The onset of warm days is accompanied by the appearance of blood-sucking insects, the bite of which brings significant discomfort to a person. Unfortunately, the annoying mosquito is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. His bite can have undesirable effects on human health. At the same time, one should not fully hope for protection against bloodsuckers by acquiring special means, but it is worth knowing how to avoid unpleasant complications after painful bites.
Insects are attacked primarily by children, as they have
thin skin, as well as sweating people. It is worth remembering that a mosquito bite should not be scratched. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection in the wound. In addition, some people react to mosquito bites with allergies. The manifestation of this pathology can occur in different ways. Sometimes an allergy is accompanied by the appearance of painful cones throughout the body, and sometimes by an unpleasant red rash, similar to the first stage of psoriasis. People prone to such reactions should use drugs designed to protect against bloodsucking insects with caution, as the consequences of their use may be unforeseen. Doctors recommend that such patients examine the blood before using these products to prevent unpleasant reactions.
The mosquito bite, the photo of which you see below, is, first of all, damage to the outer shell of the skin. Despite its small size, the wound causes a lot of inconvenience.
A mosquito bite is accompanied by an itch. It negatively affects not only the skin, but also on the human nervous system. It is easy to eliminate an unpleasant phenomenon. You just need to be patient and do not comb the bite site. At the first opportunity, a compress from a soda solution should be applied to the itchy wound. To eliminate discomfort,
ammonia can also be used
. To apply a compress, it is diluted with water. With a bite, citrus and garlic juice, a solution of brilliant green and potassium permanganate helps well. If possible, then itchy place can be applied mashed leaves of mint or bird cherry.
An insect bite can be extremely dangerous if it is a malaria mosquito. It differs from the usual in large sizes and dark spots on the wings. In such cases, the help of doctors is necessary, since there is a likelihood of a dangerous infection of the body.
A mosquito bite can be prevented by a series of special drugs. These include Akomarin, Vietnamese Star, Boro Plus and others. For children, such tools as Autan, Guardiex Baby, etc. have been developed.
Sometimes people complain that spots appear on the body, like mosquito bites. These changes in the color of the skin can be of a vascular type or have an inflammatory nature. When such spots appear, the cause of their appearance should be established. It could be:
- a bite of bloodsucking (midges, domestic parasites, midges);
- allergic to any food products;
- stress;
- infection, etc.
The spots caused by the inflammatory process indicate the presence of skin pathologies (eczema, dermatitis).