Muscle Gain Products: Daily Nutrition

There are many different diets for bodybuilders. It is known that people differ in susceptibility to various products, metabolic rate, and most importantly, all have different types of body structure. But, despite this, there are rules and norms of nutrition, without which it is difficult to gain weight. In this article, we will analyze muscle gain products . We learn about the benefits and nutritional value of various products that participate in the construction of muscle fibers and support the athlete's body as a whole.

muscle building products

Rules for a diet for gaining muscle mass:

  • the right balance of calories;
  • meal should be divided into small portions, you should eat at least 6 times a day;
  • counting carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • the use of easily digestible products that do not cause malfunctions in the digestion;
  • in the morning, foods high in carbohydrates are consumed; in the second, preference should be given to high-protein foods;
  • drinking the right amount of fluid for a growing body - at least 2 liters of water.

Products for gaining muscle mass. Food throughout the day

In the morning, after a long sleep, you need to complete the task - to stock up on energy for the whole day, in addition, you need to saturate the body with fast carbohydrates and proteins. Oatmeal, rice or buckwheat, a glass of natural fruit juice, dried fruits or natural dark chocolate will charge the body with the necessary supply of energy. Boiled egg is the best source of protein for the morning breakfast. But be careful with egg yolks, they are quite a powerful allergen. Given this fact, try not to eat more than 3 egg yolks per day, this rule does not apply to protein.

for gaining muscle mass

We do the next meal no later than 2.5 hours after the first. The portion is about half smaller, the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates is 50 to 50. An excellent choice would be a vegetable salad, boiled chicken, low-fat red meat with rice, brown bread and honey. These are the best products for gaining muscle mass.

Throughout the day, you need to replenish the body’s reserves with long proteins so that you receive a daily intake of essential nutrients. Starting from the middle of the day, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates so that, together with muscle mass, you do not increase body fat. At lunch, you can eat rice with fish, vegetable salads, low-fat soup.

best muscle gain foods

Between the full consumption of food, you can eat sandwiches with cheese and whole grain bread or fresh fruits. Do not forget to drink fresh water throughout the day. For reference: try to drink food during main meals, the fluid slows down the metabolism, you can feel heaviness in the stomach.

In the evening meals, it is important to provide the body with long proteins before bedtime. Cottage cheese is rich in casein protein, it is very useful. It is digested for a long time, respectively, for a long period your muscles will receive the necessary amino acids. If your body does not absorb cheese and dairy products, there are special proteins that act in a similar way, they are called "12-hour". In the evening, and especially before bedtime, it is best to exclude carbohydrates from the diet.

Try to use natural products to gain muscle mass. Do not buy "grocery shopping" and prepared meals.

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