King Ithaca Odysseus. Mythology of Ancient Greece

Today we will meet such an interesting character as Odysseus (sometimes he is also called Ullis). This is the king of Ithaca. Odysseus is the son of Laertes and Anticles. According to some versions of the myth, he is the son of Sisyphus. Sisyphus allegedly seduced Anticlea before she married Laertes. Autolycus, the father of Anticley (according to Homer - "the great oath-breaker and thief"), was the son of Hermes, whom he helped in his tricks. Hence the hereditary qualities of the Odyssey, coming from Hermes - dexterity, practicality, mind. Among others, a trick should be noted. Odysseus, the characteristics of which we are interested in, in the work of Homer acquired new features. What did he bring to his image? Let's figure it out.

odyssey mythology

Odyssey's Innovation in Homer

Initially, the biography of this hero was not associated with the Trojan War. Odysseus, the story of which was the property of only adventurous fairy-tale plots, was not depicted so clearly in Homer before Homer. He was presented in the following folklore motifs: an hourly sea-threatening long-distance voyage, the character’s stay in the “other world”, and also the husband’s return at the very moment when his wife is in danger of a new marriage. These motifs were transformed by Homer's epic about the Trojan War. The poet introduced a number of important ideas into them: the selfless love of Odysseus for his homeland, his return to his homeland, the suffering of the hero who had experienced the wrath of the gods. Note that the name "Odysseus" itself comes from the Greek word meaning "I am angry." That is, it can be translated as "a man of divine wrath", "hated by the gods."

What does Homer write about such an interesting hero as Odysseus? The mythology of Ancient Greece offers us many interesting stories, but the Trojan War deserves special attention. The fact that Homer included this hero among the leaders who fought with Troy led to the formation of ideas about his military exploits, about his decisive role in the capture of the city (the motif of the wooden horse invented by Odysseus). From this moment on, the folkloric cunning, who is the "destroyer of cities," is heroic. Before us appears the brave Odysseus. Mythology is replenished with many interesting stories about him.

The image of the Odyssey

Odysseus is the most striking figure of the Ionian stage of the epic. King Ithaki is a carrier of relentless energy, practical rationality, the ability to navigate in difficult life circumstances, the ability to speak convincingly and eloquently, to treat people. In his image, in comparison with the heroes of other myths, earlier (for example, such as Ajax Telamonid, Diomedes or Achilles), a clear novelty is noticeable. Odysseus defeats not only weapons, but also mind and word. He goes to the Trojan camp with Diomedes. However, leading the warriors seduced by Tersit to submission, he not only beats Tersit and makes him a laughing stock, but also makes a fiery, inspired speech that excites the military fervor of the troops. The Odyssey is even more consistent with the heroism of the Homeric Iliad when he is sent to Achilles by one of the ambassadors or during a speech on the council. Here he speaks words that no mortal can compete with. Here is a hero Homer glorified in his work.

Odysseus is "great in heart and soul", "famous with a spear." Only Philoctetus excelled him in archery. This marks Homer. Odysseus in his image is "impeccable." Nevertheless, the hero himself admits to Alkina that among people he is famous for his cunning inventions. Athena confirms that in cunning and cunning it is difficult to compete even with God. This is the Odyssey. The mythology of ancient Greece introduces us to many stories related to it. We will tell briefly about the most famous.

How Odysseus showed himself before the start of the Trojan War

Odysseus managed to prove himself even before the start of the Trojan War. He was among the many suitors of the beautiful Queen Elena, but preferred Penelope, her cousin, Tyndareus's niece, who became his wife.

odyssey ship

After Paris abducted Elena, this hero should participate in a campaign against Troy. Odysseus, not wanting to leave his wife and newborn son Telemachus, pretends to be insane. However, Palamedes exposes him in pretense (Odysseus subsequently ruined him for this), having tested the hero on his fatherly love. Odysseus goes under Troy with 12 ships. He helps the Greeks locate Achilles, whom Thetis hid on Fr. Skyros, and also find him among the maidservants of the daughter of King Lycomedes (Deidamia). After this, Odysseus is called to deliver Iphigenia to Aulis. She was doomed to slaughter Artemis. The Greeks, on his advice, leave the wounded Philoctetus on about. Lemnos. Subsequently, he will bring it to the 10th year of the war near Troy.

