauz. In 2007, she graduated with honors, but the young artist did not stop there. She decides to get a third higher education by entering the Higher Courses of Scriptwriters and Directors in a group led by A. M. Dobrovolsky.

The first directorial works of Julia, while still a student, were highly noted by film critics. She has been a director at many festivals, such as New Drama. The first picture, in which Julia Aug acted as a director, was the comedy "Sakura Jam", many famous Russian artists took part in this film.

In addition, Julia Arturovna Aug, whose husband and children have always been under the scrutiny of fans, was actively involved in directorial work in the theater and directed many different productions: the play “Love, Don't Love”, which was shown at the Dzerzhinsky Drama Theater, “Cards, troupe, three cats "at the Dostoevsky State Drama Theater.

For the directorial work on the play Frontovichka, Aug was awarded many awards, the most significant of which was Best Director. In general, judging by the relatively long downtime in the acting of the artist, she likes to direct the filming process herself rather than be a slave.

Julia Arturovna Aug Films

Aug Julia Arturovna: personal life, husband, children

Julia Aug was married twice. Julia did not have a family life with her first husband, businessman Stepan, the couple soon divorced, but from this marriage she left a daughter, Polina.

The second husband was named Andrey Skulov, by education he was a programmer, but was engaged in entrepreneurial activity. The couple lived together for about fifteen years, but, unfortunately, at the end of 2015, he died of a heart attack. The main cause of the disease was serious material problems in the family. After his death, the actress was left with millions of debts, which she managed to pay off only in 2017.

The actress’s daughter is Pauline, she, like her mother, decided to connect her life with acting and first entered the Moscow Art Theater, but then transferred to GITIS. Mother and daughter have already managed to star together in one rather famous film. At the moment, Polina lives with her grandmother.

aug Julia Arturovna husband children

Aug Julia Arturovna: films

The first roles in the movie, the actress Aug received back in the nineties, but they were usually insignificant. In addition, Julia paid great attention to theater and directing.

The first film that brought Aug fame was the dramatic film "Oatmeal", filmed in 2010 by director Fedorchenko. Julia played the role of the wife of the director of the plant named Tatyana. She died, and her husband and his companion were about to cremate the body according to the old rite. Along the way, the characters of the film introduced the audience to the life story of Tatyana and her husband.

This picture was well received by film critics and received many awards. In addition, she participated in the competition program of the Venice Film Festival, where she was also awarded a number of awards and received laudatory words from the jury chairman Quentin Tarantino.

In 2011, another film was released with the participation of Julia Aug - “Heavenly wives of meadow mari”. The film consists of twenty-three short stories, each of which is dedicated to one heroine. The character of Julia Aug is called Orapti.

In 2013, the actress took part in the filming of the erotic film "Intimate Places." The plot of the picture is based on the relationship of several people who suffer from sexual dissatisfaction and try to cope with it in different ways. In this film, Julia Arturovna Aug played the role of the psychotherapist Lyudmila Petrovna, to whom the heroes turn to solve their intimate problems. In general, the film received conflicting responses from the audience, but was awarded several prestigious awards. Also in 2013, Aug took part in the filming of the military drama A. Veledinsky “Ladoga”, where she played a woman named Elena Kulyasova.

Aug Julia Arturovna photo

Filming in the series

In addition to filming in films, the actress took an active part in working on series. She played the role of the main doctor in the Russian series "Kostoprav", in the series "Who, if not me," she belongs to the role of the girlfriend of the protagonist named Elena.

But at the moment, her most famous role in the series is the character of Elizabeth the First, Russian Empress in the TV series "Catherine". In this television series, the actress plays the Russian Empress, who, in her declining years, chooses a receiver for the throne, since she herself is barren, and the closest heir is unable to rule the country. Her choice fell on the Prussian princess Sophia Frederick, who would later become Catherine the Great.

The actress's play in this series was highly praised by both viewers and critics. No one was surprised that the series and the actress herself received many prestigious awards. Currently, the actress participated in the filming of the series "Method", played the role of Inga Yuzhina in the film "Pupil" and the mother of the main character in the film "Ghouls." In total, the actress has participated in the filming of 50 films and series.

Aug Julia Arturovna personal life husband

Awards of the actress in the field of cinema and theater

During her creative career, Julia Arturovna Aug, whose photo you can see in the article, received many prestigious awards as an actress in theater and cinema and as a director. Her first major award was the victory in the nomination "Best Actress" at the Baltic Film Festival for her role in the film "Teacher". Also, for the role in the film "Intimate Places", the actress was awarded the prize for best actress at the Kinotavr film festival. Two thousand and thirteenth year is notable for the fact that Julia received the film award "White Elephant" for the supporting role.

In 2014, the actress was included in the list of nominees for the Nika Prize. Two thousand and the fifteenth year was very successful at various awards for the actress. In March, she was awarded the Crystal Mask Award from the prestigious Theater Spring Film Festival for her directorial work in a theatrical production. In the summer, the actress for the role of Elizabeth the First in the television series "Catherine" was awarded the TEFI. In early 2016, at the Window to Europe Film Festival, actress Julia Aug received an award for her role in the experimental film Touch of the Wind. In 2017, for the same role at the film festival, the actress received the A. Abdulov Award for Best Actress in a debut film. Also this year, the actress was among the nominees for the Golden Eagle Award.

aug Julia Arturovna filmography


Julia Arturovna Aug, whose filmography, biography and personal life was considered in the article, is one of the most talented actresses of her time. She took part in the filming of about fifty paintings, for which she received many awards. The most famous actress brought filming in the films "Oatmeal", "Intimate places" and in the series "Catherine". Julia is also engaged in directing activities. Her most famous work as a director of the picture is “Sakura Jam”.

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