Military pensions in Russia. Military pension increase

Each person, while still young and full of energy, sooner or later begins to think in advance of his life in old age and make efforts in an effort to make the elderly and senile age secure. After all, the dignity of pension payments, their size, and, consequently, the standard of living, plays an important role and depends on the degree of hard work in a working period of life.

The right to receive a pension and material support in old age is assigned to every citizen at the legislative and constitutional level. The amount of pension payments depends on the length of service, the amount of pension contributions to the fund and a number of other factors.

The experience includes not only labor activity in any production. It also includes any other socially useful activity. However, it is worth noting that the latter will be counted, as well as labor, in the presence of pension savings in a personal account in a pension fund.

Types of Pensions

Pension payments are general (joint), insurance (funded) and include military pensions. Due to changes in pension legislation, the total length of service in charge of receiving a joint pension was excluded. Currently, the size of payments is determined exclusively in the insurance amount, i.e., directly proportional to the pension contributions to the appropriate fund during the period of labor and socially useful activities. Persons who are military liable, as well as former employees of organizations in which labor activity is equivalent to military service, have and receive a military pension.

ruble pension money

Legal framework for retirement of military personnel

The military, by virtue of carrying out socially useful work, performing service under harmful working conditions, are entitled to a separate pension paid by the state.

If the labor activity was carried out in the form of military service, work in the internal affairs bodies, the fire service or in positions in the anti-drug and criminal-executive authorities, then, according to the law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1, military pensions are assigned for such persons . The procedure for their payments is also mentioned in the law of the Russian Federation on pensions.

Long service pension

Based on the norm of Art. 1 of the law, military pensions in Russia are provided for after years of service. The minimum length of service for such a pension is twenty years. A certain threshold can be a longer period of time. It doesn’t matter how old the retired employee is. So, if we take the example of a forty-year-old warrant officer with a 20-year period of service, who entered the military or equivalent service at 18, then at 38 he will be able to retire, which is determined by the preferential length of service.

veterans military pensioners

In determining the length of service, the regions and special conditions of service are also taken into account, which is reflected in government decree No. 941. For example, the length of service of a military pilot working in the Far North can be reduced in determining the length of service.

To the length of service, in addition to the main service, the rule of law also includes the time periods of service in the power units of the Russian Federation and the USSR, service in the CIS countries and their internal affairs bodies, time of detention of military personnel in correctional institutions in cases where the punishment was established erroneously, interruption term of service in case of illegal and unjustified dismissal from the army, the time of study in the chosen specialty in a higher educational institution.

In addition to the length of service, the pension for the military and equivalent categories is also granted in cases of disability and significant damage to health in the framework of the service, and to members of the families of such persons in case of loss of the bread-winner due to his death.

Mixed military experience

If a serviceman does not have experience in the amount determined by law, years, the calculation of his experience can be made according to the mixed experience.

Mixed length of service is the process of using various methods of calculating retirement benefits. It includes length of service, work experience in civic organizations, and other socially useful activities of a citizen.

If this rule is applied, the right to a contractual pension for a serviceman arises upon length of service, if persons applying for it have ceased military service at the threshold age, for health, have a total length of service of labor or other socially useful activity, of which at least 12 were assigned to the army. The remaining part of the seniority is calculated from the norms stipulated by the legislation on pension provision and pension contributions.

working pensioner in the garden

Pension of combatants

For military personnel who took part in hostilities, the pension payment is also calculated according to the mixed type. For example, military pensions in Russia for WWII veterans consist of insurance and military units and, in case of health problems, disability. In addition, additional amounts fixed at the federal level or by the legislation of the federal subjects may be included in the pension of WWII veterans. Additionally, veterans are paid social benefits.

military operations in afghanistan

Pensions of veterans of Afghanistan

Military pensions are also intended for Afghan veterans. Those who took part in the hostilities include motorists, pilots and foot soldiers who fought in the direction. The calculation of their pensions is made from the amount of payments on general grounds and personal surcharges depending on the similar length of service, seniority and a certain percentage for each subsequent year in which the veteran was engaged in labor activities. The war years of Afghanistan veterans count towards the granting of pensions in preferential treatment.

In addition, the law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 provides for an additional payment of 32% of the departmental pension for this category.