Before the war, Odysseus was sent with Menelaus to Troy, in vain trying to settle the matter with the world. During the siege, he takes revenge on Palameda, whom he considers an enemy. Odysseus in the last year of the war captures Dolon, a Trojan scout, and makes a sortie along with Diomedes against Tsar Res, who has just arrived to help the Trojans. After the death of Achilles, the hero of interest to us was presented with his armor, which Ajax Telamonid also claimed. Odysseus, capturing Helen (the Trojan soothsayer), learns from him that in order to win it is necessary to take possession of the statue of Athena Pallas, which is located in Troy in the temple of this goddess. King Ithaki, disguised as a beggar, makes his way to the besieged city. He is stealing a statue. In addition, Odysseus, according to one version, belongs to the idea of ​​creating a wooden horse.

The contrast of two worlds

In the biography of Odyssey, adventurous and fairy tales are permeated with a motive of suffering. This hero, with his constant piety, finds himself in a situation in which he or his companions violate it. This leads to new deaths and suffering. The severity and cruelty of the Odyssey is the property of archaic heroics. All this recedes into the background, giving place to intellectual heroism. The hero is patronized by Athena. The Odyssey characteristically contrasts the terrible ancient world in which sorcerers, cannibals, magic, Poseidon with Polyphemus reign, and Athena, who is rich in ideas, who leads the hero home, despite all the obstacles. Thanks to her, Odysseus is saved from the world of dangerous miracles that carry him away.

Not only the Olympians help this hero. He forces Kirk to serve himself, turning evil sorcery for good. Odysseus fearlessly goes to Hades with awareness of his future. No wonder the gods are afraid that if they do not return him home, Odysseus, “contrary to fate”, will return himself. Therefore, they patronize this hero.

How begins the return of Odysseus to his homeland

Odysseus, whose birthplace is Ithaca, tried to return home for a long time. 10 years took his return, which begins with the fall of Troy. A storm threw his ships on the land of the Kicons, where he had to confront them. Odysseus ravaged Mr. Ismar, but then was forced to retreat under the onslaught of the enemy, suffering heavy losses. After 9 days, he got to the lotophages, and after that - to the country of the Cyclopes.

Cyclops Odyssey

Here, along with 12 companions, he became a prisoner of the one-eyed Polyphemus, the cannibal giant. Having lost 6 comrades, he made a giant of Thracian wine.

Laertes son

When Polyphemus fell asleep, Odysseus poked his eye with a pointed stake. The hero, together with his companions, got out of the cave as follows: clutching his hands in the wool of sheep, which the giant released every morning on the pasture. Odysseus, being on the ship, called himself blinded Polyphemus. He called upon him the curse of Poseidon, his father. Odysseus will continue to pursue his anger until his return to his homeland.

Odysseus on Eola

Odysseus, the myth of the return of which we describe, then appears on the island of Aeolus, the god of the winds. Here, as a gift, he receives fur with nasty winds tied in it. These winds should make it easier for travelers to return. They bring the Odyssey fleet closer to Ithaca, but here his companions decide to untie the fur simply out of curiosity. The winds that broke free again nailed the fleet to about. Eola. He refuses the hero further assistance.

The Sorceress Kirk

After the Odyssey fleet was attacked by the cannibals-cannibals of the Ladrigrigs, only the Odyssey ship was saved from 12 ships. He pesters about. Eya, where the sorceress Kirk rules. She turns half of the hero's companions, whom he sent for reconnaissance, into pigs. The same fate threatens Odysseus himself. However, Hermes provided him with the miraculous root of the "moth", which averts the effect of magic. The hero forces Kirk to return his human form to his injured comrades. On this island they spend a year.

