Punishment for theft of electricity

Rising tariffs for energy carriers is one of the most significant characteristics of the economic crisis, which is deepening more and more. In the context of this information, the theft of electricity, as well as issues related to its detection, are given primary importance. Methods of detecting theft of electricity through ASKUE and the fight against it, which is based on the systematic monitoring of absolutely every metering point using the Internet, are now considered advanced and very effective.

Theft of electricity and features of the situation

electricity theft

In the first chapter, it would be advisable to consider the theft of electricity in multi-apartment buildings. It is important to know that today there are many methods of stealing this resource. Having a clear idea about their performance, in other words, knowing them by heart, you can easily come up with how to detect this theft of electricity .

Key schemes that allow dishonest apartment owners to significantly reduce costs or not pay for electricity at all contain the following points:

  • Functional replacement of the zero wire from the circuit, which includes an electricity meter, with grounded structures of the structure, for example, water supply or fittings.
  • Setting in front of the counter "zero" in place of the "phase" (and vice versa). This fraud allows the device to work "in the opposite direction."
  • Installation of a separate power line, which is connected to a branch in front of the meter. The main purpose of the operation is to exclude it from the general scheme.
  • The use of instruments and devices in order to force the electric meter to carry out its activities “in the opposite direction”.
  • The use of magnets of substantial power in order to completely stop or slow down the metering of electricity by acting on the mechanism of the electric meter.
  • Providing mechanical effects, especially relevant for disk counters, which are even used in places in places. For example, in the case of the mechanism at the level of the disk, which is spinning, or in another inconspicuous place, a hole is drilled where the match is inserted. So the operation of the device is slowed down or stopped altogether.

Energy theft in SNT

fine for theft of electricity

In order to correctly answer the question of how to overcome the theft of electricity in a horticultural non-profit partnership, it would be advisable to determine the fundamental features of electricity consumption in SNT.

To begin with, it should be noted that the owner of the land is at the same time the owner of the electric networks passing through its territory. These circumstances greatly facilitate his access to distribution devices. However, this state of affairs in one way or another makes it difficult for control authorities to access the devices. That is why the access of the controller of the organization of energy supply to the accounting mechanisms of the owner of a land plot, as a rule, is negotiated separately through an electricity supply agreement. By the way, when access is not granted from the owner, the controlling authorities are given the absolute right to turn off the electricity.

How to provide verification?

How, then, can an electricity meter be checked for theft at a section of a gardeners' partnership? Then, when special measures are not determined by the charter of the partnership, to implement verification is a very difficult task. However, this position is used by dishonest representatives of the association.

It is logical that neighbors have to pay for unscrupulous land owners, since “unbalance” (in other words, unaccounted for electricity) has to be scattered absolutely for all owners. This is necessary in order to cover the existing difference between the expenditure amount in accordance with local accounting and electricity, which was taken into account through the electricity meter on the line that goes to the side of SNT.

Main load

What is the penalty for stealing electricity by a private person?

It is important to note that the key load associated with the cost of electricity in the case of the village is heating through the use of this resource, as well as its costs in the implementation of construction and repair work (concrete mixer, welding, and so on). The theft methodology remains the same as in multi-apartment buildings. It should be noted that especially often in this case “throwing” of collector hoses with special hooks onto the overhead line directly in front of the meter is used.

Penalty for theft of electricity in 2017

To begin with, it would be advisable to note that the measures that are being implemented against the theft of electric energy in the current year imply a certain system of fines, and in some cases criminal liability. Competent will consider liability measures in more detail. Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses characterizing theft of electricity indicates the following data:

  • A fine of an administrative purpose for individuals in the amount of from 3 to 4 thousand rubles in the event of unauthorized connection to electric power networks, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, oil product pipelines, as well as in the case of unaccounted (unauthorized) use of thermal, electric energy, gas, oil products or oil directly.
  • A fine of an administrative appointment for officials in the amount of from 6 to 8 thousand rubles under the above circumstances.
  • Imposing a fine of administrative appointment on legal entities in the amount of 16 to 18 thousand rubles in the event of a similar state of affairs.


responsible for theft of electricity

What is the fine for the theft of electricity in case of damage to the material nature on an especially large scale? Under such circumstances, a person is held criminally liable strictly under Article 165 of the current Criminal Code. It would be advisable to consider the penalties in more detail:

  • A fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of earnings (other income) of the convicted person for a period not exceeding two years, in case of property damage through fraud or breach of trust with the exception of the characteristics of theft committed in especially large amounts.
  • 2 years of imprisonment together with a fine for theft of electricity in an amount not exceeding a salary (other income) for a period up to six months, in the case of the circumstances described above.
  • Restriction of liberty for up to 1 year in a similar situation.

