The beauty of the face and body is what excites a woman at any age. But if up to thirty years the natural mechanisms of the body easily protect you from the accumulation of fat, then with age, the processes of metabolism, lipolysis (fat breakdown) slow down. Girls, even slender by nature and genetically, after twenty-five years can dramatically gain weight. As for the figure, fat tends to accumulate on the hips and around the waist in order to protect female reproductive organs from hypothermia.
Unpleasant metamorphoses also occur with the face. After thirty years, unaesthetic deposits of fat under the skin can form in soft tissues. Over time, they will tend to go down under the influence of the laws of gravity, forming the so-called "bryl" in the place of nasolabial folds, contribute to sagging cheeks, skin on the neck, create second chins.
A woman can remain slim, but the face will give out age and even unsightly emphasize it. The solution may be to use a special cosmetic product “Mesosculpt C 71”. Reviews about this drug suggest that it is effective. We will study the mechanism of its effect, how it affects fat deposits and fights with them, as well as what cosmetologists and clients of salons say about it.
What should a person be after thirty
It is so arranged by nature that until a certain age you can torture yourself with diets, get better and lose weight again, and all this without noticeable harm to the appearance. In youth, the metabolism is very fast, the skin easily tightens after stretching, without the formation of unaesthetic stretch marks, but under the influence of time, natural mechanisms slow down. This is due to the fact that nature is laid in such a way that the childbearing age of a woman is in the range from 18 to 30 years. But this is not a reason to give nature the upper hand over your appearance. You just need to consider that diets that exhaust workouts can have excellent results for your figure, but negative for your face. Why is that?
How beautiful is the face thin or childishly plump?
Fashion trends in makeup perfectly reflect what is considered beautiful in society. Sculpting fashionable in make-up, brightly drawn and sharp lines of the face begin to go out of the trend of recent years. Such painted graphic faces can be “created” by young girls, but after twenty a sharp make-up is not recommended by cosmetologists, especially if such makeup is used for a more mature age. And vice versa, apple cheeks, slightly plump lips will give out youth, even if the owner of such an appearance is well over thirty. Alas, the features of such a person are given from birth and laid genetically, such as, for example, a large breast or priest. But modern cosmetology makes it possible to make a face beautiful and young, regardless of what you won in the genetic lottery.
One of the achievements of modern cosmetology is the Mesosculpt C 71 preparation. The reviews of cosmetologists about this tool are positive, because the mechanism of its work is understandable, logical and completely harmless, which is important for any patient.
Is fat necessary to be beautiful?
Modern girls are accustomed to consider fat as almost the main enemy of beauty, although this is not entirely true. Firstly, fats differ in quality. Secondly, there are many popular sayings that men do not like bony dried girls. Instead of torturing yourself in training, think about the fact that having a small percentage of fat - from 15 to 20% of the total body weight - makes the girl curly and attractive. The face is no exception.
If there is no fat at all in the tissues of the epidermis, then such a person will seem five to ten years older. It turns out that fat is needed in the tissue, but of a special property.
The difference between drugs for burning fat in the face and Mezosculpt C 71
Reviews of cosmetologists about this drug are positive, as well as about the mechanism of its work. Most known agents, after subcutaneous injection, kill all the fat cells responsible for local formations. Mesosculpt works in a completely different way, acting on three fronts - accelerating lipolysis (splitting of fat cells), controlling lipogenesis and adipogenesis.
How is the drug used?
Beauticians use "C 71 Mesosculpt" to correct body fat in the second and lower third of the face as follows. After consultation with a cosmetologist, the drug is injected into the selected areas by injection. In what volumes is the drug produced? These are glass ampoules with one milliliter of the Mesosculpt cosmetic product. Reviews of cosmetologists indicate that it is not recommended to introduce more than 2 ml of the drug at a time. The course of treatment can last from 3 to 5 weeks with the introduction of the drug once a week.
Who should not use the drug for correction?
Does it have any contraindications "Mesosculpt C 71"? Patient reviews indicate that there are no significant contraindications. However, injections are not recommended if there is an exacerbation of the herpes virus or other inflammatory processes in the tissues of the face (acne, ulcers). There are no other contraindications. The procedure takes no more than 5 minutes, without the introduction of anesthetics, after which you can leave the cosmetologist's office and safely go home. In the first hours after the procedure, it is recommended to treat the injection site of the Mesosculpt C 71 drug with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.
How long does the recovery process take
after the procedure?
Everyone cares what the face looks like after injection of the Mesosculpt C 71 drug. The reviews of doctors and clients agree that the next day after visiting the beautician, you can already show up in public, as there will be no swelling or bruising. As for the reaction in the first hours after the administration of the drug, redness and a feeling that the skin seemed to have warmed up at the injection site are possible. It is not recommended to sunbathe in the sun, visit a bathhouse or sauna in the next 10 days after the procedure.
How to quickly wait for the results?
Mesosculpt (Mesosculpt C 71) is not a panacea designed to make a fat face thin, but certainly an effective tool in the fight against age-related deposits of fat on the face. But immediately get ready for the fact that one procedure for administering the drug will not be enough. Beauticians recommend doing three to six treatments every week or two. Below we will talk about the cost of injections in domestic cosmetology clinics.
Expensive pleasure
How much does one Mesosculpt C 71 injection procedure cost? Reviews - the price does not least concern the average consumer of the service - they report that the cost varies from 12 to 14 thousand rubles, but, as the people who tested the drug say, it costs its money. Of course, after the first application, a miracle will not happen, but after the third course of injections, the contours of the face are drawn, become clearly defined, and local fat deposits are smoothed, especially in the area of the chin and nasolabial folds.
Another advantage is the possibility of injections with biorevitalization preparations together with the use of Mezosculpt C 71. Patient reviews are positive regarding the simultaneous passage of two procedures at once. However, it should be noted that it is recommended to use only drugs of the Meso-Xanthin or Meso-Wharton trademarks with Mesosculpt, their combined effect was tested.
What will happen to the face after the action of the drug?
It will not be superfluous to think about the consequences of using the drug "C71 Mesosculpt" for correction. Could this happen that after the disappearance of unnecessary fatty deposits, the skin will sag and become even worse than it was before the injections? Since the composition of the drug includes a modeling complex (trace elements, peptides, hyaluronic acid), with each injection, skin lifting, skin nutrition and hydration from the inside will be provided. Meanwhile, cosmetologists still recommend a course of biorevitalization for a greater effect.