Odysseus and Sirens

odyssey story

Odysseus, on the advice of Kirk, visits the underworld. He learns from the shadow of Tiresias, a deceased soothsayer, about the dangers that threaten him on his way to his homeland, as well as in his own house, located in Ithaca. The ship Odyssey, leaving the island, swims past the coast. Here, seafarers are lured on coastal sharp cliffs by sweet-voiced sirens. Odysseus plugs his ears with wax to his companions, thanks to which he manages to avoid danger. He himself listens to their singing, tied to the mast. The hero’s ship manages to safely pass the rocks floating in the sea, and also pass through the narrow strait located between Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla, the six-headed monster, manages to steal from the ship and eat six of his comrades.

Odyssey Homeland

The Sacred Cows of Helios and the Wrath of Zeus

On about. Trinakia Odyssey expects a new test. The sacred cows of Helios graze here. Odysseus, warned by Tiresias, tells his comrades that they should not encroach on these animals. However, they are starving and decide to disobey him. Comrades, taking advantage of the fact that Odysseus fell asleep, they kill the cows and eat their meat, despite the bad omen accompanying the meal. Zeus, as a punishment for this blasphemy, throws lightning at the ship of Odysseus, which went to sea. All his companions die, and he himself manages to escape on a collapsed mast. A few days later, Odyssey nails to about. Ogigia. Nymph Calypso, who lives here, keeps the hero for 7 years, until, at the insistence of Athena, the gods order the release of him to his homeland.

How does Odysseus get to his homeland

His journeys end as follows. Odysseus constructs a raft on which he sets sail. After 17 days, he sees land. But Poseidon discovers it and rains a storm on the raft, so Odysseus is forced to resort to the last resort - he decides to use the magic cover of Levkofey. The hero swims to the island of Scheria. Here the people of the feac dwells. Odysseus with the help of Nausikai (princess) finds the way to the palace of Alkinoi, the Theakian king. He participates in a feast where the narrator Demodok sings a song about the capture of Troy.

odyssey characteristic

Odysseus because of the surging memories can not hold back tears. He calls himself and begins the story of what he experienced over the past years. The people of the feac gathers rich gifts for him. With their help, on a high-speed ship, Odysseus gets home.

homer odyssey

The homeland, however, does not meet the hero with hospitality.

The murder of grooms

They will not recognize the Odyssey, since Athena is transforming it. He watches the outrages of the suitors, which force Penelope to take a new husband. King Ithaki enters the battle with Ira. He experiences all kinds of bullying from potential suitors. Odysseus, in an interview with Penelope, pretends to be a Cretan who once met her husband. He tries to inspire confidence in the woman that her husband will return. Meanwhile, the nanny Euriclea, whom Odysseus' wife instructs to wash his feet, recognizes him by his scar, but he keeps a secret under penalty of punishment. According to Athena, Penelope arranges a competition in archery, which belongs to Odysseus. None of the applicants can even pull the bowstring. Then Odysseus takes a bow and with the help of Athena, together with Telemachus, kills his offenders. Laertes and Penelope, who had lost hope of his return, he makes himself known by signs that are known only to them. Athena with the consent of Zeus establishes peace between the king of Ithaca and the relatives of the murdered suitors. After this, Odysseus reigns peacefully.

Versions of the last years of Odyssey’s life

Telegon (the son of Kirk and Odysseus) during one of his absences arrives at Ithaca. His mother sent him to find Odysseus. There is a battle between the arrivals and King Ithaki. Telegon in a duel mortally wounds a father whom he does not recognize. After a belated identification, according to one version, he takes his body for burial to Kirk. According to other versions, King Ithaca dies peacefully in Epirus or Aetolia, where he is revered as a hero with the gift of posthumous divination. Probably, the local cult of Odysseus has long existed. After some time, it spread throughout Italy.

Odysseus gained great popularity. The mythology of Ancient Greece today has gained great fame. Ancient Greek myths are known and loved by people around the world.

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