Amur River: economic use and description. Amur River - photo

The largest river of the Pacific rift of Russia is the Amur River, photo which are presented in the article. Its right bank is almost completely located on the territory of the PRC (People's Republic of China), while the rest is in the Russian Federation. This helps to establish relations between the two states, since in order to conduct at least one event on the waters of the Amur, it is necessary to obtain permission from both countries.

Amur river

Description of the Amur River

The length of the watercourse is 2824 km. The mouth is the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Water flow is significantly different from other rivers. At least a special drain and food. Due to the fact that in the summer monsoon rains and winter is not very snowy. In spring, these areas are characterized by fairly low temperatures, as a result of which most of the snow and ice on the river evaporates, but does not melt. It is this characteristic that affects the short-term floods.

Amur River

Economic use

An important artery of East Asia is the Amur River. Economic use watercourse for the most part lies in energy, fishing, transport and rafting.

  • Energy After the construction of several hydropower plants, which were built recently, the watercourse became more suitable for shipping. The area where the stations are built is rich in iron, metals and coal. Here there are forests, huge fertile lands that are used in agricultural activities. The Amur region is quite useful in the energy sector and is promising for industry.
  • Timber rafting and transport . Transport on the river is poorly developed in all countries where it flows. This is due to the fact that in some areas of the watercourse there are numerous shallows that significantly impede navigation. Also, the grid of paths is not very well located, which leads to some inconvenience.

On the banks of the water stream are wide forests that stretch throughout the Amur River to its largest tributaries. They are suitable for hatching birds.

Despite the small importance of forests and transport for industrial sectors, they still occupy a major place in the economy.

Amur River Description

Geographical position

The Amur River, whose economic use is ambiguous, is located in the region of East Asia. The watercourse basin covers forest, steppe, semi-desert and forest-steppe geographical zones.

It is formed due to the combination of Argun and Shilka. The point at which the Amur begins is considered to be the eastern coast of the island of Mad. However, there is an opinion that the source of the water stream is a small stream that flows into the Onon River.

The part of the basin located on the territory of the Russian Federation is divided into two zones: the Siberian (captures the area of ​​the Argun and Shilka streams) and the Far East (the location of the Amur River valley).

geographical position of the Amur River

River hydrology

The Amur River, the economic use of which is fishing, irrigation, shipping, is consumed differently in different parts. For example, near the mouth, water demand reaches 11 thousand m 3 / s, near the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur - up to 9 thousand m 3 / s.

The valley of the water stream is divided into sections:

  • upper (length - 880 km; current speed - 5 km / h);
  • medium (length - 970 km; water movement - from 3 to 5 km / h);
  • lower (length - 960 km; flow rate - 4-6 km / h).

Due to rains in summer, the water level in the river changes significantly. In the area of ​​low water, fluctuations reach 15 m, in the upper and middle reaches - 8 m. Floods are possible due to long rains. The river often spills 25 km and stays in this mode for almost three months. After the hydroelectric facilities were built, the Amur River, the economic use of which was fully regulated, ceased to leave its banks.

Amur river photo

The water stream is very rich in fish. It is home to more than 100 species than other rivers of Russia cannot “boast” of. Due to the fact that Amur belongs to the transitional zoogeographic province, not only fish characteristic of other Siberian rivers (burbot, whitefish) live here, but also those that are inherent in the Sino-Japanese fauna (cupid, yolk, Chinese perch , etc.).

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