calendula contraindications and recipes

The flower of calendula, or marigold, is very easy to recognize among other representatives of the flora, it stands out with a bright orange color and petals similar to the rays of the sun.

What kind of miracle is this - calendula flower? Contraindications to recipes from calendula are insignificant, they relate mainly to internal use and ointments, since for some people this plant is an allergen.

In folk medicine, calendula infusions have long been very popular. Calendula treatment brings stunning results in many diseases due to the fact that marigold leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, organic acids, including salicylic acid (aspirin), and flowers contain carotene, phytohormones, phytoncides, enzymes, and essential oil. It is not difficult to prepare preparations from calendula, but it should be remembered that the use of almost all medicines, including those using calendula, is contraindicated quite often.

Infusion: one tablespoon of flowers is poured with one glass of boiling water, be sure to heat it in a water bath with stirring for 5 minutes, cool. Take sips.

Homemade calendula infusion is prepared in small quantities for two days, and stored in the refrigerator. It is used to treat digestion and the cardiovascular system, in inflammatory processes.

Marigold flowers were brewed as tea and consumed for hypertension, heart disease, shortness of breath and edema.

Teas: 5-6 flowers pour a glass of boiling water, be sure to insist thirty minutes. With a cold, flu, cough, drink hot with the addition of honey, with lingonberries, raspberries - in large sips.

For coughing attacks, take a slice of sugar with ten drops of tincture or a strong decoction of calendula under the tongue three to four times in one day.

Tincture 1: 100 grams of flowers pour half a liter of ethyl alcohol 70 degrees, tightly close, leave at room temperature for two weeks in a dark place, be sure to shake periodically, then filter and squeeze all this. Store in a tightly closed container of dark glass. Calendula, the contraindications of which in this case applies to people with high blood pressure, is taken in drops as directed by a doctor.

Tincture 2: dry marigold flowers (10 g) and dry peppermint (5 grams) pour 200 g of water, boil for five minutes, be sure to cool, strain, add all the necessary sugar to taste and 200 ml of vodka.

Alcohol tincture is used for colitis, gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and intestines.

Oil: calendula (flowers) - 80 grams, rosehip (namely fruits) - 20 grams pour vegetable oil (0.6 l) and insist on a water bath for an hour, then stand at least two weeks at room temperature, not forgetting to shake periodically.

With the help of this tool, you can cure such an unpleasant phenomenon as cracking on the nipples of nursing women. It helps with eczema, scars, bruises. The oil is effective in treating varicose veins, pressure sores, and leg ulcers.

Ointment 1: 50 g of powdered calendula flowers mixed with two hundred grams of melted domestic pork fat. In a water bath, be sure to stir constantly, bring to a homogeneous consistency, store in the refrigerator.

Ointment 2: melt 250 grams of internal net fat, add a glass of calendula (leaves, flowers). When the fat foams, mix, remove from heat, insist for twelve hours, then add 20 g of bees wax, warm, strain. Keep the ointment in the refrigerator. You can make candles.

Calendula ointment is used externally to treat wounds and skin lesions, as it restores tissues, prevents inflammation, and has bactericidal properties. An ointment is indispensable for daily hand skin care and relieve irritation, men use it after shaving. It is suitable for baby skin care, well eliminates diaper rash.

Calendula in Gynecology

A decoction of calendula inflorescences is widely used in the treatment of gynecological diseases - with uterine bleeding, for the prevention of miscarriages in pregnant women. Juice from flowers is considered an effective tool in the treatment of neurosis and menopause, cervical erosion, Trichomonas colpitis, whitewash .

Calendula, the contraindications to the use of which are wide enough, should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Calendula is not recommended to be combined with herbs that have a sedative effect, as it enhances this property. These plants include valerian, catnip, pepper, celery and others.

Despite the fact that calendula is a weak allergen, in people who respond to plants of the family Asteraceae, for example, chamomile, daisies, chrysanthemums and others, it can give skin reactions - itching, dermatitis and so on. It is advisable to do a skin reaction test before using calendula.

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