Foods that burn body fat: myth or reality?

It is unlikely that there will be a man who would not care about the beauty of his figure. We are trying in every possible way to deal with extra centimeters at the waist, wide hips, small breasts and other imperfections. And if you read this material, it means that the topic of losing weight is not indifferent to you. Losing weight has recently turned into a mania that destroys all the meaningful arguments of scientists and nutritionists.

body fat burning foods
Advertising is a hoax

First of all, I want to talk about quackery. Merchants, psychologists and marketing experts from various companies manufacturing drugs and products for "effective weight loss" rely on your self-doubt, credulity and, excuse me, laziness. Well, who doesn’t want to take any pill in the evening, before going to bed, and wake up in the morning with such a beautiful figure that you can immediately go to the photo shoot for Playboy magazine?

Body functioning

The human body is a very complex and intelligent system that cares about its health and does not like when it is limited in some way. The most common mistake of losing weight is that the huge ability of the body to self-preservation is not taken into account. You decide: "Let me eat foods that burn body fat , such as pineapples. Because they have a lot of vitamin C, and it helps to burn fat." And your body thinks: "Well, again, this little fool will starve me. Nothing, this has already happened, and I have a little fat in store. It will be necessary to postpone a couple of kilograms just in case." Do you understand? In order to lose weight, you need to regularly adhere to the principles of HEALTHY NUTRITION, and not rely on foods that burn fat in the body.

lose weight without diets
Healthy eating

Losing weight without diets means calculating the daily doses of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for the full and healthy functioning of the body. Unfortunately, many people prefer to believe in all kinds of fabrications, rather than seriously engage in their figure and health.

Myths and Realities

  1. Products that burn body fat . They do not exist! There are products that help speed up the metabolism (otherwise - metabolism). Just don’t think that you’ll go, eat a few kilograms of grapefruit, drink it with ginger tea, go to the toilet and there are no extra kilos. Will not work!
  2. Water burns fat . Absolutely not. Our body needs at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day. Otherwise, he begins to save it, and there is an accumulation of fluid in the body - these are extra centimeters and kilograms. The correct calculation of the necessary body fluid is as follows: 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. When you start drinking in the required amount, the “recharge” processes are activated, and the body begins to give up the accumulated liquid, and with it all the harmful toxins.
  3. honey burns fat
    Honey burns fat . No. It contains components that help slightly speed up the process of fat splitting. Also, honey is the best natural antioxidant, that is, it helps to cleanse the body of toxins and other harmful substances.

To summarize

I think that I was able to convince you, and you realized that foods that burn body fat are a myth. For weight loss, you need to balance your daily diet and exercise more often.

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