How to make your waist thinner: simple tips

The thin waist is the dream of every woman and the subject of admiration for all men without exception. In pursuit of the aspen waist, the girls are ready for anything from a hunger strike to liposuction and removal of ribs. I urge you not to torment yourself with diets and in no case go to the surgical table! Nowadays, there are many other ways to fight for chic shapes. You do not know how to make the waist thinner? We will help you!

Back in the 18th century, women sought to recreate the ideal image, thereby conquering the male half. Young girls wore tight corsets and regularly fainted from a lack of oxygen and food. After several centuries, nothing has changed, except the Internet has appeared, and with it thousands of ways to lose weight and bring your body to an ideal 90-60-90.

On how to make the waist thinner, many articles and books have been written. How to get the perfect figure as quickly as possible without the help of surgeons? First, determine how many centimeters in the waist you want to remove. Before deciding on the desired size, it is worth identifying the proportions of your own body. If your height is more than 170, and your physique is large, then it’s stupid to dream about a waist of 50 centimeters, your norm is 70 or more. Also, the volumes depend on the width of the bones, the ratio of the shoulders and hips. Also, according to experts, if the volume of the hips and chest are the same, then the waist should have 70% of these volumes. It is this difference that is the β€œgolden mean,” which looks excellent under any constitution. Unfortunately, not all women have a narrow waist by nature. The more women have female sex hormones in the body, the more slender the waist will be. Also often young girls involved in sports such as football, gymnastics, boxing, etc. (primordially male, power sports), spoil your figure and do not notice how the waist disappears, and the shoulder and pectoral muscles are much more developed than the hip.

Make your waist thinner with fitness workouts. The main thing to remember, contrary to popular belief, exercises on the press (both on the straight and on its oblique muscles) worsen the situation, increase volumes. In general, any active power loads on the abdominal part negatively affect your waist. All exercises for a thin waist and a flat stomach should be performed after a short warm-up. Warm up can be absolutely anything: a light run, dance movements to rhythmic music or stretching.

The set of exercises includes several simple actions, which are mostly performed lying on the carpet.

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and turn in different directions, riding on the floor.
  2. Without rising from the floor, bend your feet, keeping your feet on the surface. Tilt both legs left and right, touching the floor with your knees.
  3. It will help in the difficult struggle for a chic waist and hoop, which you need to twist daily for half an hour.
  4. Without changing the starting position, put your hands on the floor along your body, pull your stomach. Lift your hips up as high as possible, straining the muscles of the abs and pelvis. Slow down slowly. Repeat the exercise in 3 sets 30 times with an interval of 15 seconds.

If you are tormented by the question - how to make the waist thinner without doing sports, we advise you to contact a cosmetologist or do spa procedures at home. There is one very effective method that thousands of housewives have tested. Place a sufficiently thick slurry of mustard powder, a couple of tablespoons of water and honey. Having mixed all this, apply the mass on the stomach and problem areas, wrap the abdominal cavity with plastic film so that the entire waist and stomach are in the β€œbath”. To make the procedure more successful, additionally wrap your waist with a terry towel or woolen blanket. This home wrap will help you answer the question of how to make the waist thinner, and get rid of 2 centimeters in the waist in half an hour without much effort.

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