How to grow a good onion

Onion is a plant that no hostess can do without. Today we will tell you how to grow good onions, because, probably, there is no such dish where this wonderful vegetable is not added. We eat it daily and in large quantities. Therefore, for every family you need a lot of onions. Someone prefers to buy ready-made, but someone wants his own from his own garden.

Cultivation methods

Like any other culture, onions require attention and compliance with the rules of planting. If you don’t know how to grow a good onion, then we will tell you. There are several ways:

  • using sevka;
  • from seeds (nigella);
  • spring planting;
  • landing for the winter.

We will not talk about each of them, but only about those that will allow us to grow good onions and its feathers.

We plant sevok for the winter

how to grow a good onion

It is this method with proper care that gives one hundred percent result. In our natural conditions, to get a crop of healthy onions, use sevka. It can be grown from seeds, but only in a greenhouse, because in the open field your plant may not have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather. So, before you grow onions From winter to winter, select a landing site. This culture loves non-acidic loam. The most suitable place would be a bed on which potatoes, tomatoes or cucumbers previously grew. Before planting, cultivate the earth with a solution of copper sulfate. Sevka should be small, without damage, leave between them about 5 cm. Landing is recommended in early October. Top with peat or sawdust. Do not regret, pour in more. In the spring, carefully remove the top layer so that your bow shoots arrows.

Juicy feathers

how to grow onions on a feather

The greenery of this plant is very useful. You can enjoy it not only in summer but also in winter. How to grow onions on a feather? Everything is very simple. To get started, buy seeds. In the greenhouse, you can sow them in October, and in the garden begin in April. If you want to quickly get a green onion, then you can sow at the end of March under the film. Dig a bed, remove weeds and fertilize with minerals. Do not forget about drainage, since onions do not like stagnation of water. The bed should be well lit and purged. Seeds can be germinated in advance at home (but not necessarily). Sow in rows, keeping the distance between them approximately 20 cm. Do not sow deeper than 4 cm. As soon as the shoots appear, thin out the feathers. Feed onions first with nitrogen fertilizers, then phosphorus and potash.

Care Rules

how to grow onions

How to grow a good onion? Take care of him! This plant is unpretentious, but still the basic rules for caring for it must be observed. Namely:

  • loosen the soil regularly;
  • manure is useful for onions, but it must be brought in not earlier than two years before planting;
  • excess moisture is harmful, so water only if necessary (warm water);
  • choose a sunny and open landing site;
  • do not be late for planting dates (usually onions are planted as soon as the first leaves begin to blossom on a birch);
  • instead of potassium, it is better to use ash (in any quantities);
  • Harvest only when the feathers are dry and the sun will shine.

Now you know all about how to grow a good onion. We wish you a rich harvest and great health!

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