It is important to note that the above data fully characterize article 165 of the current Criminal Code.

How to detect theft?

After the question of what kind of punishment for the theft of electricity is supposed to be fully considered, it will be advisable to analyze various kinds of situations and find out how to detect theft. It is necessary to give a recommendation that for an absolute understanding of the immediate process it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the theft can be determined in accordance with direct and indirect evidence.

So, among the first can be attributed instant control, which is compared with real facts. Indirect evidence is, as a rule, an “imbalance” in the readings of electrical energy of the summed readings of individual consumers and the total meter.

Detection methods

What is the penalty for theft of electricity?

What is the penalty for stealing electricity by a private person? As it turned out, we are talking about administrative or criminal liability. Further, it will be appropriate to consider methods for detecting theft of electricity. It is important to note that the measures taken against this theft are inextricably linked with the identification of the theft of electrical energy and its subsequent suppression. In order to determine the punishment for the theft of electricity, you should know that the methods that dishonest consumers use to steal are quite diverse. If this factor is taken into account, it is possible to classify the methods of detecting theft of the resource in question into practical and analytical ones. It will be appropriate to describe them in the next chapter.

Analytical methods

what is the fine for the theft of electricity?

The Law on theft of electricity involves the following indirect (analytical) methods for detecting theft of a given resource:

  • Reconciliation of the readings of general-purpose meters in accordance with the directions, groups of consumers and loads to total individual consumers systematically.
  • Determination of almost identical low meter readings every month. So, perhaps, the consumer will be held responsible for the theft of electricity , because he most likely determined for himself the amount that he plans to pay for the longest possible period of time.
  • Identification of some discrepancies in the quantitative indicators of the load to external factors when applying the technology for collecting evidence remotely (ASKUE). For example, the consumption of electric energy in accordance with the metering device is not detected, however, the land of the owner is intensively illuminated.
  • Identification of some discrepancies in terms of the controlled load by means of slip clamps or a multimeter to external factors. For example, as a rule, a significant load is recorded through the clamping pliers, and the readings of the device do not change.

Practical methods

The act of theft of electricity is executed upon the positive implementation of the following theft detection methods, which are practical:

  • Checking the circuit for connecting meters.
  • Control in relation to the load on lines of a general house character and general use (after all, it is possible to connect dishonest persons to them unauthorized with a corresponding rather sharp increase in load).
  • Visual counter monitoring. This provision also applies to suitable lines. This is done to eliminate the electricity supply lines, which are bypassed in nature, the mutual replacement of the neutral wire with the phase wire, and so on.
  • In the case of visual control of the owner’s premises, it is necessary to show interest in the presence of transformers, overall mechanisms, additional value grounding lines, the status of outlets and so on.

Identification of theft through ASKUE

Considering that in Russia, electricity is not bought as a commodity, but as a service, its theft does not belong to criminal offenses, but consists, as a rule, along with administrative crimes. The turning point in such a confusing situation was the use of ASKUE, which is interpreted as an automated system of commercial electricity metering.

More details

electricity theft law

With the help of ASKUE on the question of how to prove the theft of electric energy, it became possible to present not one, but several quite adequate answers at once. ASKUE can provide unlimited control opportunities in relation to the balance of consumed and received resources. If you add to this remote access to the database and the automation of data collection, you can easily get the three notorious whales, on which the solution to problems related to theft of electricity is based.

Using the presented system effectively solves the problem of access to the territory of the owner, because it is simply empty: all information can be obtained remotely. At the same time, the direct owner bears responsibility for the absolute safety of the equipment installed on a particular site.

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