Like veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of Afghanistan have the right to use one-time cash and social benefits.

Insurance pension

Taking into account that in spite of everything, relatively able-bodied people go to military pensions for length of service and mixed type, many of the resigned employees find work in civil organizations. Thus, there are prospects after 60 years to receive the right and pension for the insurance experience paid by the old-age pension fund.

pension military increase

Transfer of pension upon change of residence

Situations arise when, upon exemption from service, a military pensioner wishes for any reason to change his place of residence. In order to transfer the place of receipt of pension payments, such a person must contact the military registration and enlistment office at the place of permanent registration with the provision of documents on relocation. This can be a certificate of permanent registration, or a residence permit. After some time, the draft board transfers the pensioner's personal file to his new place of residence.

However, in the framework of the reform, according to which military pensions will change in 2018, which will be discussed below, it was simplified that military pensioners receive their pensions exclusively at their place of residence. The program for organizing amendments to the pension legislation already provides for ways to receive payments without reference to a specific branch of the bank, military registration and enlistment office and permanent registration.

Pension Reform 2018

Since 2018, pension reform has been launched, approved by the State Duma last year on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation. As part of it, the salaries and allowances of active servicemen and workers equated to them were increased.

Global pension reform has affected many citizens, including retired military personnel. Indeed, in connection with the increase in the salaries of military personnel, retired soldiers will also receive pensions in an increased amount.

Competent authorities are often asked how much the pension will increase for the military. According to departments, the content of military pensioners will increase by 4%.

Now, as planned, the average payment in 2018 will be at least 24.5 thousand rubles.

An increase in military pensions will be made in accordance with the level of indexation of military wages. The introduction of the reform is planned by the state until 2020.

military in Russia

Calculation of military pension 2018

When calculating a pension from January 1, 2018, a number of circumstances and facts must be taken into account. Thanks to this, you can determine how much the pension will increase the military. These include:

  1. Salary for military posts.
  2. Salary for military rank.
  3. Availability of flight qualifications.
  4. Participation in hostilities.
  5. Availability of length of service.
  6. Reduction coefficient.
  7. The regional coefficient of climatic conditions.

All stable and solid indicators from this list are approved by government decree annually. Solid indicators include salaries and reduction rates and climatic conditions.

The allowances for the availability of flight qualifications and for participation in hostilities are also firm and are established by the legislative and executive authorities of the state.

All the indicators described are easy to find in free access on specialized Internet resources and in the media.

Knowing these factors, you can easily calculate the size of the payment, taking into account the indexation of the military pension according to the following formula:

(Base) x (50% + 3% for each year over twenty years of experience, but not more than 85%) x reducing coefficient x terrain coefficient.

The base in this formula is the total amount of salary for the position and payments for the title, as well as a bonus for long service.

To calculate the pension, given how the military pensions are indexed, you can use the many proposed online calculators, or you can calculate it yourself.

calculation of pension indexation payments

An example of determining the military pension in 2018

A soldier retires as a platoon commander with a salary of 20,000 rubles.

For example, he is a lieutenant colonel, which amounts to a surcharge of 12,480 rubles.

Suppose that he does not have flight qualifications, has a total length of service of 22 years, and performed his military service in the city of Krasnoyarsk, where the climatic coefficient is determined by an indicator of 1.3.

Thus, it turns out that the base, which is the basis and allows the calculation of the military pension, is:

20 000 + 12 480 = 32 480 rubles.

The length of service allowance is determined from the following data:

20 years = 50%, to which 3% x 2 years are added on top of the length of service. Total: 56%.

The decreasing coefficient changes every year, today it is 60%.

The climatic coefficient of the city of Krasnoyarsk is 1.3.

Based on this, the size of the military pension in this case is as follows:

32,480 (base) x 56% (length of service) x 60% (reduction factor) x 1.3 = 14 187.3 rubles.

To summarize the above, we can conclude that military payments in 2018 will increase significantly, military pension will be recalculated and will average 170% of the average pension of an average Russian pensioner. This is undoubtedly a positive point.

However, at present, military pensioners claim that the pension reform does not live up to their expectations and that the military does not feel an increase in pension. But, given the fact that the planned gradual increase in security by 2020 is implied, it is most likely that the changes will become noticeable in the near future and the provision of former military personnel will become more worthy.

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